Friday, September 23, 2011

@10:32, 09/22/11 2

The world has not ended and things bounced up a bit after Europe closed.
The markets always sell off on Fridays when the traders are nervous.  We will see how things are developing next week.  The "Plunge protection team" has been working.

  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Sep 21, 2011
    Why Isn't the U.S. a Leader in Green Technology? - Room for Debate
    Americans pride themselves on being global leaders in innovation. So why is the nation lagging behind China and Germany on renewable energy?
    There seems to be no prize in this race.  There are just bragging rights and costs for energy users.  There is no intellectual property left in the engineering.  Superconducting transmission lines look like an insoluble problem to me.
    It is all about money.   
    Green that yields no premium will not happen.
  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Sep 21, 2011
    How Government Can Stimulate Green Technology - Room for Debate
    It’s not wise for the government to abandon the role of supporting basic research at universities in favor of becoming a venture capitalist itself.

  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Sep 21, 2011
    A False Dilemma for U.S. Colleges Standing Up to China - Room for Debate
    The people in China responsible for banning foreign scholars are not the same as those signing exchange agreements with U.S. universities.
    The statement is true.  I don't follow James Millward's argument.
    China is sovereign.  It can set its academic policies.  
    US institutions set their own or accreditation committees set them. 
    There is really no connection between one set of standards and another.
  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Sep 21, 2011
    It's a Mistake to Tie Energy Policy to Jobs Creation - Room for Debate
    President Obama sold his energy policy as a jobs plan. That was a bad idea.
    "Everyone but the Tea Partiers supports green technology — Republican, Democrat and independent alike."  That is not at all apparent to me. 
    "Obama should have said: We support clean energy because we value the America we’ve built, and we’re going to fight to save and improve it through this country’s innovations. That could have been a generational challenge for an America lacking a sense of its own future — as sorely as it is lacking jobs."

    We have seen the avalanche on the mountain.  We see the path toward us.  Now we see the mountain move and hear the roar.  The trees are not tall enough.  The future may be very short.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Sep 21, 2011
    One in Three Texters Would Rather Text Than Talk
    "My 3-year-old told my husband the other day to send me a text message. She intuitively understood that I prefer to see his words on my screen than hear his voice. Texts are discreet. Texts are pithy."
    "Nearly three out of four Americans send text messages on the phone and among those who do, 31 percent prefer texting to talking."
    "It turns out that 53 percent of Americans still prefer to talk to one another on their phones."
    I have yet to figure out how to do texts on my phone.  20 keys are not enough.  Multiple strokes make me nuts.
    I have real computers.  I spend more time with them than I like.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Sep 21, 2011
    Google Takes the Hot Seat in Washington

    Google's competition cares desperately.
    For the most part I do not. 
    Google does not own the businesses I use. 
    Most of them are not fighting for retail sales.
  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Sep 21, 2011
    Define 'Real Indians' - Room for Debate
    The intersection of race and citizenship in Indian Country never fails to create a tragicomedy of tribal politics.

    Disenfranchisement is a traditional tactic in many elections.  
    Usually the courts do not endorse it.
    We could probably figure out what was going on.  
    I am not going to go join a mob.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Sep 21, 2011
    Despite Wiretaps and Economic Woe, Berlusconi Endures
    It is all internal politics in Italy.
    As a tourist I expect to be exploited.
    Outright banditry I would like to avoid.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Sep 21, 2011
    • Jenna Wortham posted to Twitter a blog post:
      Aug 4, 2011
      Can New York Rival Silicon Valley for Start-Ups? - Room for Debate
      “Can New York Rival Silicon Valley for Start-Ups? - Room for Debate -” 
      Rent is prohibitive.  The same is true of silicon valley.
      The culture is very different. 
      I once concluded that N.Y. is the city of not making it.
      If one is at the civilized bottom, not homeless, but one or two checks away, most efforts must go to food and shelter and heat.
      There is very little time or energy to be invested in a distant future.  If and when some slack is found,  the suburbs win every time. If enough wealth is there to allow a move into the city from the suburbs the arrivals are well financed.  It is a city of strugglers and wealthy.  The two groups do not talk much.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Sep 21, 2011
    John Niedermeyer
    • Libby posted to Twitter an article:
      Jun 24, 2011
      New York State Senate to Vote on Same-Sex Marriage
      “New York State Senate to Vote on Same-Sex Marriage -” 

      Passed, signed and the state law.
      Sooner is better. As soon as you can is best.
      Thirty-three state senators have publicly declared they will support legalizing same-sex marriage, all but assuring passage of the measure which will make New York the largest state where gay and lesbian couples can wed. 
       California will strike down proposition 8 very soon.

