Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Reality Moment

“Out of Britain, a thoughtful call for efficient govt. Great column by David Brooks, NYT”

"Here, Democrats still get ahead by promising tax cuts for the bottom 98 percent and Republicans get ahead by promising tax cuts for all and Medicare cuts for none."


George Osborne: “it is because we treat those who work in our public sector with respect that I want to be straight with you about the choices we face.”

David Brooks: "The key is that Osborne is not merely offering pain, but a different economic vision — different from Labour and different from the Thatcherism that was designed to meet the problems of the 1980s."

David Brooks: "In the U.S., the economic crisis has caused many to question capitalism. But Britain has discredited the center-left agenda with its unrelenting public spending, its public development agencies and disappointing public-private investment partnerships."

A residual rural/suburban bias carried the election for the conservatives. Labour decisively lost. The Conservatives rule in a coalition with the runner up, The Liberal Democrats. The forecast pain has not been imposed though the governance of the National Health has been delegated to the local level.

David Brooks is distorting the facts and making statements in advance of results. His opinions dominate his reasoning.

Obama’s ‘Race’ War

The fight between the left and the right over which side is most racist is really about the president. Will he step in to stop it?

Ultimately, racism only matters to racists.

A charge of racism is like a charge of witchcraft in medieval Germany. One stands convicted until proven innocent.

Our president must stand above the fray as he has done. He must not go looking and the facts must be checked. The fight is where you find it.

A Sin and a Shame

So long as American corporations keep squeezing their work forces, there can be no real economic recovery.

TimesPeople recommended an article:

Jul 30, 2010
A Sin and a Shame

So long as American corporations keep squeezing their work forces, there can be no real economic recovery.

Jul 30, 2010
A Sin and a Shame

So long as American corporations keep squeezing their work forces, there can be no real economic recovery.

I am having trouble with this Bob Herbert column.

He is not wrong. He is far from correct. If I were grading this column it would get a bare passing grade. Business managers have a legal duty to get the best return on investment they can. Fiduciary duty requires them to follow the orders of the board of directors, the stock holders representatives, in the most effective way they can. The companies employees are fungible. An employee has no job security beyond what is negotiated at contract time. Unions exist to negotiate such contracts with management. The destruction of the unions has been the Republican party's goal for at least the last hundred years.

Our present economy is the triumph of the Republican party.

They see themselves as winners and resent having to defend their victory.

Jul 30, 2010
The Uses and Abuses of Science Blogging

“The Uses and Abuses of Science Blogging - NYT #hcsm”

Jul 30, 2010
The Uses and Abuses of Science Blogging

“The Uses and Abuses of Science Blogging - NYT #hcsm”


David Brooks does not fight fair, if there is such a thing.

I Tweet, Therefore I Am

Are Twitter posts an expression of who we are — or are they changing who we are?


Steve Sieck
I Tweet, Therefore I Am

“I Tweet, Therefore I Am - "encouraging self-promotion over self awareness..." hmmm, useful reflection...”

Marshal McLuhan (

"We form our tools and thereafter our tools form us."

It is recursive.

A chance to think again.
This is yesterdays.




As in "the late lamented . . ."
A chance to think again.




As in "the late lamented . . ."