Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Reclaiming Ireland’s Culinary Heritage, One Roast Lamb or Sponge Cake at a Time

Darina Allen, the Irish chef, teacher and advocate for sustainable farming, visits the Union Square Greenmarket.

Nice bio piece. I enjoyed it. I have not read Julia Child.

I have read with interest:

Buy new: $40.00 $25.30
59 new from $21.29
33 used from $19.99

amazon listing.
City Will Stop Paying the Poor for Good Behavior

Whatever happened to personal responsibility? America is really doomed and on a huge downward spiral. We have lost our work ethic, our sense of responsibility and we certainly cannot take care of our own bodies. Let's just hand over our keys and our wallets to the Feds. It is clear that is where we are headed. Can anyone say "Costa Rica"?

Can anyone say GOP FUD? (fear uncertainty and dread) "All Taxes ARE BAAAD"

Northeast China Branches Out in Flushing

Crispy lamb with cumin, scallions and red chilies.More Photos >

Google Searches for a Foreign Policy

Nations have interests. So do global information companies. And they’re not always the same.

Behind Consumer Agency Idea, a Tireless Advocate

“Brains behind consumer financial protectiom agency, Elizabeth Warren. Her "Two Income Trap is a great book”

But we knew that.

This Time We Really Mean It

Military force alone can provide limited benefits and we have long since received those benefits. Now we are just paying the cost in blood and money. Friedman is right that supporting Afghanistan's development is a better way to win hearts and minds than by continuing to kill people. People appreciate jobs, schools, medical clinics and hospitals. Time to switch our strategies and start bringing the troop home now. The savings can be shared between development projects in both Afghanistan and here in the US, where countless Americans can't get jobs.

The GOP wants disaster.

If we bring the troops home, the programs will not be funded. As long as they are there, they will be supported. People here will have some jobs. There will be money to do humanitarian projects there. The troops can hide in "enclaves".

Another year and defeat for the GOP in the next election does not seem to me too high a price to pay to avoid disaster here and there. Then we can hang the bastards out to dry. Tar was used to slow the process.

Mine fields protecting schools. What a terrible idea.

Risks Seen in Cholesterol Drug Use in Healthy People

I agree with the comment about the expense versus the risk. I have spent about $250,000 for medical insurance but received no benefits. If I had the $250,000 I would be under a lot less stress. From a public health standpoint, the most important is good food, clean water etc. I am worried about drug residues in the drinking water. I bet a lot of people lie to their doctors about alcohol consumption because they are worried about their insurability. Alcohol plus prescription drugs = liver damage.

The worry on residues in the water is probably not well founded. An activated charcoal filter will remove them for a very long time. A Britta pitcher Will catch them. Not as well as an in line filter but the twenty bucks for peace of mind seems well worth it. The replaceable element will become unsafe bacteriologically well before it passes pharmaceutical crap. stick with the interval on the label. Here we drink fosil water about 30,000 years old. other places are not so lucky. Sanfrancisco drinks Toulami river water. The population of that water shed is near zero. Know what you drink.

Food is more problematic. Kosher is good, so is Halal. Very nearly the same thing though they would not admit it. I am not at all sure that the organic label is worth the premium. The growers are recognising that pesticides are an unnecessary cost. Fertilizers in a rational program work. and do not ruin the ground water but when was a farmer with a loan rational?

Alcohol and other drugs. Medicin is an art as well as a science. It is also commerce. Less commerce dependance will help. Getting the money out of most recreational drugs would help. Not using the recreational drugs is best.

I drive a lot. I do not drink to drunkeness and never when I will be driving within four hours. I buy a very occaisonal beer. I buy wine for occaisions. perhaps three times a year. I use no unperscribed drugs but asperin.

Coffee, tea, chocolat sugar honey salt are there and might count.

Should There Be an Inquisition for the Pope?

Isn't it amazing how much Western Civilization has progressed. A few hundred years ago we would all be burnt at the stake for even having this conversation.

The shoe is on the other foot.

Can Animals be Gay?

What consenting adult animals do is there own business

'In 1999, Baghemihl published “Biological Exuberance,” a book that pulled together a colossal amount of previous piecemeal research and showed how biologists’ biases had marginalized animal homosexuality for the last 150 years"

Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time

It takes all kinds of energy to contribute to the country's energy mix. Some oil and gas, some solar and wind, some nuclear and hydro, some conservation. For those ranting and raving about how bad this decision is, what responsibility do YOU accept for reducing dependance on fossil fuels ... or is solely the responsibility of governments and companies to provide affordable energy in a manner that satisfies your refined tastes? East coast has gas potential, not so sure about oil potential. OIl and gas drilling has taken place off the Texas and Louisiana coasts for decades. The Texas and Louisiana coast has bayous, barrier islands with sandy beaches, migratory bird sanctuaries... What is so special about the east coast that it must remain off-limits to oil and gas drilling? Why is the east coast 'environmentally sensitive'? Show me a plot of earth that is not 'environmentally sensitive' to one degree or another. It's not as if oil companies wilfully spill oil - every spilled drop is lost revenue. And lastly, many people probably imagine a forest of derricks like Venezuela's Lake Maracaibo. Even the North Sea, a major offshore oil and gas province, features small platforms (relatively speaking, deck area on a platform is one or two suburban lots) separated by miles and miles of open water.


