Sunday, July 9, 2017

@18:15, 7/8/17


N.Y. / Region

At 56, a ‘Light Bulb’ Goes Off and a Firefighter Emerges

Do what you can that pleases you.


Vehicle Strikes Pedestrians at Boston Airport, Police Say

Boston Emergency Medical Services reported on Twitter at that at least 10 people had been transported to hospitals.

Let it pass.   The driver stayed at the scene.


The Science Behind ‘Sticky’ Ice

Ice is sticky, but only to certain kinds of surfaces when conditions are just right for a shared ice layer to form between the surfaces and link them.

Think surface tension.

I think I comprehend.


A Memoir of Speedos, Cocktails and Living Overseas

Giving up alcohol in the Persian Gulf.

It should be an easier place to do it.
There is less of it about.
I will try to help.    No.
I will try not to get in your way.
There is no shelter in addiction.


He Became a Hate Crime Victim. She Became a Widow.

Srinivas Kuchibhotla’s death in an anti-immigrant attack at a Kansas bar made headlines the world over. Now his wife, Sunayana Dumala, opens up about her life and her work to reduce hate crimes.

Paranoia is a human condition.

I cannot force another mind to heal.
I can try to aid the self healing of minds.

People who think in terms of security
find paranoia useful.

People try to increase paranoia.


Why Does Donald Trump Keep Dissing Jews?

The answer is a verdict on his unconventional, ungenerous presidency.

"Some of this is Steve Bannon and his ilk. Their idea of nationalism is chilly to the recognition of subgroups, including Jewish Americans.
Some of it boils down to an absent professionalism. Trump isn’t matching the respectful choreography of other presidents because there’s no one in his inner circle familiar with the dance. Kushner, Bannon, Stephen Miller and Reince Priebus are all new to this kind and level of work. They lack institutional memory, along with any awareness of how easily those blind spots become insensitivity.
I can’t know definitively how Trump feels about Jews or gays or a whole lot else. But I can see clearly his sloppiness and self-absorption, and they’re cause enough for alarm."

The headline editor did not read the article or the thought needed more words than the format allows.


Real Estate

June’s Most Popular Properties

The most popular properties on The New York Times ‘Find a Home’ real estate listings site.

The Times realestate section should be in the fashion pages.

I do not read minds.

Speak clearly.


Radiofrequency Denervation Offers No Benefits for Back Pain

A medical procedure offered no advantages over exercise alone for easing low back pain.

There is a benefit for the people who apply the Denervation.
If the treatment gives immediate relief without exercise, that is a benefit the study would not detect.

Electroshock swats a mosquito with sledghammer.

N.Y. / Region

In Sheepshead Bay, a Taste of the Turkish Coast

Liman, a large Mediterranean seafood restaurant near the water, has a casual, festive atmosphere where both big groups and couples feel welcome.

The Turkish Coast is Greek in culture.
I like Greek food.

The other genocide in modern times.
I am ignoring China.  I must stop.


Laugh and the World Laughs With You. Type ‘Ha,’ Not So Much.

Texting and email have inexorably changed the way we communicate laughter, from a simple LOL and its variations to a mischievous mwahahaha.

I take Jessica Bennett's point.
I am not slain.

The mwahahaha is the triumphant laugh of the evil conqueror on closing a terminal trap.

I need "broad band" communication.
Sooner is better.     As soon as you can is best.


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