Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The ratio of complexity and complication

Complexity by complication.
These terms are fundamentally different. This extends "on design". The ratio is an aesthetic measure.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I think I have nailed this profession of design.
The problem I am having is one of philosophy.
I expect that I am better prepared than most to deal with it.
Is truth separable from experience?
I say no.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

JBL to sat. South to indian river in cedar lakes wilderness. weather good.

7/11/09 - 7/12/09 Motel night, Tupper Lake. off to limekiln, Indian, south of limekiln, not on the Jessup. Look at the Indian river back toward cedar lakes. Cedar River Flow?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Industrial design / product design

This is the source and reason for my view of aesthetics.

The "profession" of industrial design consists of the manipulation of the end users of objects through their aesthetic responses. Because this takes place in a commercial environment, manipulations are strictly time and cost limited.
Occasionally there is an opportunity to start a project with a blank sheet of paper. This can be fun in the deliverable stay finite and the manager stays enough involved to follow the project learning curve. The problem with such projects is to deal with the entire situation. The engineer probably will See no point in designing the package and the interface. He knows what all the buttons do and what will result from pushing them in a given order. The user will not know. The salesman knows what is on the spec. sheet and how to run the demo. This is probably useless to the user who probably comes to the equipment cold. Think of a command line dos "C:" prompt. type (file name) |more is not obvious nor is cd*. The color of the screen is just a fact to the hacker. To a casual user it is its fifth wall and proscenium arch. Keyboards are another can of worms.