The drilling policy change will require an act of congress. If a presidential order were enough, the shrub would have issued it.

The GOP has promised noncooperation in all things. There are more than 41 Democrats in the senate who will oppose drilling under all conditions. If the GOP breaks their promise and votes for the bill it will be blocked and they will once again demonstrate their duplicity. If they vote against the bill it will never come up again, they will loose their oil based backers and not be elected.

This is not a Tea Bagging, it is a sand bagging. I say let it play out. I want to see this GOP die. We need a loyal oposition.

This Time We Really Mean It

This newspaper carried a very troubling article on the front page on Monday. It detailed how President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan had invited Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to Kabul — in order to stick a thumb in the eye of the Obama ad...

This Time We Really Mean It

Rule No. 4 which you omitted: When the first three rules are flagrantly flouted in the face of the likes of Karzai, GET OUT!

Best thought yet on this. Can we assassinate him first? or should we wait?
Maybe we get them both . . .

Should There Be an Inquisition for the Pope?


Should There Be an Inquisition for the Pope?

absolutely, no one, not even the Pope is above God and i think it's time people started holding the Church more accountable. to dismiss the abuse some of these people have gone through is a disgrace. my cousin was a victim of sexual abuse in Northern Canada and the Church fought the disclosure tooth and nail....time for truth and time for the inquisition to start


Who will hold the "Auto da Fe" and can we have it on prime time? That would put it after dark. How will we see the color of the smoke?

Indulgences did it last time. Where do Austria and Poland stand on this?

Enforcing School Standards, at Last

Race to the top? More like Race to the Bottom. Didn't anyone read Levitt's Freakonomics? If you hold teachers responsible for student achievement that'll only lead to teachers cheating -- creating easier exams, feeding answers to students, and increasing grade inflation. Who are we kidding here? It's also interesting that the money for this program would go to two of the whitest states in the country. Delaware? Really? Does Delaware have as large an inner-city school problem as California or Texas? What this sounds like is wishful grant-making. Grant money to the states where students are most likely to succeed so that you can justify spending more money in the program later.


Delaware is an old slave state. It has a very large rural black population.

The only reason it did not secede in 1860 was the union troops were already flooding through on the way defend Washington. They were allowed to keep their human property until 1865, after the end of the war. Maryland was in the same category.

There is no need to speculate about the rest of this post. The evidence is in. Confirming it in detail. Not a bad thing.

Every one pays for all bad judgement. Only the GOP denies it.

Well maybe the Roman Church does too.

City to End Program Giving Cash to the Poor

My heart goes out to the students whose schools are unable to engage them in activities that motivate and challenge them. I understand how difficult it is to feel happy and encourage your friends to succeed at school if you think there is something wrong with your government, which thinks there's something wrong with you. Do you really want your little brother or sister to grow up without the ability to read and write perfect English, be a nurse or a teacher or buyer for a department store, fix or design a car, pay taxes, own a home, work for a newspaper, an oil company, in city planning or on Wall St? I sure hope not. Sometimes it's just best to forget about the government and focus on school. That high school diploma is worth it financially and you won't regret it. And if your school is not providing you with the classes or teachers that will enable these opportunities, you need to tell the newspaper.

OK to the above.

The program has been running for two years. It has produced short horizon results.

The usual unaccelerated learn to read and write program ran six years. the new one runs eight.

I would not expect visible results in two years.

The GOP wants disasters and makes them.

Cute pork!
India’s Puzzling Surge of Suicides

Suicide has become something of a phenomenon in India, which has alarmed public health experts.

There seems to be a causal disconnect in India. Passive resistance acts through guilt. In order for there to be guilt, the power must know the condition and the threat and care. If any of these are missing, an act of self destruction simply removes a potential problem. That would be viewed as a good thing.

The dead do not suffer. Only the living can suffer.

We have no word from hell, only from Norway.(,_Norway)

Risks Seen in Cholesterol Drug Use in Healthy People

To Tom #50: Well said. Only the US and New Zealand allow marketing to patients. It should be illegal everywhere. And it's absolutely time for stricter regulation in US healthcare marketing. In my experience, American marketing materials often use shoddy sources, like physician letters to the NEJM, when making claims in their sales material. Imagine basing a claim of efficacy or safety on the experience of one physician! Apart from the pivotal trials, a large percentage of studies I've seen in US sales materials are not randomized or adequately controlled. There's no review or regulation. It's the wild west right now in US healthcare marketing.

Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time

The proposed expansion would end a moratorium on oil exploration along the East Coast from the northern tip of Delaware to the central coast of Florida.

