Saturday, May 1, 2010

Stopping Arizona

I am amazed at all the furor over the Arizona law that simply requires law enforcement to enforce the law. I AM MORE AMAZED TO LEARN THAT LAW ENFORCEMENT DOES NOT ENFORCE THE LAWS AGAINST ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION IN ALL THE STATES ALL THE TIME. How stupid can we be? With an estimated illegal alien population of over 400,000 in Arizona and with 99.9% of the illegals being hispanic (mostly Mexicans), who are the police supposed to check, little old Irish ladies? With a large population of Americans of hispanic origin and many of the police of hispanic origin, the separation of illegals from the locals will be relatively quick and the acceptable level of inquiry will be achieved. Sure sounds like we should do this everywhere. The police can certainly check my credentials. I am Scot-Irish and my family has been here about 270 years and I think we should control the illegals.

They pay taxes and do not collect benefits. The voluntary poor are not a problem.

Let the police chase criminals.

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