My attention is in demand.
Google and a financial firm have agreed to invest in a proposed $5 billion transmission system for offshore wind farms that could transform the East Coast’s electrical map.
There are real administrative problems with this project. There is also the matter of the Atlantic flyway . The turbines will kill birds. The existing power companies will raise a large fuss. The time horizon is long.
If you wish to invest Google is probably not the way.
Despite excellent support for women’s health and childcare, France lags far behind in providing women equal career opportunities and pay.
If government spending hasn’t created jobs, it’s not because it doesn’t work; it’s because it wasn’t tried.
The country is a failed state. Its leadership is corrupt and Zardari is known as "Mr. 10%". The wealthy pay no taxes and the government is dysfunctional. It is just a matter of time before this country implodes on itself.
That was the idea. We are propping it up so Iran does not gain another friend. Pakistan would like to take over but has not the power.
Desperate times.
The new language, HTML5, could give marketers access to many more details about users’ online activities.
There is a reference to a "hacker" who noticed the problem in the article.
If there is not a link, search his name on slash-dot and read the article and the links. You must guard your privacy. No one will do it for you.
American military officials are worried about a shift in which young Chinese may see the United States only as a threat.
I love you. I will come when called.
A research team came across a “hidden” language, known locally as Koro, completely new to the world outside a few rural communities in northeastern India.
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