No Matter What, We Pay for Others’ Bad Habits

The majority of Americans say it is fair to ask people with unhealthy lifestyles to pay more for health insurance. But personal responsibility is a complex notion.

Oil Prices Find a Sweet Spot for World Economy

“Oil Prices Find a Sweet Spot for World Economy -”

"For all the good that stable prices can do, however, no one is willing to predict they will last forever."

The price is going up. Consumption will come down. That will not be pleasant for any of us.

In E-Book Era, You Can’t Even Judge a Cover

Bindu Wiles was on a Q train in Brooklyn this month when she spotted a woman reading a book whose cover had an arresting black silhouette of a girl’s head set against a bright orange background.

Apparently you can and do. Being polite counts less in an asocial "space".

I can do that. My feet hurt already. I have work. I don't have income.

I think I can get it when I need it.

This Time We Really Mean It

Ooh, them got nasties in Afghanistan! Them take monies. Them steal votes.!Them not listen to America! America: she give and give! She talk and talk! Afghanistan baaad! America goood!


The NYTimes is not the Christian Science Monitor, The Washington Times or The Daily Worker. I think the advertising department would like to be the Post.

The wall Street Journal editorial page Thinks it should be the NY Times. It is the NY Post and wants to be the Washington Times. North Carolina was a mistake. Newspapers are their editing.

Should There Be an Inquisition for the Pope?

The Pope is a dope! You do not need this archaic hierarchy to speak to a supreme being. The entrapments of their power is mind-boggling. You would think we are back in the Middle Ages when the Church contained the only people who could read and write. Times have changed, but not their mentality. The church leaders believe they can do no wrong. This is unfortunate to all the hard work priests and nuns who do good work and truly help others. Remove the head to save the rest of the body in this case. Even Chirst stated that you should pluck out your eye if it offends or harms you. Remind the Pope of that.


Reform has ever been the cry. I don't want reform.

I want deconstruction. More, I want destruction with no recovery.

Henry 8 had the right idea but failed in execution.

Tax the churches.

  • TimesPeople recommended an article:

    Mar 30, 2010
    Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time

    He is looking more and more like bush every day. We have more than enough solar and wind power getting squandered all around us right now, to more than satisfy all of our energy needs. The sun puts down every 40 minutes, enough energy to power the entire world's energy needs for a year. Why would we endanger and destroy valuable natural habitats that can never ever be replaced, just to enrich a few oil companies for something we shouldn't even be using and don't have to use anyway? Just because the republicans yelled and screamed for this during the last election cycle doesn't mean doing it will appease them in any shape or form whatsoever. It's a lose-lose decision for the nation.

  • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • bullet points?
  • Solar is not going to do it for us yet.
  • Our civilization died several decades ago. Extraordinary means are running out.
  • I recommend euthanasia as an alternative to dementia.
  • Texas and Oklahoma and Utah as well as Southern California cannot accept that faith is not the answer. God will not provide. America has no special place in heaven. Republicans are not special. Like Missouri, they got to be showed.
  • We can do that. Wrecking what is good is not the way.
  • Taxation is worth a try. I can't stop him in the short run. He has made miracles. Agitation won't help us.
  • Organise and watch. 2012 will get here before there is real action. We must be ready with a real alternative.
  • No peace with reality cannot be our motto.
9 Chickweed Lane
March 24, 2010

March 25, 2010

March 26, 2010

March 27, 2010

March 28, 2010
This feature is unavailable

March 29, 2010

March 30, 2010

March 31, 2010

Risks Seen in Cholesterol Drug Use in Healthy People

For a normal healthy person, the risk of heart disease or stroke is worse than the concerns raised in this article. The risks raised in this article are only convincing in a vacuum of any other concerns. But there's always other concerns in real life. So its a difficult choice between slightly different gray areas of risk. Not an easy choice between risk and no risk: such a choice never exists in the real world. So bring on the statins. With all the risks raised, they still sound like a win. Wonder drugs do exist.

“I don’t understand the antipathy out there,” said Dr. Steven E. Nissen, chairman of cardiology at the Cleveland Clinic, who has consulted for AstraZeneca among many other companies but says he donates the money to charity. “If somebody comes into my office and meets the criteria, am I going to deny them a drug that reduces their chance of a heart attack or stroke by 40 or 50 percent?”

Serum cholesterol can be measured. Use if indicated.

That seems to be reasonable. So is diet. Why not both?

Death is not voluntary. At least not yet. Here.

No pharmacological dependencies for me yet.

Video excerpts of on-air comments by meteorologists, who are more likely than climatologists to question the science of climate change. Whom do you trust when it comes to climate science?

“They are not trying to predict the weather for 2050, just generally say that it will be hotter,” Dr. Cullen said of climatologists. “And just like I can predict August will be warmer than January, I can predict that.” Wow – she is a genius. That is so amazing that she can predict August will be warmer than January. (At least in this hemisphere). Therefore she must be right with her 50 year prediction!

Why bother?

