Tuesday, September 21, 2010

@4:50, 9/21/10

This is more complicated than I had thought. Enforced orthodoxy leads to some very strange adaptations.
Purdah is a Persian custom. It came to the Arabs in the Hajj I am told.
Pictures were a novelty once. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halftone ) Pictures in the paper were only about twenty years old. Less than a working life.
It is good to have opinions you can support. I hope his new editors let him play.
I do not want to write for a living.

This is a tough one. School administrators must not shelter behind a draconian policy. Any expellable or suspendable offence needs at least cursory attention. The geographic and racial component needs to be accounted for but probably does not need attention above the state level. Damning on the first or even the third offence without careful attention is unconscionable.

Good. I am willing to try adventures. Audio pain is not my choice.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:

    Sep 20, 2010
    The Angry Rich and Taxes

    Political rage is coming not from the jobless, but from the very privileged, who are furious at the thought of their tax cuts expiring.

If this message gets out these people are taxed.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:

    Sep 20, 2010
    • nowhere_ecl posted to Twitter an editorial:

      2:04 pm
      One Strike and They’re Out

      “NYTimes editorial on exclusion: One Strike and They’re Out - http://nyti.ms/c0qCwx #ecl”

      One Strike and They’re Out

      “NYTimes editorial on exclusion: One Strike and They’re Out - http://nyti.ms/c0qCwx #ecl”

      This is a tough one. School administrators must not shelter behind a draconian policy. Any expellable or suspendable offence needs at least cursory attention. The geographic and racial component needs to be accounted for but probably does not need attention above the state level. Damning on the first or even the third offence without careful attention is unconscionable.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:

    Sep 20, 2010
    New Airplane Seat Has Less Legroom

    A stand-up airplane seat called the SkyRider has 23 inches of space, in contrast to the current 31 inches.

or more depending on how you think of it. Five across seating would be a nightmare with weak bladders.
Strap hanging does not belong on an air plane. Leave it for the subway and bus.
Why is the loose lettering important?
"Eat food, not too much, mostly plants." Michael Pollan. Adding "Walk".
I translate this as: You be damned. There will be no action and we will all get hungry.

next next next next next next next next next next next next next next next next

I would love to but we would have to get it custom made. Four years of near full time attention and another twenty of through distraction. I certainly can't do it alone. It is no longer a prime drive. Those first few years are critical and there is so very much that needs to go in as foundation.
I can do without if you are willing or we can charge ahead like twenty somethings. Either way is good.
These loans must be very far underwater. Better to leave the defaulters in the houses than to give them to the scavengers. Any real recovery will be very painful. Foreclosure later . Temporarily the defaulters keep the house. The bond holders lose their investment. In the dust bowl the banks ploughed the houses under.
Cookies have long been a concern. Reformatting the hard drive occasionally works. keep a paper file of passwords.
Venture capital owns and controls the resulting business. The business must have some intrinsic value to get venture capital. The entrepreneur gets a big pay day and a hearty handclasp.
I use it and I like it. The green, not the red. Moderate heat.
Enforced orthodoxy. Tom boys are a good thing.
always encouraging. I know where I want to spend my nights.
I have very little confidence in multi-use structures as other than city killers.
Cities exist on street-life. Remove that and remove the city. Buses are not a healthy infection in any city. Mass transit connects pedestrian cores, neighbourhoods. if the city is large enough, specialists and their services clump together. Residence is a speciality. Medicine is another. Finance and Manufacturing are yet others. Allow it, encourage it and the city will be healthy.
I like it when the masters of the universe agree with me.
Not worth the added price. I will buy a GPS when I have a need. A paper map does a better job at planning. What a GPS can do is let one find ones location in preparation for getting out or getting on. The answer to where is the road/trail/peak from where I am now. Usually a trivial question.

I want you to tell me how to please you more. I want an opinion.

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