  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Sep 21, 2011

    Whitman at H.P.? The Idea Distresses the Tech World

    H.P. was a hardware company. They built Pcs because they could not buy machines to fit their needs. The hardware groups aside from the computer group were spun off as Agilent. They are doing just fine. The Computer group still builds solid machines but has had no understanding from management.
    Stand back and avoid the splash as it goes bust.
    I should sell my block very soon.       It will pop up before it dies.
  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Sep 21, 2011
    Stop Coddling the Financial Sector - Room for Debate

    Subverting Market Forces

    Updated September 20, 2011, 06:42 PM
    Russell Roberts is the host of EconTalk, a weekly podcast. He is a professor of economics at George Mason University and a research fellow at the Hoover Institution.
    Don't think that raising taxes on the rich and putting the money into education is going to fix U.S. schools.
    Certainly not if it goes to bricks and mortar.  If it reduces class size and pays teachers generously it will make better schools.
    "But it has also allowed executives in the financial sector to earn a lot more money than they would have in a market system where people who make bad loans get punished by losing your money."  That is a good description of what we have.  There should be no but to it.
    " higher tax rates increase pre-tax income. And there is no evidence that spending more on schools makes them better."
    Two bright and shining lies.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Sep 21, 2011
    Fed Moves on Long-Term Interest Rates to Spur Growth
    A 1.1 % change in a 2% rate   .0022% change.  
    I can do better by yelling buy at Wall and Broad.
    "Now, to a second approximation, risk plays a role; and what the Fed is trying to do is play on the margin created by the difference between the first and second approximations. OK. But we’re talking about very big markets here. Total nonfinancial debt in the US is around $36 trillion, and the Fed is talking about shifting $400 billion of that total from short-term to long-term assets. How much effect can that have?

    The main way in which unconventional Fed policy can work is by changing expectations — especially expected future inflation. And that’s not happening. In fact, expectations of inflation over the next 5 years have been falling fast:"
    400Xten to the ninth over 36 X ten to the twelfth = 4/360 = 1.11 %  
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Sep 21, 2011
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Sep 21, 2011
    • Libby posted to Twitter an article:
      Jun 24, 2011
      New York State Senate to Vote on Same-Sex Marriage
      “New York State Senate to Vote on Same-Sex Marriage -” 
      It is the law in New York.  It will be the law in California.
      Sooner is better.    As soon as you can is best.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Sep 21, 2011
    Fill In the Blanks, Continued
    " Folks, he just ain’t that liberal."

    I will vote for someone else in the primary if I can.

  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Sep 21, 2011
    Tax Policy and Americans' 'Last-Place Aversion' - Room for Debate
    What explains the recurring tendency of lower-income Americans to vote against their own economic interests.
    Could be.  I doubt it.  People they believe lie to them.
  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Sep 21, 2011
    Social Security as a Ponzi? It's a Bad Metaphor - Room for Debate
    Ponzis depend on fraud, but there is no organization more scrupulously honest than the Social Security Administration.
    The whole discussion is misleading and slanderous.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Sep 21, 2011
    Dispute on Disaster Aid Threatens Bill to Avert Government Shutdown

    You can deal with a short break in revenue.
    The Republicans have no interest in governing.
    Budgetary intransigence could get very exciting.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Sep 21, 2011
    One in Five New York City Residents Living in Poverty
    A studio in Brooklyn runs $1500 / month.  $18000. /year .
    $18,310 poverty for a family of three.     no.


Rather distracted.

I have heard good reports of the site.  Interesting if true.

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