I heard of climate change as a result of human activity in 1960. the evidence was good. Nothing since has refuted that evidence. action was under discussion in the early eighties. None was taken.

No Matter What, We Pay for Others’ Bad Habits
Right of Passage

A Mississippi school board was grossly discriminatory and mean-spirited when it told Constance McMillen that she could not attend her high school prom with her girlfriend. A ruling by a federal judge that Ms. McMillen’s constitutional rights had b...

Texas leads the way. Tennessee made a valiant attempt. Georgia next?

Alabama! Louisiana? All Christian after a fashion. I do not go there or to Saudi.

Afghan Leader Is Seen to Flout Influence of U.S.

By backing Karzai, we undermine ourselves. Why not just set up regional governments backed by the people? Later, these governments may form a coalition that could be the basis for an Afghan nation. It's time for the Afghans to take their future into their own hands. We should definitely not be empowering corrupt leaders that suppress them.

The British Army campaigned around the Khyber Pass for over a century. they drew the maps the tribal areas and Afghanistan are the result. Repeat after me:

"We are as flies to wanton boys. They kill us for their sport."

W.S. if there was any doubt.

9 Teenagers Are Charged After Classmate’s Suicide

It's indeed outrageous that the administrators did nothing. However -- thinking back to my own experiences with school bullies 30 years ago, and a similarly ineffective school system -- it's certainly not surprising.

Large Hadron Collider Finally Smashing Properly

bang zoom but the world is still in gloom no peace just war and probably more no cancer cure here just science in our ears

An Absence of Class

“An Absence of Class -”

For Photographers, the Image of a Shrinking Path

Amateur photographers, happy to accept small checks for snapshots, are underpricing professionals.

been there, done that.

Large Hadron Collider Finally Smashing Properly

Following two false starts, the world’s biggest physics machine began to collide subatomic particles on Tuesday.

Large Hadron Collider Finally Smashing Properly

bang zoom but the world is still in gloom no peace just war and probably more no cancer cure here just science in our ears

Research is always waste and luxury until there is a discovery. Then it is development and a race for dividends. The ghost of senator Proxmire whispers in fiscal conservative ears. Points and laughs from the uninformed.

Correction: An earlier version of this article incorrectly identified Fabiola Gianotti as a spokesman for CERN. She is a spokeswoman.

The Rage Is Not About Health Care

THERE were times when last Sunday’s great G.O.P. health care implosion threatened to bring the thrill back to reality television. On ABC’s “This Week,” a frothing and filibustering Karl Rove all but lost it in a debate with the Obama strategist Da...

Minor Drug Cases, Major Trouble for Immigrants

it is time that drug laws get a major overhaul.

No Matter What, We Pay for Others’ Bad Habits

The majority of Americans say it is fair to ask people with unhealthy lifestyles to pay more for health insurance. But personal responsibility is a complex notion.

Overhaul Will Lower the Costs of Being a Woman

Until now, it has been legal in most states for insurance companies to engage in “gender rating,” that is, charging women more than men for the same coverage.

9 Teenagers Are Charged After Classmate’s Suicide

Felony indictments are a sharp legal response to the problem of adolescent bullying.

9 Teenagers Are Charged After Classmate’s Suicide

It's indeed outrageous that the administrators did nothing. However -- thinking back to my own experiences with school bullies 30 years ago, and a similarly ineffective school system -- it's certainly not surprising.


She was Irish, probably a protestant, in Catholic Massachusetts. She was a 15 year old girl arriving late and friendless in an insular middle school. You remember the experience. She sought acceptance. She was exploited and then vilified as a direct result.

There can be no apology profound enough.

We are willing to defrock a Pope for less.

Lo, the Mideast Moves

BRUSSELS — The passage of the U.S. health care bill is a major foreign policy victory for President Barack Obama.

Lo, the Mideast Moves

Major foreign policy victory .... you have to be s-------- me!!!!

Talking to Iran . . .

Proctology is the state department's specialization.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Magic Potion

With the marathon effort to overhaul the health care system behind us, it is time for the Obama administration to move quickly and powerfully to the monumental task of putting Americans back to work.

The Magic Potion

"This is a long-term project that demands big-time government involvement. It will require the kind of commitment — over an even longer period of time — that President Obama and the Democrats in Congress gave to their health care initiative." Therein lies the problem to the kind of solutions Bob is talking about. With the current political climate so poisonous and the public's opinion of its elected leaders so low, there's no way another "big time government involvement" is going to happen. Unless governments at all levels start hiring en masse, it's up to businesses large and small to put people to work. And it just isn't happening. The reality is that those who are fortunate to have a job are working longer hours and doing more. What's disturbing to me is that businesses may be getting used to that, so where's the incentive to add to the payroll? The other problem with Bob's proposal is "long-term". That's a oxymoron in a Washington that's fixated on the next election cycle. On the one hand we chafe at our politicians' focus on getting re-elected and holding on to power, yet how else can a true visionary drive a long-term project otherwise? Edward Kennedy championed health care reform for over forty years before we got to the historic bill just passed. Somehow, and I don't pretend to know the answer, we need some kind of hybrid policy-making body that has the power to tackle big issues independent of the short-term American political cycle. I don't advocate the Chinese system, but they are able to engage in long-range projects that bear out 5, 10 and more years in the future.


