Thursday, October 28, 2010

@16:48, 10/27/10 No frost yet


  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Oct 26, 2010
    • ucsf posted to Twitter an article:
      1:10 pm
      Following Trail of Lost AIDS Patients in Africa
      “Following Trail of Lost AIDS Patients in Africa - UCSF FACES program - #globalhealth #HIV” 
      A very sad tale. There is no mention of a postal service.  Universal literacy is so very useful.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Oct 26, 2010
    • jenny8lee recommended an article:
      Sep 2, 2010
      For the A-Cup Crowd, Minimal Assets Are a Plus
      Many women these days want to showcase their small chests, not pad them out. Retailers are listening.
      I am assuming that this is what you want. The spam king's removal has already been considered.
      Hot food, ready when you are, is often confused with love.  I don't and you probably don't.  This has not prevented me from considering the problem.  I have the idea that cooking to temperature rather than to time is a very good idea.  Many things can be held ready for long periods with careful temperature control.  I80 F. is one of those temperatures. 212 F. is another  215 another as is 150 F. There are others. If the end point is tightly controlled the heat rate can get quite high.  Quick cooking without burning. Cooked dry but not burnt. Deeply browned without scorching. The possibilities go on. Soups and stews that really are ready to serve without attention. Soft eggs that wait.
      Make no mistake, I love you and I want to hear your words and the tone and rhythm of them.
      I also want to compete for the middle of the bed, not to force you out but to share it.  Our bed.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Oct 26, 2010
    Jennifer Preston
    • Jennifer Preston posted to Twitter an interactive graphic:
      3:07 pm
      Gloves of the World Series
      “ "Gloves of the World Series - Nice interactive w/Babe Ruth, Joe DiMaggio, more.” 
      I never learned to throw well. Some things need open space.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Oct 26, 2010
    • bondidwhat posted to Twitter a slide show:
      11:33 am
      The Subway Art History Project
      “If you are a subwayphile like me, you should check this out! The Subway Art History Project -” 
      The original work was better. 
      Studied innocence is an oxymoron.  The next step should be design.
      Design is all sophistication. As in art there are no accidents but the intellectual process is much different.  Passion with polish.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Oct 26, 2010
    • jessicavogel posted to Twitter an article:
      11:24 am
      Researchers Pinpoint the Effect New Roommates Have on Each Other
      “Olga was my thesis director! So cool! - Researchers Pinpoint the Effect New Roommates Have on Each Other”

      What I remember is really hating the arrangement, not wanting to know my room mates and just not fitting.
      My sisters child has decided on the school of art. She is literate and numerate. She has a single and is reported to be doing well.  Her interest is Anime and fantasy specifically graphic novels. There are no special boys or girls reported.  
      We await developments. 
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Oct 26, 2010
    When a Pirate Is the Voice of Chivalry
    In a campaign season known for flashes of misogyny, chivalry is coming from an unexpected quarter: a rebellious Rolling Stone. 

    I will still read a used copy or a library edition.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Oct 26, 2010
    • herbert3rd posted to Twitter an article:
      Oct 27, 2010
      No Second Thoughts
      “No Second Thoughts -” 
      We knew David Brooks is a sophist.
      I hope getting invited to those parties is worth it for him.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Oct 26, 2010
    • olgageorgina posted to Twitter an article:
      3:21 pm
      As Populations Age, a Chance for Younger Nations
      “As Populations Age, a Chance for Younger Nations - <- Impresionante!” 
      Here we have a work by a man who knew his conclusions before he did his research.  There has been a great deal of study of aging populations. There has been careful consideration of macroeconomics. The author is the victim of bad education by people offended by the existence of the new deal. He persistently confuses cause and effect and confuses correlation with causality. 
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Oct 26, 2010
    • Mattyvan posted to Twitter an article:
      Oct 1, 2010
      LinkedIn, the Social Network That Gets Down to Business
      “LinkedIn, the Social Network That Gets Down to Business - - I use LI. do you?” 
      I am there. I am not looking for work or for workers.  Why don't you send me a note?  They send me notifications or have.  I did find you there and received no response.
      Borrow a machine and send me mail. You know the address at aol.
      Any others are dead.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Oct 26, 2010
    Igor A. Gusev, Leader of SpamIt, Investigated by Russian Police
    Spam around the world dropped by an estimated one-fifth after Russia’s pursuit of a suspected spam kingpin.

    Collateral damage is possible.  I would blame most of the proliferation on Bot nets.  Assemblages of computers with Potemkin operating systems.
    It is a very big difference. I hope it stays low.  If the pressure keeps up it may go lower.    

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