Amy Chua Is a Wimp
“Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother” may denounce soft American-style parenting, but its author shelters her children from the truly arduous experiences necessary to achieve.David Brooks starts his column with a double presumption."Chua, as you probably know, is the Yale professor who has written a bracing critique of what she considers the weak, cuddling American parenting style. "As it happens, Amy Chua did neither of these things and says so plainly.http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/16/fashion/16Cultural.htmlDavid Brooks and she agree on what is a satisfactory result.Mr. Brooks mistakes criticism for recommendation."If she has one regret, she said, it is that the Journal excerpt, and particularly the headline, did not reflect the full arc of her story." -
H.P.’s ePrint Printer, Live on the Web
“Fantastic multi-channel marketing integration at work. H.P.’s ePrint Printer, Live on the Web - http://nyti.ms/fv7xJv”What a miserable excuse for a programming plan.
Lieberman Will Not Run For Re-Election#respond
First Dodd, then Specter, now Lieberman... Keep that turnstile turning. There are a lot more bad actors that need to go. How did Gerald Celente put it? Politics is show business for ugly people.There is far too much Koolaid drunk by the Senate. -
A Moment in Time
“This is amazing... photos taken around the world in "A Moment in Time" - http://nyti.ms/dkvuYF”A moment encompasses a full day.The earth is a clock.
Amy Chua Is a Wimp
“great points in here. Amy Chua Is a Wimp - http://nyti.ms/dZIXfZ”David brooks should write his own book so I can ignore it.
Amy Chua Is a Wimp
“Amy Chua Is a Wimp - http://nyti.ms/dZIXfZ”Where are his children and what are they doing?
Now at Starbucks: Buy a Latte By Waving Your Phone
Futurists have long predicted that one day, shoppers will swipe cellphones instead of credit cards to make purchases. At Starbucks stores nationwide, that is about to become a reality.If this is the case, I should be able to pick pockets by walking down the street with the right gadget. A really bad idea. -
Dog Might Provide Clues on How Language Is Acquired
A border collie knows 1,022 nouns, a record that displays the unexpected depths of the canine mind.I see it is broad. I wonder how much philosophy dogs indulge in. -
Video Captured ‘Calculated’ Gunman in Tucson Shooting
“Video captured ‘calculated’ gunman in #Tucson shooting - http://nyti.ms/dMPFRV”He will be found guilty. The remaining question is was there a criminal conspiracy or was this a "Lone Gunman". We can ask him. We can trace the gun, we can examine his writings. It is time for a very careful interrogation before he goes for execution.The school system seems to have failed him and us.
Jennifer Preston
G.O.P. Selects Reince Priebus as Chairman After Michael Steele Abandons Bid
“G.O.P. Selects Reince Priebus as Chairman After Michael Steele Abandons Bid by @jeffzeleny http://nyti.ms/fmxY5P ”I hope this is the end of the Republican party. There had better be a designated driver.
For the A-Cup Crowd, Minimal Assets Are a Plus I LOVE YOUSooner is betterMy sister will make her twenty with the city of Detroit in November.There will only be a few months to cover with hired help. It appears that my youngest brother can get down to check on things here. I have a cousin who owes us, a recently retired RN who can be imposed on to take the watch. I will need a few weeks to get things organised.My sister was so very relieved that I was not demanding an immediate change of the watch.
R. Sargent Shriver, Kennedy In-Law and Peace Corps Founding Director, Dies at 95
Mr. Shriver was the architect of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s war on poverty, an ambassador to France and the Democratic candidate for vice president in 1972.It would have been very good to have a victory for him. -
Jobless Rate Points to Lost Power in Work Force - Economic Scene
The jobless rate is higher in the United States than in Britain, Germany, Japan or Russia, according to a new study, pointing to American employers’ unusual degree of power.David Leonhardt can't be paying attention.The employment picture is recovering nicely in China.Production is outsourced. There is little left here but management."The moribund condition of the patient is masked by a high fever." -
Sharing the Burden of Peace
The Republicans will not allow an effective world government. Their war crimes could be prosecuted.
Video Captured ‘Calculated’ Gunman in Tucson Shooting
Video from a store security camera shows the attack on Representative Gabrielle Giffords and Judge John M. Roll.We need to find his co-conspirators before Arizona buries the evidence. -
U.S. Shifts Focus to Press China for Access to Markets
American companies concerned with being beat by China-backed businesses have given President Obama support to pursue a tough approach with President Hu Jintao.
The exceptionalism of American big business is incredible.They are shocked, Shocked that China does not want to enrich them.
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