Sunday, March 28, 2010

This view is not dark enough.
The law is the best they could do. The results, intentional.
The Rage Is Not About Health Care

Certainly racism has been exploited by the republicans to whip their uniformed, barely literate constituents into a frenzy of hate. Certainly it’s frightening. But there’s more going on. Given the extremely conservative, indeed neoliberal, actions of the Obama presidency thus far, I would suggest that the embarrassingly vapid statements by the republican leadership and media mouthpieces serve as a deliberate distraction to ultimately force the democrats into frightened submission. So while Obama is ignores serious and desperately needed regulation of Wall Street, while his jobs program is more about tax cuts than putting Americans back to work, while he’s expanded the war in Afghanistan and ‘droned’ civilians in Pakistan, while he’s maintained pretty much all of bush’s abuses on secrecy and executive powers, democrats are still defending him—because, well, he’s not George Bush. And while Obama refused to even consider single-payer or an expansion of Medicare and instead has mandated that citizens buy into a broken system run by a rapacious private industry, the left cheers because, against the ravaging and crazy and violent right, they believe it’s the best he can do! The hate and fear serves a purpose beyond racism. It’s terrible for our country, but great for the corporations.

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