Monday, April 17, 2017

@10:30, 4/16/17



Video: Trump Administration Hunts for Easter Eggs, and Senior Staff

The White House is as much as two months behind recent standards for presidential transitions, leaving 90 percent of the positions considered critical to leadership unfilled. It did, however, manage to order the eggs for the Easter egg roll.

The transition seems slow.


In the Air, That Uneasy Feeling of ‘Us vs. Them’

How the airline industry and passengers came to find themselves navigating unfriendly skies.

Passengers must not be arbitrarily removed.


Choice of Pro-Immigration Economic Adviser Riles Trump’s Base

President Trump selected Kevin Hassett, who believes that immigration spurs economic growth, to lead his Council on Economic Advisers.

Puritanism is part of our heritage.
A small part.


A Dinosaur Cousin’s Crocodile Ankles Surprise Paleontologists

The features of 245-million-year-old Teleocrater fossils may help fill in our understanding of how dinosaurs evolved.

 Another bit in the puzel of the past.

Business Day

Sean Spicer, United Airlines and the Fine Art of Repentance

The representatives of United Airlines and the White House both found themselves grappling with the increasingly common ritual: the public apology.

Sometimes one helps.
Not in these cases.
No repeats are the desired response.


An Artist, an Arsonist and an Island of Trump Fans in New York

Staten Island’s counter-liberal artist in residence regularly baits museums and galleries and politicians across the harbor.


Donald Trump is president.


Seeing Outside the Disability Box

Identifying myself as disabled never felt right. A friendship with Oliver Sacks helped me understand why.

"The disability box" is a label.
It is not a person.
A person is much larger than a label.

It is the person that interacts with other people.
The label interferes with that interaction.

N.Y. / Region

Thanks for Your Service, Pothole Warrior

A pothole leaves the writer stranded on the Palisades Parkway, without a spare but with plenty of time to ponder how she got into this mess.

It is an amusing rumination.


Right and Left: Partisan Writing You Shouldn’t Miss

Read about how the other side thinks: Arguments against intervention from the right and left, why it’s O.K. that Trump has no “doctrine,” and the case for liberals to defend the Second Amendment.

The Left and Right are both wrong.

They are differently wrong.
There is no center between the left and the right in politics.


Trump’s Directive Will Lift Hiring Freeze, as It Asks Agencies for Cuts

The new guidance is the next step in fulfilling President Trump’s ambition to reshape the federal bureaucracy into a lean, businesslike operation.

Government is not a business.
The central organizing principal of business is profit for the owners.


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