Wednesday, October 25, 2017

@2:30, 10/24/17



Rice, in a Starring Role

Rice and lamb, baked together and studded with Middle Eastern spices: an easy, fragrant one-pot dinner.



Drink Bottle Brews Tea on the Go

An ice chamber inside this container from David’s Tea chills tea right after brewing.

An unneeded gadget.  
It will rest on a shelf to the next cleanout.


Wild and Captive Chimpanzees Share Personality Traits With Humans

A new study confirms early research by Jane Goodall, who first attributed such traits to chimps about 60 years ago.

Everyone paying attention is unsurprised.


The Symptoms of Protracted Dying

The patient was stubborn and exceptional in life, so her family believed she would be exceptional in beating her prognosis.

I am willing to accept hospice care when it is time.
I hope I am able to do the same for others at need.


Savory Snacks From State Bird Provisions

The seedy gluten-free crumble from the popular San Francisco restaurant doubles as a topping for salads and yogurt.

If you wish.
I can search for the recipe alternatively.


$250 for Dinner, Tradition Not Included, at Vespertine

At this otherworldly Los Angeles-area restaurant, the chef Jordan Kahn has stirred up a big buzz with food that claims to have no roots in the past.

As convenient.
We could take a cab.

The Mongols took it west?

Crosswords & Games

What a Sci-Fi Portal Might Lead To

Damon Gulczynski dares us to step through.

While eating Oreos my gums eventually hurt.
I am still to be found at


How Beets Became Beet-Red

Confronted with a surplus of an amino acid found in many plants, beets evolved the ability to transform it into the scarlet hue found on your dinner table.

Biochemistry can be fascinating.


We Are Reclaiming Chicago One Corner at a Time

What we do is simple. We sit on the corners and watch over the children in the neighborhood.

"The most frequently asked question we get is: How did you do it? It’s simple. We cared. We put on hot-pink T-shirts, got our lawn chairs and a couple of packs of hot dogs, and went to the corner and cooked some dinner. We showed up and established a presence in the neighborhood. We’re also creating small community centers in vacant lots around the city, where kids can play, study and get a hot meal.
We also listened to the people there. They told us how to stop gun violence in their neighborhood and pretty much all the other ones just like it. They told us they needed resources, jobs and skills training. They told us they needed schools that could prepare their children to compete in a world that will soon be run by computers. They need a share of that $95 million planned for a new police and firefighter training center, because now the community polices itself.
They told us that it was great that their children were learning their rights in school but that they wanted more qualified teachers who could teach them to read and write. And with a chunk of that $95 million, we could afford it. Sure, we still have gang violence. The cure for that is bringing jobs and resources to impoverished neighborhoods. We know that.
I’m not going to lie and say that there is just one solution that will cut down on gang violence. We did it, though. We showed up and we cared. It is really that simple. I have serious doubts, however, that the man who thought repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act would be easy will ever be able to end the scourge of gun violence."

One must begin.

Your Money

You Need an Accountability Partner. (Or a Punch in the Nose.)

Having trouble getting the most meaningful things in your life done? Team up with a trusted partner who will punish you if you don’t meet a weekly goal.

We have been there and done that.

I need small steps.

I have consulted Zillow and found possibilities.
I will have to search again as time has passed.
I would like some input from you that is more solid.
I am going to have to live with the space I purchase.
I have a preference for rural.


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