We have such a mechanism.

We have agencies staffed and managed by professionals shielded by the civil service laws or chartered long term appointments, traditionally on the basis of merit.

Andrew Jackson is long dead. The first Johnson and the Grant administrations

are also in the distant past. The damage done by Reagan and the Bushes we need to work on. The system is there we must recognise and use it.

It has been a busy 7 hours.
for me and for the news.
The Sandra Bullock Trade

Two things happened to Sandra Bullock this month. First, she won an Academy Award for best actress. Then came the news reports claiming that her husband is an adulterous jerk. So the philosophic question of the day is: Would you take that as a dea...

The Sandra Bullock Trade

All of these relativistic measures are based on western/US presuppositions of "happiness." Why a thick-skulled, dim-witted dullard would cheat on a beautiful, articulate, intelligent and hard-working woman is anyone else's guess. Happiness doesn't equate with money or things regardless of your frame of reference. Neither does a murderous (or philandering) marital partner.

OK. but I like my argument better. I still do not watch the Oscars. There is little time in my life for films.

President Obama in Kabul

President Obama’s visit to Afghanistan on Sunday was a long overdue, and desperately needed, attempt to persuade President Hamid Karzai to clean up his act.

Back at this at about 10 local. work and commute.

Judge Invalidates Human Gene Patent

In a ruling with potentially far-reaching implications for the patenting of human genes, a judge struck down a company’s patents on two genes linked to an increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer.

The American Civil Liberties Union and the Public Patent Foundation at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law in New York joined with individual patients and medical organizations to challenge the patents last May: they argued that genes, products of nature, fall outside of the realm of things that can be patented. The patents, they argued, stifle research and innovation and limit testing options.

The patents, they argued, stifle research and innovation and limit testing options.


Patent the derived inventions as they should. The science is just the start point.

The rest of the article is just Tea Baggery from Utah.

Video excerpts of on-air comments by meteorologists, who are more likely than climatologists to question the science of climate change. Whom do you trust when it comes to climate science?

The degree of willful ignorance evident in these comments is just depressing. Weather forecasting deals with short-term changes in measurable data (temperature, pressure, wind speed). In any data set, individual data points may vary greatly (that's why the accuracy of weather forecasts drops below 50% for forecasts more than four days in the future.) Climate is the long-term trend in the same data, and the trend is a product of all the data, not merely the most recent. That's why a couple of cold weeks in the U.S. South aren't proof that global warming is a myth - any more than an unusually warm winter in Canada is evidence in favour. Anthropogenic climate change is now pretty clearly evident in those long-term trends, especially in the period since the mid-19th century, The other significant characteristic of climate change is increased instability in weather patterns - a fact that seems very clear in the last decade. Weather forecasters, especially television personalities, are focused on the immediate data - today's weather, tomorrow's, and the rest of the week. This short-term vision makes them anything but experts on climate and certainly in no way qualified to make judgements about climate change.

Good enough.

Afghan Leader Is Seen to Flout Influence of U.S.

How can anybody really expect Bush's installed former Oil exec dictator, Karzai, who stole the last election, to do anything that is good for anybody over there, except for those powers who want that oil pipeline finished? I can just imagine the president seeing Karzai and his drug/war lord brother and saying, "ok guys, try to tone it down a little." I just don't see that happening ever. I'm afraid these apples are rotten to the core, and Bush's damage has been done. They're there for good now, or at least until all the oil is gone.


Barkeater Lake by Corey Pandolph

  • March 28, 2010

Barkeater Lake

A Nope for Pope



Better: A NO for the Pope.

Maureen Dowd is still a Catholic. Her mind was stunted when small and has not yet expanded. Did she suffer starvation or was it fetal alcohol syndrome?

9 Teenagers Accused of Bullying That Led to Suicide

My first reaction was that felony charges were too much but now that I have read the story and likely there is enough text message evidence of an ongoing harrassment against this young girl. These two older boys who slept with her and then these other girls who kept up the slander and abuse should be punished. They all knew better than to act like that, these kids are not mentally ill. They were high on power.


The prospective law, Mr. Trestan said, is aimed at changing school cultures and preventing bullying, but would not label bullying a crime because it is a vague concept. “These indictments tell us that middle school and high school kids are not immune from criminal laws,” he said. “If they violate them in the course of bullying someone, they’ll be held accountable. We don’t need to create a new crime.”

Harvey Silverglate, a lawyer in Cambridge, Mass., who has argued that proposed cyberbullying laws are too vague and a threat to free speech, said that he thought the charges announced Monday would pass legal muster. The sorts of acts of harassment and stalking claimed in the charges were wrong under state law, Mr. Silverglate said, but a question would be whether they were serious enough to constitute criminal violations, as opposed to civil ones.


