Thursday, December 31, 2009

Some things require face time.
I am willing.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Child Rearing

Child Rearing

The best test of any procedure is the result.
If you are happy with her and she with herself, that is a wonderful success.
Failures and other disasters abound.

I can and probably will carry on theoretically. I am not an authority.

I will do as instructed.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My decisions are all made. My unlimited yes stands.

I will try to read all you reveal.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Reading Still

reading your posts, learning. Thank You.

merry merry

Feeling my S.A.D.

Still, it is a season of joy and hope.
I was raised a Unitarian.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Contact feeler?

No matter how or what I desire, I will take no greater action without a direct invitation. More, please.

I find this man a very good source on politics. He is a Canadian with connections to Austin, Texas.

Monday, December 7, 2009


I do not wish to reconsider.
The unlimited yes stands.


Thank you for your words. I have much to think on. I have missed you for so very long.
I am very relieved.
I still want to see pictures.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

They told us that only "real" love lasts. More than a generation later the attachment is still very present for me. Not a puppy but a pack. I did puppy.
You were and are not that.

I want to do a card for the season. More, I would like to receive one.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

confused again.

The two cases are not comparable.
Tiger Woods sponsors pay him to win golf tournaments. He does that very well when he can play. His wife's threat to drive his balls her way may yet get him abandoned but it has little bearing on his endorsements of golf equipment. It might enhance the relationship with Gatorade. “This is textbook in P.R. circles in terms of addressing an issue and bridging to a vision of moving forward,” Perlut wrote. “And that should suffice in terms of helping him manage his personal brand, which is worth more than $100 million annually.”
Eliot Spitzer has left public life. His proper response was Wellingtons: "Publish and be damned". The problem he faced was a perceived blackmail vulnerability. The republican party was hunting for him. His State Police guards sold him. I believe that he thought he could not function in such a hostile environment.
So, yes, golf is why tiger is so special. That and he is very pretty.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

That Scout is a very blond dog. In the flicker pictures, as a puppy there was a perceptible yellow tint to it's ears. That leads me to wonder if peroxide entered the picture.

Dogs are fine with me. I do not have a dog because I cannot bend my life to give one the leadership it would require.
It would please me to co parrent a pup. It would be your dog.