Friday, May 28, 2010

The President Confronts the Spill

A major shortcoming in the White House is the lack of advisers who are engineers. Scientists too often have the upper hand in government affairs. Scientists can theorize forever but engineers solve problems on time scales that matter in disasters. In situations such as the trajedy playing out in the Gulf of Mexico, President Obama very much needs objective advice from engineers who are not on the payrolls of corporations or who are defensive of their poor performance in government agencies. Many US engineers are frustrated as they see environmental impacts that are addressable. Engineers who provided more accurate estimates of the spill flow rate underscore my point. Independent engineers can advise President Obama and fix this problem if they are given priority over scientists in crises.

Close but I will pick nits.

A major shortcoming in the White House is the lack of advisers who are engineers. Herbert Hoover spoiled the game.( Scientists too often have the upper hand in government affairs. No scientist has had the upper hand since Jefferson. Scientists should advise on policy. Scientists can theorize forever but engineers solve problems on time scales that matter in disasters. The degree granted by West Point is an engineering degree. In situations such as the trajedy playing out in the Gulf of Mexico, President Obama very much needs objective advice from engineers who are not on the payrolls of corporations or who are [not] defensive of their poor performance in government agencies. Many US engineers are frustrated as they see environmental impacts that are addressable. Engineers who provided more accurate estimates of the spill flow rate underscore my point. Independent engineers can advise President Obama and fix this problem (?)if they are given priority over scientists in crises.

Once the accident occurred no amount of skill could reverse it. No one in a position of power noticed the year old report on the MMS. The BOP was assumed to be good. The crew from Haliburton was assumed to be skilled and cautious.

After the accident the BP management insisted on trying to save the well. Once that proved to be not possible, The petroleum engineers proceeded to shut down the well. The shut down has proven to be a bit more difficult than hoped. Obama received good advice from the beginning of the crisis.

A permanent shut down of off shore drilling is not yet politically possible. Wait a few more weeks for the full impact.

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