They should do their duty. Every time.

Kid culture is vital. Loss of it produces feral children who run in packs. This is not a good thing.

Lo, the Mideast Moves

BRUSSELS — The passage of the U.S. health care bill is a major foreign policy victory for President Barack Obama.

Lo, the Mideast Moves

Roger Cohen perceptively notes that two seemingly unrelated events – the passage of the healthcare bill in the U.S. and the reaction to the unapologetic expansion of settlements in Israel – are intertwined in the sense that Barack Obama has demonstrated, at long last, that he is not a pushover. As the best, and perhaps only, friend of Israel, the United States fittingly is calling out the current Israeli regime for foolish and morally repugnant behavior which can only end badly for Israel and the region.



I have said before:

The only argument the Palestinians and Israelis have is who gets dead.

I think it would be foolish to bet on the three time looser.

I think they should get up from the table and end the game. Neither I nor they have discovered how they can do it. The suggested way of two viable states is a nonstarter.

The Magic Potion

Health-care "reform" isn't over, Bob. The Democrats will lose Congress this November. The Democrats will lose the White House in 2012. Obamacare will be repealed and replaced. Have a nice day, Bob.

Warning. Attempted Tea Bagging. Just ignore them, they are toothless Trolls.

Their diet is predigested pap and they smell of it. Republicans . . .

The Rage Is Not About Health Care

THERE were times when last Sunday’s great G.O.P. health care implosion threatened to bring the thrill back to reality television. On ABC’s “This Week,” a frothing and filibustering Karl Rove all but lost it in a debate with the Obama strategist Da...

For Photographers, the Image of a Shrinking Path

Amateur photographers, happy to accept small checks for snapshots, are underpricing professionals.

I shoot for "The record", to capture a dynamic relationship. It is a tool I learned to use well.

The article is right, there is no income for me as a professional photographer. When I am not working, I am an amateur. I shoot to please myself.

If I please you, that more than recoups my costs.

Yes, it, like anything worth doing, is work.

Punks and Plutocrats

Health reform is the law of the land. Next up: financial reform. But will it happen? The White House is optimistic, because it believes that Republicans won’t want to be cast as allies of Wall Street. I’m not so sure. The key question is how many ...

The Magic Potion

With the marathon effort to overhaul the health care system behind us, it is time for the Obama administration to move quickly and powerfully to the monumental task of putting Americans back to work.



Maybe another voice without the shine of M.I.T. and Princeton will get the message through.

I doubt it.

The ability of Republicans to deny reality is supernatural.

The Sandra Bullock Trade

Two things happened to Sandra Bullock this month. First, she won an Academy Award for best actress. Then came the news reports claiming that her husband is an adulterous jerk. So the philosophic question of the day is: Would you take that as a dea...

The Sandra Bullock Trade

David Brooks sounds like he's advocating for more of a social network. What's wrong? Has he become a liberal? Let's hope so. He says, "Governments keep initiating policies they think will produce prosperity, only to get sacked, time and again, from their spiritual blind side." Some of those policies that have been initiated to produce prosperity would include: massive deregulation, globalization, massive transfer of wealth from poor to rich, lack of proper tax policies in the name of conservative ideals that has led to the decay of states, cities, and our federal debt. Yes, Brooks is right...


Mr. Brooks is a sophist. A fine example of why that school is of ill repute.

He probably began his reasoning with:

Happiness equals church, cooking and children, in German.

He would then have consulted his bookshelf for support and found it just where he put it.

He then consulted and glossed theological authority.

to cap his reasoning he searched for a popular example and found a counter example. Dismissing this was the work of a moment supported by trained opinion.

This completed his argument.

For his presentation he started with his example and stepped backward through this "argument". He conveniently abandoned his start point.

Calling Mr Brooks a stinking Nazi and a liar would not be effective.

Reviews Pour in for a B&B That Doesn’t Exist

Schrute Farms, the fictional bed and breakfast from the NBC comedy “The Office,” has been a marketing bonanza for TripAdvisor.

"But not everyone gets the joke. Recently, TripAdvisor added a caveat explaining that Schrute Farms was fictional, Ms. Petersen said. “We had a complaint from someone who had wanted to go there.” "

Fantasy is a familiar place. We share a number for two months every year.

I will read in bed until I pass out.

Attacks Reawaken Fear of Caucasus Rebels

In the six years since the last suicide attack on the Moscow metro, Muscovites became insulated to the fighting in the Caucasus.

“You know, I don’t think it ever actually stopped,” said Aleksandr Zharkov, 22, a graduate student. He said he had started seeking out information about fighting in the Caucasus on Internet news sources, and had been surprised to discover much was still going on there, despite government claims that the insurgency had been brought to heel.
No credit has been claimed. independents now dead or "KGB"?
Ballet Stars Now Twitter as Well as Flutter

Ashley Bouder of City Ballet tweeting during a rehearsal break.

I do not twitter.

