Monday, October 26, 2015

@17:00, 10/25/15



Pediatricians Are Asked to Join Fight Against Childhood Hunger

The American Academy of Pediatrics wants pediatricians to question parents and refer those lacking food to various resources for assistance.

If hunger is the result of government policy
The policy must change.


A Slacker of Jakarta

What happens when your religious mother comes to stay for a while.

Guilt has power.

N.Y. / Region

Survivor of Upstate New York Church Beatings Testifies in Court

Christopher Leonard, a slight, shaggy-haired 17-year-old, was released from a hospital last weekend. His brother, Lucas Leonard, 19, died after the beating.

The brothers were beaten.


Thursday’s Matchup: Seahawks (2-4) at 49ers (2-4)

The Seahawks and the 49ers have dominated the N.F.C. West in recent years, but the teams enter this matchup tied for last place.

Final 1 2 3 4 Tot
Seattle 7 10 0 3 20
San Francisco 0 0 3 0 3
Preview | Box | Gameview | Recap
Leader Seattle San Francisco
Passing R. Wilson 235 C. Kaepernick 124
Rushing M. Lynch 122 C. Hyde 40
Receiving T. Lockett 79 V. Davis 61


New York Leads the Way on Transgender Rights

Statewide regulations that protect transgender people from discrimination, established through an executive action by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, set an important example for the rest of the country.

N.Y. / Region

In Chelsea, a Great Wealth Divide

In Chelsea and other neighborhoods like it, dizzying economic transformations because of an influx of wealth have affected the residents of less means in both obvious and insidious ways.

Businesses that can price with the rents do.  Those that cannot close.
Islands of regulated rent are isolated.


F.B.I. Chief Links Scrutiny of Police With Rise in Violent Crime

James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director, said he had a “strong sense” that scrutiny of the police has made officers less aggressive and emboldened criminals.

Criminals are not gratuitously violent.
James B. Comey is empire building.


Video: Vatican Says Pope Does Not Have Tumor

A Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, denied an Italian newspaper report that Pope Francis has a benign brain tumor, saying the 78-year-old pontiff is in good health.

It will do the Vatican no good to be caught in a lie.


Egg Donor Payments

A bioethicist writes that eliminating all guidelines on price caps may promote eugenics, harming us all.

I see little harm in eugenics driven by parents.
Black mothers bearing blond babies does not frighten me.
The learning curve will be steep.

N.Y. / Region

Remembering Guy Fawkes Day, or Pope’s Day

A look back at the rowdy anti-Catholic festival — until General George Washington suppressed it — and forward for a defunct New York Police Academy building.

The Upshot

The 57-Year-Old Chart That Is Dividing the Fed

If you believe in the traditional Phillips curve, as some at the Fed do, inflation should be taking off any day now.



On the Neo-paleo-Keynesian Phillips Curve (Wonkish)

In a previous post I mentioned, sort of in passing, that recent data actually look like an old-fashioned pre-accelerationist Phillips curve — that is, unemployment determines the inflation rate, not the rate of change of the inflation rate.
Where did this assertion come from? There seems to be one of these funny situations right now where people who don’t work on such issues consider this a wild and crazy, or maybe just silly assertion, while those actually doing serious empirical work treat it as a matter of course.
Here’s what you see if you look at US data:
But is that just me? No. Consider two recent studies on unemployment and inflation.
First, there’s Michael Kiley (pdf), who had the very good idea of adding power by estimating the relationship across a number of metropolitan areas.You need to read it carefully, but it turns out that his Phillips curve is non-accelerationist for the past 15 years:
We estimate equation 2 over two sample periods (as in our national es- timates), 1985-2013 and 1998-2013. For the 1985-2013 sample, we proxy expected inflation with a region-specific intercept and the national measure of long-run expected inflation from the Survey of Professional forecasters used in our national regression; for the 1998-2013 sample, region fixed ef- fects are used to proxy for expected inflation (because, as in the national regressions presented earlier, the survey measure of expected inflation is es- sentially constant over the 1998-2013 period).
Then there’s the new post by Klitgaard and Peck at Liberty Street, which essentially does a similar exercise for eurozone countries. Their results look like this:
That’s a relationship between the change in unemployment and the change in inflation, equivalent to a relationship between the level of unemployment and the level of inflation — i.e., an old-fashioned Phillips curve.
I’m not saying that this is a fundamental truth. All I’m saying is that people trying to fit recent data keep finding something that looks like the old-fashioned relationship. You can offer various explanations — downward wage rigidity, anchored expectations, or maybe it just isn’t worth adjusting price-setting to match fairly small variations in expected inflation. But anyway, that’s what the data look like.


Giants-Cowboys Preview: Offensive Line Will Be Crucial

With the Giants in the no-huddle offense most of the time, their offensive line must perform well in order to maintain possession and ease pressure on the defense.

Final 1 2 3 4 Tot
Dallas 3 10 0 7 20
NY Giants 0 10 10 7 27
Preview | Box | Gameview | Recap
Leader Dallas NY Giants
Passing M. Cassel 227 E. Manning 170
Rushing D. McFadden 152 S. Vereen 56
Receiving J. Witten 73 R. Randle 68


My Dark California Dream

Our­ parents had wide open spaces all around. We still had nature within reach. Now what?

