Sunday, October 17, 2010

@21:00, 10/16/10

  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Oct 15, 2010
    Tim Moore
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Oct 15, 2010
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Oct 15, 2010
    Benoit Mandelbrot, Mathematician, Dies at 85
    Dr. Mandelbrot, a maverick mathematician, developed an innovative theory to study uneven shapes and applied it to physics, biology and many other fields.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Oct 15, 2010
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Oct 15, 2010
    iPhones for Toddlers
    Smartphones may mollify a fussy toddler, but does this new Toy of Choice inhibit a child’s development?
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Oct 15, 2010
    • delamothe posted to Twitter an article:
      6:49 pm
      Cars Born to Run With Smartphone Apps
      “Cars Born to Run With Smartphone Apps -” 
      What a pain.  If I am not fit to drive I want to be parked and out of the car.  No warning system will be sufficient.  The circumstances that would get me to endanger a pedestrian are those where that appears to be the best path for all of us. 
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Oct 15, 2010
    Hitler Exhibit Explores German Society That Empowered Nazis
    A show in Berlin focuses on the German society that nurtured and empowered the Nazi leader.
    (  )
    The book is much cheaper than the trip.  
    (  "hitler's willing accomplices"  ) a google search with 1,250 hits.

    You can look at the below directly or you can Google ( leni riefenstahl ) and take the videos.
    (  )

  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Oct 15, 2010
    • browndamon posted to Twitter an article:
      5:53 pm
      Death of a Fulton Fish Market Fixture
      “Good #narrative piece in the @nytimes: Death of a Fulton Fish Market Fixture -” 
      The Fulton street market is gone.  Its people are going.  There are other places and groups.  I do not need to see them pass.  I would like to have as much impact on the world as she.  I do not want to take her path.  I sampled it. Did not like the taste and smell.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Oct 15, 2010
    • bean4peas posted to Twitter an article:
      6:43 pm
      Benoit Mandelbrot, Mathematician, Dies at 85
      “Benoit Mandelbrot, Mathematician, Dies at 85 -” 
      I am sorry that he is gone and that I never met him. 
      The length of the coastline of Britain is quite a large number but it is finite if only because the number of particles in the sea is finite.
      I would have enjoyed sharing coffee with him.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Oct 15, 2010
    • praxishabitus posted to Twitter an article:
      11:50 am
      iPhones for Toddlers
      “Making the revolution 'kid-friendly' ~ iPhones for Toddlers - NYT #hackerethic #highered” 
      My only worries would be the shock damage and financial damage by the phone bill.  The child will want to run and physically play when it is time.  The phone is rather an ideal toy.  I have always considered tools to be the best toys. They do things.  Learning to do things that help is a very big step and makes children a joy. 