I am prejudiced against talking athletes. They should let performance speak.

I enjoy the magic show. I have a theoretical interest in choreography, the design of dance. I amuse myself with theatrical design an ultimate, pure problem.

I am not ready to ask for such work.

Gratz makes the pilates equipment.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Obama Team Is Divided on Tactics Against Terrorism

The real question is a very simple one: are the USA still a state of law or not. Iy you answer positively, you have all answered within the legal system. Everything is the early or advanced state of a dictatorship. Unfortunately you cannot - even if you call yourself American - have the cake and eat it. In the USA today everything suspect and not in line with the governemnt is leftist or socialist (an apparent dirty word, who knows why?) or similar. What is really forgotten is that the right brought Faschism and Nazism, and this is the way the USA with the GOP and co seem to go. As was said a long time ago: beware the beginnings....!


Not very coherent.

The reason to hold a person without trial is they cannot be held otherwise.

Their actions, if any, are not in USA territory.

"Enemy combatant" ... What is that? There is no government they represent.

Who is the enemy? In most cases they were not caught with a smoking gun.

combat? no. Not for most of them. The ones that fought are dead.

Suspicion of patriotism?

Terrorism is a tactic. Everyone uses it. Murder is a crime. Assault is a crime.

Battery is a crime. Torture is a crime. Unlawful restraint and imprisonment is a crime. Sabotage is a crime.

We have enough crimes.


I see there is a good deal more to this than the first page.


So with no consensus, the legal team decided on a tactical approach. For as long as possible they would try to avoid that hard question. They changed the subject by instead asking courts to agree that people like Mr. Bensayah, looked at from another angle, had performed functions that made them effectively part of the terrorist organization — and so were clearly detainable.

The appeals court has not yet ruled on Mr. Bensayah’s case.
He is still in prison. He cannot be happy about that.

I think the applicable theory is "Fruit of the poison tree".

Policies of the Bush administration are suspect.

Congressional acts instigated by the Bush administration require reexamination in the light of better understanding.

The present Supreme Court is biased. Political neutrality will be hard to find.

I am glad it is not my decision.

In Times Square, One Last Homeless Holdout

Nonprofit workers say the man known as Heavy is the last person living on the streets of Times Square.

Amazing. The life kills most of them. I read "Subways are for Sleeping" forty years ago. That cured me. In the Adirondacks I will go for a motel after a day of rain. The Loj at Heart Lake and the John's Brook Lodge are Favorites.

Coverage Now for Sick Children? Check Fine Print

“Deeply disturbing: Coverage Now for Sick Children? Check Fine Print -”


A Time Capsule Invaded

“A Time Capsule Invaded -”

Not the worst place to live. Things are still to rich downtown.

Let the economy bite a bit more.

I have looked at Red Hook. Again, not yet.

9 Tied to Militia Charged in Plot to Murder Officers

The Justice Department said the group planned to murderlaw enforcement officers in hopes of sparking an uprising.

So we prove them right. More Tea Baggers out and in.

returned last Tuesday. The defendants were identified as members of Hutaree, described by federal prosecutors as an anti-government extremist organization based in Lenawee County, Mich., and which advocates violence against local, state and federal law enforcement. The group saw local and state police as “foot soldiers” for the federal government, which it viewed as its enemy, along with participants in what they deemed to be a “New World Order,” according to the indictment.

Federal election filings show thousands of dollars for private jets, and for an outing at a controversial night club.

I trust the RNC will point out how fiscally responsible they were at the bondage nightclub. They will point out that spend happy Democrats would have spent significantly more than $2000 to watch women simulate lesbian acts. And no doubt, the RNC was there to firm up their statements on family values and their opposition to gay marriage. At least there have been no reports of man on man tickling!

And we are "Shocked SHOCKED I tell you" because?

It could be a Firesign Theater production.

Euro Trashed

Published: March 28, 2010

This is a good thing? This is just the disaster seen from Germany.

If it happens we are up the proverbial creek.
Subway Blasts Kill Dozens in Moscow

terrorist groups, in an attempt to show equaiity between the genders, now regulary enlist women in their evil employ. or it perhaps they feel that using women as WMD's instills greater fear in the hearts of innocent victims, as if to say " we can be anyone, anywhere, anytime" soon children, animals... man, in his infinite capacity to destroy, has an veritable arsemal of creative ideas. if only this human race could rally as much energy to heal itself, and its slowly dying world my prayers are with those who are lost and those among the living dying of the emotional cost

An old problem, a standardised response. The Irish did the shrapnel. in the bomb as a technique.

The major problem in describing the problem is US journalists believe those were 'Muslim terrorists'. Most probably (as suggested by Russians) the women were so called 'Black Widows' - women whose entire families were murdered by Russian soldiers in Chechnya and their terrorist actions are in no way linked to their religious beliefs, they just want revenge. Russian dictator Putin wants US citizens to believe - that he is fighting Muslim insurgents, while he has been running ethnic cleansing actions in Chechnya for the las few years. European Union needs Russian gas and oil and turns blind eye on this fact, USA needs Russian support in UN on the War on Terrorism and does the same what EU does.
car inspection.

