Saturday, May 29, 2010

Placing the Blame as Students Are Buried in Debt

Is it really worth $100,000 in debt to graduate from a top school? And is it responsible?

When someone ends up with nearly $100,000 in undergraduate debt, is it the student, the parents, the lender or the college that should take the blame?

If a good student wants an excellent education, there are way over a hundred universities in this country that can give you the best education you can absorb. If you can get into one of the top three Ivys or Stanford, and can pay for it, you get a little more status that has some value, but it's just frosting on the cake. If what you really want is to live in New York and have a good time, you better have a rich uncle who likes you, or you will pay for that party forever. My perspective is that of a graduate of the top Ivy in a serious discipline.

The G I bill had the right idea. Just pay the tuition if the school can meet separation of church and state. Those degrees must come out of another pocket.

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