Saturday, June 10, 2017

@14:00, 6/9/17



When a Pet Dies, Helping Children Through the ‘Worst Day of Their Lives’

Understanding the ways that a child might view and respond to a pet’s passing can help parents to ease the grieving process.

Do not shield a child from life. 
Death is a part of life.
Danger is a part of life.
Know them for what they are.
Avoid them if possible.
Deal with them when they cannot be avoided.


What to Cook This Weekend

It’s grilling time. Seize the warming days, and make jerk ribs or scallion lamb — even garlic bread or poundcake.

Cooking for one
is less fun.


Why Does Hair Turn Gray at a Young Age?

Smoking, nutrition and many other factors may contribute to graying locks.

The mechanism is known.
The cause is not known.
There is no known method of reversal.


Comey Testimony: Key Questions About the Hearing

Though James B. Comey’s written statement removed a measure of drama from the proceedings, there appears to be bipartisan consensus that he will find a way to make more news on Thursday.

Be patient.

The axe will fall.


In China, Video of Deadly Accident Reignites Debate Over Lack of Trust

A video showing pedestrians and drivers ignoring a woman struck by a taxi and then run over by an S.U.V. has left Chinese again questioning their societal values.

Chinese culture endures.

The Learning Network

Are You Being Raised to Pursue Your Dreams?

What is the best way to raise children of any gender so that all children feel equal and nurtured to pursue their dreams?

I object to the label "Feminist".
All children and adults do need to learn the culture of cooperation toward understood goals.
When the goals are not known the skill set required is creativity.
It may include the "feminine" skills but they do not usually lead.
The "masculine" skills of war leadership do not much help
when facing a truely new situation.
The hunter gatherer skills are what are required.
They are neither masculine or feminine.
Abrahamic religion appears intended to subsume all outside
activities with the exception of fetching water to the masculine.


How to Be Mindful With a Barking Dog

Approaching the sound of barking with mindfulness can help transform it from a source of agitation to an opportunity for practice.

Dogs communicate well with attentive people.


James Comey and the Predator in Chief

Any woman hearing the former F.B.I. director’s testimony thinks of one thing: sexual harassment.

"After reading Mr. Comey’s earlier statement, I tweeted about this Wednesday night, and immediately heard from other women who had seen that narrative emerge. How recognizable it was that Mr. Comey was “stunned” to find himself in these potentially compromising positions. His incredulity, mixed with President Trump’s circling attempts to get his way, were poignant. For a woman who has spent a lifetime wrestling with situations where men have power they can abuse, this was disturbingly familiar."


Are Pets the New Probiotic?

Pets, especially dogs, may have a salutary effect on health because they add to the rich array of microbes in our homes, to the benefit of our immune systems.

There is nothing new about the "Dirty Dog".

What is new is the recognition that the dirt may be beneficial.


America’s Hidden H.I.V. Epidemic

Why do America’s black gay and bisexual men have a higher H.I.V. rate than any country in the world?


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