Coverage Now for Sick Children? Check Fine Print

Despite the new health law, some insurers say they do not have to cover some children with pre-existing conditions yet.


Corporations are immortal in most circumstances.

The exception is liquidation in bankruptcy. Health insurance has asked for bankruptcy and will receive it soon.

Shake, Rattle, Seattle

AS an engineer who advises companies on how to make their buildings survive earthquakes, I have visited the aftermath of nearly every key quake since 1970, observing how new and old buildings have performed when the ground shook beneath them. I tr...

This is in your department.

How can you set up the preparations so they are proof against political pressure.

Know that you should prepare for debris flows from the big volcanoes from warming and eruptions and quakes. They have reached the coast in the past.

The calderas bear watching too. That would be continental.

Obama Team Split on Tactics Against Terror

The one way I wish they would diverge from the policies of the bush administration, is to stop terrorizing innocents all around the world--Iran and Afghanistan, especially. Things would calm down significantly if they did.


Our last president never took an action that was not poisonous.

How we can discredit them without loss of face will haunt us for decades.

This too is his.

Hobby or Necessity?

If you think this latest Israeli-American flap was just the same-old-same-old tiff over settlements, then you’re clearly not paying attention — which is how I’d describe a lot of Israelis, Arabs and American Jews today.

Overqualified? Yes, but Happy to Have a Job

The is the Brave New World Ronald Reagan and his ilk dreamed of creating. Bust the unions, cripple the workers, empower the corporations so that there is no accountability for their atrocious behavior, and dismal performance, and of course, as the Roberts Court just did, give them the rights of super is all this going to end? The picture is not pretty.

Even the corporations are not happy. They are going broke as China buys the markets.

China is not happy. Their store of wealth has become just a medium of exchange. Saving dollars long term (10 years) has become very risky.

I have no problem with being satisfied with skill use. Remuneration is my problem. I never guessed that my situation would be so long term.

The Legal Assault on Health Reforms

No sooner had President Obama signed comprehensive health care reform than the attorneys general of 14 states scurried to the federal courts to challenge the law. Their claims range from far-fetched to arguable and look mostly like political postu...

North Carolina fired on Fort Sumpter very shortly after the inauguration.

The Legal Assault on Health Reforms

Excellent piece explaining the overall situation. Hopefully the Republican efforts will fall by the wayside and health reform will remain the law of the land. But Democrat atty generals also filing suit should not be acceptable!!!

"Has anyone considered that maybe this was "meant to fail" in a Supreme Court challenge? It's a great first step to, "Oops, we can't do that -- but we CAN do universal care and impose a tax to pay for it."

Not in this court.

Pack the court! Do it now.

Punks and Plutocrats

"And you should bear in mind that the biggest bailouts took place under a conservative Republican administration, which claimed to believe deeply in free markets." And how conveniently so many Republicans have forgotten this by an act of self-amnesia.

A Time for Contrition

"The permissive sexual culture that prevailed everywhere, seminaries included, during the silly season of the ’70s deserves a share of the blame, as does that era’s overemphasis on therapy" NO NO NO This is child molesting done by perverts and hidden by the Church. Trying to blame the '70s is just BS. These priest should have gone to jail.

Perhaps they will if we are not too broke.

A Nope for Pope
Take it literally. The trained response is what they value and what our nation must not.
A Time for Contrition

"The permissive sexual culture that prevailed everywhere, seminaries included, during the silly season of the ’70s deserves a share of the blame, as does that era’s overemphasis on therapy" NO NO NO This is child molesting done by perverts and hidden by the Church. Trying to blame the '70s is just BS. These priest should have gone to jail.

We must have lost twenty five years. It is the only way to make George Orwell

a prophet.

Punks and Plutocrats

Health reform is the law of the land. Next up: financial reform. But will it happen? The White House is optimistic, because it believes that Republicans won’t want to be cast as allies of Wall Street. I’m not so sure. The key question is how many ...

"The only question now is whether the financial industry will pay a price for this privilege, whether Wall Street will be obliged to behave responsibly in return for government backing. And who could be against that?"
"So it’s the punks versus the plutocrats — those who want to rein in runaway banks, and bankers who want the freedom to put the economy at risk, freedom enhanced by the knowledge that taxpayers will bail them out in a crisis. Whatever they say, the fact is that people like Mr. Shelby are on the side of the plutocrats; the American people should be on the side of the punks, who are trying to protect their interests."

Mr. Krugman so often fails on the side of hope.
The Rage Is Not About Health Care

THERE were times when last Sunday’s great G.O.P. health care implosion threatened to bring the thrill back to reality television. On ABC’s “This Week,” a frothing and filibustering Karl Rove all but lost it in a debate with the Obama strategist Da...

As Deep Throat should have said: "Follow the money."

More of and for the season

of and for the season