Sunday, August 21, 2011

@14:31, 08/21/11 4



  • Could Farms Survive Without Illegal Labor? - Room for Debate
    If American growers depend on illegal labor, would strict enforcement of immigration laws drive up prices for fruits and vegetables?
    The farm subsidy program was intended to eliminate hunger in America.
    It was decided not to raise the income of the "Poor" but to cut the price of food. cutting the price of food has brought pressure on the growers as the middle men try to maintain their incomes. 
    If we require that subsidized food be fair market priced the pressure on the growers goes away. New immigrant labour can then compete with automation.  The farmers will do fine.
  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Aug 20, 2011
    Did YouTube Kill Performance Art? - Room for Debate
    In the Internet age, when the line between
    Did YouTube Kill Performance Art? - Room for Debate
    In the Internet age, when the line between

    There are assumptions in the question.
    "In the age of YouTube,"(The medium is the message) "when the line between "happenings" and publicity stunts has blurred,"(What is this line you speak of? ) "can performance art still resonate with the public?"
    It can in so far as it ever has.
    Be original.  Be specific.  Be dramatic.

  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Aug 20, 2011
    Jews in a Whisper
    Jews in a Whisper
    A solution lies in giving up the notion of a Jewish state.
    Israel can welcome the Palestinians and offer them real resolution of grievances.
    They do not get their own state.
    They do get citizenship, the vote and fair resolution of property claims.
    Religion must be a personal matter.

    Criminal behaviour is a matter for the police and the civil courts.


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