Thursday, October 12, 2017

@12:42, 10/12/17


I seem to have dropped a list.


Cooking Duck Not With Love but With Pleasure

The restaurant favorite is just as easy to make at home.

I had some disappointing experiences with duck.
I am willing to try again.


Letter of Recommendation: Dunking

Dunking has a long and ritualized tradition and a formal name popularly known as intinction.

If you wish.


Should Your Spouse Be Your Best Friend?

Feeling that your partner’s a pal may signal a healthy sense of security, or could be a red flag for “a lot of conflict avoidance.”

"Over time, of course, this physical connection wanes. While many bemoan this loss of titillation, Dr. Levine celebrates it. “It’s smart,” he said. “If you’re going to be crazy about the other person all the time, how are you going to raise kids? How are you going to be able to work?”
Instead of complaining, we should view this new phase as an achievement: “O.K., now I have this person I’m attached to. I have the feeling of security. That’s what allows me to be an individual again and self-actualize.”
It’s this feeling of security, Dr. Levine says, that leads us to describe our spouses as “friends.” But that language is not quite right, he says. First, couples still need what he calls “maintenance sex,” because it re-establishes physical closeness and renews attachment."

Thinking . . .

The relationships are different . . .



Five Common Wine Myths, Debunked

Even as people become more comfortable with wine, certain fallacies persist. One dinner, at Daniel, tried to prove them wrong.

Ask the sommelier.
I am concerned.


Why I Almost Fired My Doctor

Was I going to risk my longevity to avoid hurting my doctor’s feelings? I needed a physician I respected and trusted.

To quote my mother in her last years: 
"Doctors make you sick."

It is not that simple.
Doctors abilities are much more limited than people believe.

Honest evaluation and diagnosis is a place to start.
It is bad business practice.
Single payer would tend to fix that.


Training for the Marathon on 1.3 Legs

The strangers who cheer me on can’t know that once, even walking a few blocks was a major accomplishment.

Coming back from injury is an enormous effort.
People who succeed have my complete admiration. 
People who even partially succeed are admirable.


Cancer Humor

Cracking up may be a better option than breaking down, or so three recent books by young people with cancer suggest.

I am glad there is death bed humor.
I do not feel ready for it yet.
I will tell people when I am.
I hope you will do the same for yourself.


You Are Special! Now Stop Being Different

I was taught that my learning disabilities meant I was a problem, not a student.

Implementation is the problem.

I got the design skills.
I did not get the social skills.


Harvey Weinstein, and the Lessons for Our Daughters and Sons

One reader recalls her own experiences of sexism in the workplace. Another wishes Mr. Weinstein’s victims had spoken up earlier, despite the risks.

I am surprised at my reluctance to wholeheartedly agree.
The Harvey Weinsteins of the world must end their abuses.
They will not change without being forced.
I am loath to loose their other talents.

Crosswords & Games

Not Paying Attention

Alex Eaton Salners and the crossword editors are checking to make sure we’re awake.

I should love these puzzles.  I do not.
They are as opaque to me as to others.
I do not spell.  I use spell check.


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