“Digital Diplomacy - http://nyti.ms/a73fWa Check out this piece on my friend Jarred Cohen he's a great to follow if you like politics.”
These are hard working people at the state department doing direct diplomacy. This has its problems because many repressive governments consider it espionage.
Decades after Daniel Patrick Moynihan, scholars are conceding culture and persistent poverty are enmeshed.
The reactionaries want to frame this by calling it blaming the victim. Obviously a culture is acquired well before consciousness. Free will has little to do with ones culture unless real effort is exerted by the individuals. The Children do catch powerlessness and failure from their families in exactly the same way as they catch religion.
“Three R’s for Extreme Longevity - http://nyti.ms/do35og”
we are all working on this. It looks like we can have some time.
I am a bit worried about mothers' social support. Her friends have, for the most part died.
Google likes to have its finger on the pulse of the Web, and that’s becoming harder to do as users increasingly use closed networks like Facebook.
Sales people traditionally wear thick soled shoes so when they get a foot in the door the foot does not get crushed. the low level people at google need to wear better shoes or keep their feet out of doors.
Apple’s PC-versus-Mac battle almost put it out of business. Is it creating a similar one in the smartphone field?
The article ends with the note that even if Apple does not monopolize the phone market it will have plenty of customers
The Stone is a forum for contemporary philosophers on issues both timely and timeless.
Morality appears not to be a command system.
Like the Republican party, religious leaders find out what people think is good and exert great efforts to get in a position to tell them to do that.
I really find that I have no use for gods in the world I live in and hope that whatever gods may exist have no use for me.
Only one of the Republicans running for the Senate accepts the scientific consensus that humans are responsible for global warming.
At a guess ther is a purchase agreement in effect. The choir is very well trained.
“In today's NY Times, video: An American at the Bolshoi - http://nyti.ms/asmdOi”
“Cyberwar Chief Calls for Secure Computer Network - http://nyti.ms/9MyItw”
Of course the security people want their own playpen with their private toys.
China’s rare-earth monopoly is yet another example of its refusal to play by the rules.
We are going to have to find a policy position for Paul Krugman.
The problem is that that would be a step down. Maybe Ben Bernanke can just salute and ask how high.
TLWH posted to Twitter a blog post:
“30-Mile Logjam on Malaysian River Hints at Forest Crimes - http://nyti.ms/ba0ywO”
If you have been paying attention you know the crimes are taking place. How to get hungry people and greedy officials to understand that these small actions are important and must not happen is more difficult problem The Millennium is not coming and no Messiah will repair the world for us.
TLWH posted to Twitter an article:
“America’s History of Fear - http://nyti.ms/ax2KFb”
Found it again. Most of the time most of us are rational. When that fails the troubles multiply.
Why aren’t Iraq and Afghanistan campaign issues?
The policy of shut down is obvious and accepted. Pushing to extend them would just open and spill the whole can of worms. The powers of the last administration would get prosecuted. No one would come back to life.
“BP Sells Assets to TNK-BP to Pay for Gulf Spill -Raises $1.8 Billion in Sale to Russian Joint Venture http://nyti.ms/bW89pw”
Shedding real assets is an early step toward bankruptcy.
A new online video channel is reaching out to teenagers who are bullied at school for being gay. The message: life really does get better after high school. This helps a lot. Their problem is that they hurt now and their pain is very immediate. No promise of a better future corrects a bitter present. They know that tomorrow they will wake up and be still in the same fix they are in today. We really need to get the gays the help and comfort the need today, today. Promises are not sufficiently binding.
Economics was founded by moral philosophers, and links between the two disciplines remain strong. So why won’t economists make judgements on the gap between rich and poor?
This economist has. It is not a good thing. To grow the wealth of the wealthy at the expense of the poor is much more not a good thing.
A new online video channel is reaching out to teenagers who are bullied at school for being gay. The message: life really does get better after high school.
It is still a promise and not a fact to them. How we can make life better for them now is left unresolved. To the depressed the future looks a great deal like the present and the present is unbearable.
Facebook said on Monday that it had made changes to how applications on its site could handle some personal data, after a report said that it had improperly allowed some of those applications to share the data with advertisers and Web tracking com...
The salesmen of this world truly value customers. They have money that can be extracted. They are GOLD!
“Who Will Benefit From National Education Standards? - Room for Debate - http://nyti.ms/c3jZJN”
I have never before made one of these transferred links work!
Most standards are not as good as the national ones. Texas is an example that comes to mind. The standards that are better, if any, have large constituencies that desire lower standards for other peoples children. Paying for high standards is never popular among the childless and the private school patrons.
Ali_Asi posted to Twitter an article:
“Confronting Income Inequality - http://nyti.ms/9Cg2SD”
He does not make a solid argument but his opinion has my approval.
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