Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Sin and a Shame

So long as American corporations keep squeezing their work forces, there can be no real economic recovery.

TimesPeople recommended an article:

Jul 30, 2010
A Sin and a Shame

So long as American corporations keep squeezing their work forces, there can be no real economic recovery.

Jul 30, 2010
A Sin and a Shame

So long as American corporations keep squeezing their work forces, there can be no real economic recovery.

I am having trouble with this Bob Herbert column.

He is not wrong. He is far from correct. If I were grading this column it would get a bare passing grade. Business managers have a legal duty to get the best return on investment they can. Fiduciary duty requires them to follow the orders of the board of directors, the stock holders representatives, in the most effective way they can. The companies employees are fungible. An employee has no job security beyond what is negotiated at contract time. Unions exist to negotiate such contracts with management. The destruction of the unions has been the Republican party's goal for at least the last hundred years.

Our present economy is the triumph of the Republican party.

They see themselves as winners and resent having to defend their victory.

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