Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Computer Chips Seem Poised to Shrink Again

Researchers are reporting that they can overcome a barrier to the continued rapid miniaturization of computer memory.

There are several limiting conditions that have nothing to do with local hardware.

There is the jelly ware, me, and the pipe size. If this will replace the hard drive with a non-moving system, it will be revolutionary. Some of us use thumb drives for this but they have limited cyclic lives. At this time a raid system (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAID ) is the industry standard.

Banks Make a Shift Toward Greener Lending

Some large lenders are taking a stand on industry practices — like mining and deforestation — that they regard as risky to their reputations.

There is nothing so effective as a well financed class action suit to force a for profit corporation to 'cease and desist'. Profit is their sole reason for existence.

At Bookstore, Even Those Not Buying Regret Its End

With more people choosing to buy books online, a Barnes & Noble on the Upper West Side prepared to close early next year.

I have never visited this particular store. I use the one on the"Miracle Mile" and the one in Carl Place. I regret the loss of all of them. The rack of "Bodice Rippers" at the supermarket does not do it.

I have bought at The Strand for many years. You could try City Lights.

( http://www.citylights.com/ )

Francesca is watching "The Latest"

Why Wall St. Donors Are Deserting Obama

“I would find it hilarious that #wallstreet bankers fancy themselves a persecuted minority if it weren't so dangerous http://nyti.ms/9PLNCD”

Is it paint or paint remover that is being applied to wall street?

I would prefer that these pirates extract their profits somewhere else. What we see is there is nothing left in the old game but losses.

It is not that they are painted as villains, rather their villainy is discovered.


We Owe the Troops an Exit

There is no silver lining to the war in Afghanistan, and its toll — in dollars and in lives — is growing.

Bob Herbert has not the courage of his headline writer.

The only way to "win" these wars in South Asia is to convince the believers that their faith is in error. They will prefer to die.

The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party

“The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party - http://nyti.ms/cXpiuI”

An impressively self interested clique. Sunlight helps.

@4:50, 08/31/10

TimesPeople recommended a blog post: 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444

Bedbugs Crawl, They Bite, They Baffle Scientists

Ask experts why bedbugs disappeared for 40 years, why they came back, why they don’t spread disease, and you hear one answer: “Good question.”

DDT is a really nasty chemical. It interferes with calcium metabolism. The bugs do not get immune, neither do the birds. Heat does them in. They are a feature of the Freegan life. A good reason not to lead it.

The Outlines of a Future Palestinian State

As a Middle East summit meeting approaches in Washington, some find encouraging signs about a two-state solution in improved security and governance by the Palestinian Authority.

I see no surrender as yet.

The conflict sleeps at best.

Phys Ed: Your Brain on Exercise

“Phys Ed: Your Brain on Exercise - http://nyti.ms/aBBz3O”

What we also know is that labourers tend to die young.

There is a balance between exercise and rest on one axis and between

cogitation and entertainment. They may be independent.

I want to do a literature search but must do some work.

@10:30, 08/29/10



@5:07, 08/30/10