Saturday, September 24, 2011

@10:42, 09/24/11



  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Sep 23, 2011
    Have Consumers Become More Willing to Pay for Content? - Room for Debate
    Have consumers changed their expectations about what media will be free or cheap, as the Napster era has yielded to iTunes?
    I think not.   The form of the payment is changing.
    My image of money is not the banks vision is not the kids'.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Sep 23, 2011
    • Brian K commented on an article:
      Mar 10, 2010
      Is it fair to criticize lawyers for having represented Guantanamo detainees?
      What possible room for debate is there? The Guantanamo detainees were slapped with the label of "unlawful combatant," a pseudo-legal invention designed to consign the detainees to a legal no-man's land where neither civilian laws nor the laws of war could reach them. And now the lawyers who fought this unconstitutional, patently illegal, what-we-say-goes arrogance of the executive branch are being demonized as enemy sympathizers. Liz Cheney, Andrew McCarthy, et al.: You are not worthy to lick the dirt off the soles of these lawyers' shoes.

      My enemy's enemies are my . . . allies.  Neither heroes or villains.

      Lawyers:  Mercenaries in the service of justice.
  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Sep 23, 2011
    The Limits of Racial Solidarity - Room for Debate
    Redistribution policies in France have not helped racial minorities.
    "Obama knows that generating solidarity across the color line is the challenge of our era. Yet, historical and comparative perspectives suggest that erasing the color line will not do. It must be redrawn by seamlessly weaving race-consciousness into a transracial universalist outlook."
    In the military everyone depends on the sergeants.  All of culture has people of similar rank and power.  If we can get them race neutral we will be much nearer to a just culture.
    Things can change if the controlling notions for those things change.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Sep 23, 2011
    A physician from the Northeast
    • A physician from the Northeast recommended a graphic:
      Feb 18, 2011
      Ted Ligety won the giant slalom. It was the first gold medal for the United States at the world championships in Germany.
      Conceptually wonderful.  I have practical qualms.
      I have preferred to get into trouble and out more gently.
      It will let one escape the avalanches.  
      The ski patrollers like to shoot at them with artillery.
  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Sep 23, 2011
    Young People Will Pay, but Are Choosy - Room for Debate
    People 25 to 34 are the most willing to buy online media like movies and games. Second to them are 18-to-24-year-olds.
    Other peoples money is cheap but it is not free.
  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Sep 23, 2011
    Tax Policy and Americans' 'Last-Place Aversion' - Room for Debate
    What explains the recurring tendency of lower-income Americans to vote against their own economic interests.
    More at | People will sacrifice comfort for hope.|
    Hope disappointed is seen as false.
  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Sep 23, 2011
    Should the U.S. Continue Selling Arms to Taiwan? - Room for Debate
    The Obama administration approved a $5.8 billion arms sale package to Taiwan over China's strong objections. What are the consequences?
    Eventual war with China or internal chaos in China without an external war.  I think it will be the second.  Very possibly there will be no consequences between China and Taiwan or they will be so long delayed as not to matter.
    It will insure the arms makers in the US survive a few more years and it will reduce our debt to Taiwan.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Sep 23, 2011
    show me
    • show me commented on an article:
      Jun 5, 2010
      Disaster in the Amazon
      Corporations are just way, way too big. Yet, they have the same rights as an individual, as each of us. Big business can donate unlimited amounts of money to political campaigns according to the US Supreme Court. The billions made by BP make a multi-million dollar fine a small and affordable cost of doing business. We need a Constitutional Amendment that takes corporate money out of our elections and our government before we can even begin to effect the changes you recommend. How can we trust our government to act on our behalf, rather than the interests of corporations that are seemingly able to buy, not only elected representatives, but our oceans and our rain forest?

      We can consistently vote our interests and demand that others do the same.  
      Representatives must do their jobs as best they can.
      If we do not know our interests we must find out what they are
      before the next election.  
      Corporations are just sock puppets.  
      They have no more rights and interests than sock puppets.
      Those who say otherwise have no place in or near government.
      Bribery was a crime when last I looked.
      Taking money for favor is called bribery. 
      There is a lot of house cleaning to be done.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Sep 23, 2011

    Capital is working just fine. The middle class is not working here because the upper managers have no need of them. They have been consigned to the surplus market.
    Import sales are dependent on the spending of the middle that was. That is not there now so the import market will quickly die. 
    Foreign exporters dependent on the American mass market will shortly thereafter die.
    This is called world depression. 
    It is caused by capitalism working.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Sep 23, 2011
    Brian K
    • Brian K commented on an article:
      Mar 10, 2010
      Is it fair to criticize lawyers for having represented Guantanamo detainees?
      What possible room for debate is there? The Guantanamo detainees were slapped with the label of "unlawful combatant," a pseudo-legal invention designed to consign the detainees to a legal no-man's land where neither civilian laws nor the laws of war could reach them. And now the lawyers who fought this unconstitutional, patently illegal, what-we-say-goes arrogance of the executive branch are being demonized as enemy sympathizers. Liz Cheney, Andrew McCarthy, et al.: You are not worthy to lick the dirt off the soles of these lawyers' shoes.

      It is not fair or just.  If the situation at Guantanamo were legal there would be grounds.
      As things are it is not legal and very powerful people want to keep it as it is.  
      It takes very brave, possibly heroic, people to oppose great power with law.     People can get suddenly dead that way.
      I will cheer them on and contribute to the effort in cash.

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