  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Oct 15, 2010
    • edgery posted to Twitter an editorial:
      Oct 16, 2010
      Sudan’s Threatened Peace Deal
      “Sudan’s Threatened Peace Deal -” 
      There never was a peace deal.  Only an armistice. The north must be defeated if the south is to survive.  The last time it took an army and a long campaign. See "Chinese" Gordon.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Oct 15, 2010
    • SprinklesDesign posted to Twitter a slide show:
      Jun 23, 2010
      On Location: A Tiny Victorian Cottage
      “On Location: You've got to love the his and hers ramshackles and that nytimes had 16 photos dedicated to them!” 
      Any such confection would be your space. I will build it if you wish or I can teach the necessary skills.  Victorian aesthetics of this kind make me hate myself.  There are other subsets of Victorian that make me much more comfortable.  Let us discuss what you want and I will make some pictures.  My studio will be much closer to nineteenth century workshop design but with a heated floor, south and north facing glass, Plank interior walls, a dust free space, a hot metal area and a library.  I don't know how to keep this small so it will probably have to grow over time or I will have to settle for what I can do. 
      My plan has been to have staff to make the various areas pay.  I want access to the tool groups but I cannot keep them all busy all the time. 
      I think the way is to enable specialists who will in turn keep things busy and profitable.  If I cannot be them I can employ them.  I just need to produce a string of projects that pay enough to pyramid the business.  If green is a theme that pleases, I can do green.
      I do not see how to do isolation. I need a market if it is to pay.
      I do not feel that I have any great aesthetic revelation to impart. 
      I can do things neater, prettier, cheaper, more interesting than most others.  Beauty is an ongoing project.   
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Oct 15, 2010
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Oct 15, 2010
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Oct 15, 2010
    • jenny8lee recommended an article:
      Sep 2, 2010
      For the A-Cup Crowd, Minimal Assets Are a Plus
      Many women these days want to showcase their small chests, not pad them out. Retailers are listening.
      I can suppress my condition for a time.  But thus far it has forced its way to the surface of my mind and I am "taken". 
                                                                                        I love you.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Oct 15, 2010
    Jennifer Preston
    • Jennifer Preston posted to Twitter an article:
      Oct 13, 2010
      Cheering On Miners at Chilean Restaurant in NYC
      “Cheering on Rescue of Miners at Chilean Restaurant in NYC - #chileanminers” 
                                                                        This has been a great "human 
      interest" story.  I am glad they got out.
      I remain curious about how this deep mine came to be the way it was.  Usually such a hole is used to extract a great deal of rock. The cavity is so designed and supported that no accidental fall can block all escape.  Most of the ore is extracted by intentional controlled falls.  The mining here did not follow this pattern.  Why not?
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Oct 15, 2010
    ‘The Social Network’ Captures the Facebook Obsession
    The movie “The Social Network” succeeds, in part, by showing the selfishness and arrogance often displayed by young entrepreneurs.
    OK. The kids need some motivation to put in the intellectual and physical effort required.  The patent and the trademark offices exist to tell them to stop and think again.  Mostly if the rest of us object to the actions of these motivated individuals there is a law that is being violated and a person with the power to insist tells them to stop or pay the consequences.  Not listening fills the courts and the prisons.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Oct 15, 2010
    • crick posted to Twitter a blog post:
      Jan 20, 2010
      App of the Week: Hop on a Suite of Free Voice Services
      “NYT App of the Week: @Ribbit "Hop on a Suite of Free Voice Services" -” 
      Another tool for those with a business or social life. It might be a good thing for you but it is useless to me at this time.  I always have time and space to check voice-mail except when I do not and then any interruption voice or text will be ignored.  Send an email it gets through.  I check it every few days.  More if I am expecting a message.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Oct 15, 2010
    U.S. Will Enforce Marijuana Laws, State Vote Aside
    Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. is the latest establishment figure to line up against a marijuana legalization initiative.
    Lee Baca will go to jail for abuse of power if the vote goes against him. Arbitrary arrest is not viewed favourably by the courts. Pot does not have the hook of tobacco or alcohol. it is not a healthful thing when smoked but in brownies or other ingested things I expect that it is no worse than any other herb. The fibre has many uses. The tissue removed from the fibre is probably rich in the active gum. If the paper made from the fibre is as good as advertised there will be much less load on our forests. The plant seems much less vulnerable to pests than cotton and the staple is very long. Linen has nearly passed out of production but here is a substitute. Stoning the poor looks to be a very cheap way to keep urban peace.  
    Put the plant people to work and lets get South and Central America too dizzy to bother us.  That their civilization will go to pot is moral hazard. 
    The hash we make of it will be our own.  
    The stuff has never done much for me.  It does not improve my dreams.  I am told it makes bad music bearable. Better to make good music that needs no filter.    
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Oct 15, 2010
    The Mississippi Pardons
    Two sisters serving life sentences for an $11 robbery are seeking clemency from a governor who has pardoned murderers.

    I am curious as to why the prosecutor so wanted to lock up these girls.
    Why is Governor Barbour still in office? Why does the black majority tolerate this abuse? 
    The time for honest government in Mississippi is here and this kind of abuse must end. Lynch law is criminal and should draw criminal penalties even when perpetrated in accordance with the accepted forms. 

    This attitude conflicts with my attitude on pot in California if I appeal to federal power.  I do not think I have.  Mississippi must clean itself up. 
    Federal law enforcement has no power to do it for them.

(  )  Enjoy.

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