California will be different.

We need to fix the world to come.

N.Y. / Region

Mayor de Blasio Calls for Solidarity After Officer Is Fatally Shot

Deaf ears.

N.Y. / Region

Nurse Held by New Jersey Over Ebola Exposure Sues Christie

Kaci Hickox, who was forced into quarantine last year after she had contact with Ebola patients in West Africa, said that Gov. Chris Christie and state health officials had held her against her will illegally.

Chris Christi panicked.

Business Day

N.H.T.S.A. Administrator Criticizes Proposal to Amend Safety Rules

A provision in a wide-ranging draft bill would delay the announcement of a vehicle-related recall and could have deadly consequences, Mark Rosekind said.

The Republican congress is consistently wrong.


The Law School Debt Crisis

American law schools are increasingly charging outrageously high tuition and sticking taxpayers with the tab for loan defaults when students fail to become lawyers.

Pay the public sector lawyers enough to starve the private practices of graduates.
The public sector pays their loans and the corporate types get rich more slowly.
The schools must finance their students without government backing.
The "for profit" schools must see to their product or go broke.
No one has a guaranteed profit.


The Choices Over Breast-Feeding

Doctors, mothers and a city health official variously suggest the health benefits of breast-feeding and the importance of a mother’s own decision.
Where there is no viable choice moms must nurse their babies.

Your Money

Learning the Unfamiliar Language of Home Care

While it is far preferable for retirees to remain at home as they age, the choices and costs can be daunting.

The once and future problem.

"So far so good."


College Football Games to Watch on Saturday

No. 3 Utah finds itself an underdog to unranked Southern California, while Stanford’s irresistible offense will face Washington’s immovable defense.




Virginia: Judge Rules for G.O.P. In a Gerrymandering Case

A panel of federal judges has rejected a lawsuit claiming Republicans illegally gerrymandered boundaries for seats in Virginia’s House of Delegates to pack black voters into fewer districts.

Reconstruction is expensive.


Egg Donor Payments

Eugenics can be a personal choice.


Papua New Guinea to Resettle Refugees From Australian Detention Center

The resettlement offers would be limited to people who have fled war or persecution, an Australian official said.

 Syrians create deserts.


Johnny Manziel’s Job Appears Safe Despite Inquiry Into Domestic Incident

As the N.F.L. investigates whether he violated its personal conduct policy, he is expected to remain Cleveland’s backup quarterback.

Football culture.


Australia’s Migrant Rules Criticized Over Abyan, a Somali Asylum Seeker

The case of Abyan, a Somali refugee said to have been raped on Nauru, highlights allegations of abuse at island detention centers, rights activists say.

Australia has found an exit.

N.Y. / Region

In Chelsea, a Great Wealth Divide

Real Estate

When a Fence Becomes a Bike Rack

This week’s questions concern a stranger’s bicycle locked to a homeowner’s fence; a contract with a difficult contingency; and a a former tenant’s left-behind belongings.

Most of the surviving fences are cast iron.
they provide little security.
We need to discuss tactics.
Sooner is better.  As soon as you can is best.


My Dark California Dream

The forest will recover and rain will fall.
We will give up fossil carbon.
The future is never as bad as it looks.

N.Y. / Region

Remembering Guy Fawkes Day, or Pope’s Day


Flyers Outlast Rangers, Winning in Shootout

Rangers goalie Henrik Lundqvist made 46 saves, but Sam Gagner and Claude Giroux scored against him in the shootout to lift Philadelphia.

Hockey is still played.


Thursday’s Matchup: Seahawks (2-4) at 49ers (2-4)


Sorry Jose, This Joe Batt Came First

Centuries ago, a sailor and shoe thief was Joe Batt before Jose Bautista. He got a town named after him, but could he hit the curve ball?

Out port Newfoundland is still desperate.

We are out of fish.  


Indictment Ties Lawyer to Fraud in BP Spill

Mikal C. Watts claimed to have signed up more than 40,000 clients seeking compensation for economic damages, one of the most extensive client lists of any lawyer or firm.

We will see if the mud sticks.


Alabama Escapes Tennessee’s Upset Bid


Stacy Schiff: By the Book

The author, most recently, of “The Witches” sat behind Hilary Mantel at a performance of “Wolf Hall”: “The titles of her backlist tumbled out half intelligibly, one on top of the other. . . . She seemed to take me for a lunatic.”

She has read more than I.


Quarterback Sets Records in Penn State Win


Letter of Recommendation: Bamba

A new mother finds a snack for her baby by reading The New England Journal of Medicine.

We do the best we can and try to enjoy the result.

N.Y. / Region

Wiretaps Offer New Details in Corruption Case Against State Senator Skelos and His Son

Prosecutors in the corruption case against Senator Skelos and his son, Adam B. Skelos, want to play wiretaps that they say show the son sought to leverage his father’s influence to his own benefit.

Local government goes off easily.


New York Leads the Way on Transgender Rights



3 Thought to Be Right-Wing Extremists Are Arrested in Germany

Word of the detentions came as German authorities warned against a rise in attacks on shelters for some of the thousands of refugees who have been entering the country.

I worry about kangaroo courts.


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