Friday, August 5, 2011

@21:25, 08/04/11 4


  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Aug 3, 2011
    Can New York Rival Silicon Valley for Start-Ups? - Room for Debate
    What would it take for New York City to become home to the next Facebook or Apple?
    Cheap rent.  It will not happen with this program.
  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Aug 3, 2011
    Nurture the Difference Between New York and Silicon Valley - Room for Debate
    New York can never become Silicon Valley; and it shouldn’t.
    It has been a long time since I saw anything new.  
  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Aug 3, 2011
    Entrepreneurship Can't Be Taught - Room for Debate
    For young engineers and entrepreneurs, the only way to learn is by trying, failing, trying again until some great idea works.
     What is Caterina Fake? I see her credits and I agree that a new engineering campus is uncalled for.  The rest of her argument is specious.
    "I'm skeptical that a science and engineering campus is what New York needs to become a technology powerhouse. Boston has not succeeded with that strategy."   M.I.T. has taught original thinking for 150 years.
    Rout 128 is just the latest place the innovators found realestate.
    New York has tried to supply competent operators.  Innovation is not the professors job in general.  Those that innovate run laboratories.
  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Aug 3, 2011
    Silicon Valley Has a Head Start on New York - Room for Debate
    Silicon Valley is monomaniacal about technology. New York City doesn't have this attitude.
    One of my professors forty years ago explained to his class that a great engineering school requires as neighbours an industrial park and a slum.  
    Silicon valley is an industrial park but California no longer has a slum.
    New York has the slum but no longer has the industrial park. It is loosing the slum to gentrification.  Gentrification already ate the industrial park.
    On the east coast gentrification has eaten most of the industry.
  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Aug 3, 2011
    No City Has a Lock on Innovation - Room for Debate
    Until recently, 'technology' was about 'moving electrons on wires.' Now, it's is about building all kinds of applications on top of the Internet.
    Fred Wilson misunderstands technology.  It is the lack of industry that is limiting development in New York.
  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Aug 3, 2011
    Why Facebook Moved Out West - Room for Debate
    The challenge for New York is to provide a nurturing soil in which entrepreneurs will want to grow.
    Eric Reis understands much of the problem.  I think he is missing just how very risk averse New York finance is.  He knows that failure is a big part of innovation.  Failure is not an option when betting other peoples money.
  • TimesPeople recommended a video:
    Aug 3, 2011
    A Light Lunch in Spain
    Let us play.
    A bored cook is trouble.
  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Aug 3, 2011
    Now the Tea Party Has Romney - Room for Debate
    The Tea Party has succeeded in dragging Mitt Romney away from the political center in their direction and toward their budgetary priorities.

    Dan Schnur may not realize that there are more than one reason to vote no on this disaster of a deal.   The tar is heating and the feathers are waiting.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Aug 3, 2011
    Apple Closer to Most Valuable Company Title

    What has that got to do with anything but fashion?
  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Aug 3, 2011
    The Tea Party Is Challenging the G.O.P. - Room for Debate
    The Tea Party seems to be on a collision course with three key Republican factions, conflicts which could fracture and even cripple that party.
    How very interesting.
    If the fanatical right continues to set the agenda expect depression.
    I will wait a bit and see how far down the market crash takes us.
    I want to buy near the bottom.
    Failing banks and general panic.


  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Aug 3, 2011
    Room for Debate
    A Running Commentary on the News
    Henry Ford figured this out about ninety years ago.  
    The workers must be able and willing to buy the products.
    Demand is the key.  
    Manufacturing is demand driven.
    So no, manufacturing cannot drive a recovery.
    Demand will drive the recovery when it comes.
    F.D.R. figured it out.  We must relearn that lesson.
    Bernanke was not wrong about cash from helicopters.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Aug 3, 2011
    Kraft to Split Into Two Companies
    "Why would a man sell a good horse?"
    To read this puff Kraft is doing everyone a favour.
    Corporate management does not do that.
  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Aug 3, 2011
    New York Can Replace Silicon Valley, Not Rival It - Room for Debate
    Creative moments can't be reproduced. Thus, Bloomberg's project must generate something wholly new.
    In Alice in Wonderland the caterpillar advises: "Begin at the beginning, go on until you come to the end.  Then stop."  
    Michael Bloomberg has not found a beginning.   
    He has the slum if he can get the rents stable. The dollar will fall to make them cheap.  He has the schools.  He needs the industrial park.
    Newark would do but the politics will defeat any such effort.
  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Aug 3, 2011
    New York's Distinctive Approach to Tech Start-Ups - Room for Debate
    A breakout success will probably look very different from Apple and Facebook.
    Think Company Town.  Costs are very much lower elsewhere if the financing can be found.  It is a very old story.  New York can be an incubator for industry but not in competition with gentrification.
    Early hope will kill recovery.

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