Tuesday, September 6, 2016

10:00, 9/6/16


N.Y. / Region

Hopes Rise That Staten Island’s Young Eagle Is a Native New Yorker

If it’s not a tourist, the juvenile bird would be the first bald eagle hatched in the city in more than a century.

Nature is recovering.

N.Y. / Region

Eating Lobster Tails at Gage & Tollner

Recalling a lunch filled with funny family stories at a beloved Brooklyn restaurant.

Paper can hold memories descendants never have.

N.Y. / Region

New York City Will Change Lead Testing Methods at Its Schools

A spokeswoman for the mayor said that starting in October, the city would retest every building that had at least one water sample that exceeded 15 parts per billion of lead.

Measuring the problem does not fix the problem.
I have no fix for poisoned children and poisoned hope.

N.Y. / Region

With Food Hub, Premium Produce May Reach More New Yorkers’ Plates

A new $20 million center in the Bronx aims to expand access to high-quality vegetables and fruits as part of a growing “food-to-institution” movement.

Cutting out the middle creature.

"All flesh is grass."

Fashion & Style

Samuel Spector, Glenn Greilsamer

The couple met 14 years ago, but didn’t begin dating until 2013 after running into each other at a party.

Life requires a group.   A bonded group works better.

Sooner is better.  As soon as you can is best.


Pondering Miracles, Medical and Religious

A hematologist and medical historian examined 1,400 miracle investigations by the Vatican, from 1588 to 1999.

The interaction of the mind and the immune system is unknown.

N.Y. / Region

Jersey Shore Shopkeepers Are Hit by a Storm That Never Arrived

Forecasts of flooding from Tropical Storm Hermine and a declaration of a state of emergency drove away vacationers and left merchants with sharply lower revenue this Labor Day weekend.

The federal government committed no fraud.


The Health Effects of Growing Old, and Lonely

Researchers have linked loneliness to physical illness and to functional and cognitive decline. Programs to reach out to the socially isolated are growing in response.

The two are not necessarily connected.
Drinking has filled the social need in the past.
Family and work are a better fix that kills more slowly.
I suspect monasteries did it before the rule of silence.
The destruction of community by whatever means kills.


Hermine Gains Strength Off East Coast, Threatening Flooding

The storm, expected to return to hurricane-strength winds, prompted emergency declarations and wide disruptions of the holiday weekend.

" The powerful post-tropical cyclone Hermine lurked off the Eastern Seaboard on Sunday, and its evolving path made the storm more likely to be a bother than a threat.
Yet even as the storm churned hundreds of miles from the shoreline and positioned itself farther east than anticipated, officials, fearful of floodwaters and skeptical of shifting forecasts, often kept beaches closed, roads shut down and Labor Day weekend concerts canceled."




Vitamin B12 as Protection for the Aging Brain

Depression, dementia and mental impairment are often associated with B12 deficiency.

If you might need a supplement, take a small supplement.
The need should be apparent.


Namon Hoggle, 81, Accused in a Civil Rights Killing, Is Dead

Mr. Hoggle was the last surviving defendant in the fatal beating of James J. Reeb, a white minister who had marched with civil rights advocates, in Selma, Ala., in 1965.

White Alabama continues.


A Life of Meaning (Reason Not Required)

If philosophy is to stay relevant, it must bridge the gap between feeling and thought. 

"Any philosophical approach to values and purpose must acknowledge this fundamental neurological reality: a visceral sense of meaning in one’s life is an involuntary mental state that, like joy or disgust, is independent from and resistant to the best of arguments. If philosophy is to guide us to a better life, it must somehow bridge this gap between feeling and thought."

Philosophy properly practiced is purpose.
Tautology is an elementary error.

Reflexive responses beyond withdrawal from pain and enjoyment of fat and sugar are programed by self or others. 
Addiction is a programed reflexive response that is nearly invulnerable to rationality.
Many live in a world of reflexive response.  Autopilot is comfortable.


Surfing in Nixonland

I learned that history, too, happens in waves.

The Republican party distrusts an homeostasis based in individual liberty.
The Democrats are only less distrustful.
The Republicans have inherited their distrust from their ancestral Whigs.


In a Novel’s Mysterious Background, Talk of a Horrific Crime

Dialogue about a crime forms the background to Iain Reid’s debut novel, “I’m Thinking of Ending Things.”

Outlines can have a heavy hand.
Convincing puppets do not show the strings.
Drama developed by the story can hide the strings.


False Hope and a Needless Death Behind Bars

John MacKenzie was a model prisoner for more than 40 years, but after 10 denials of parole he realized the only way out was to kill himself.

"Some years ago, Mr. MacKenzie wrote an essay about the frustrations of living at the whim of parole commissioners. “If society wishes to rehabilitate as well as punish wrongdoers through imprisonment,” he wrote, then “society — through its lawmakers — must bear the responsibility of tempering justice with mercy. Giving a man legitimate hope is a laudable goal; giving him false hope is utterly inhuman.”"

Fashion & Style

David Wong, Dennis Yu

The couple, who met in a New York bar in 2012, were married at the New York Marriage Bureau.

Sooner is better.  As soon as you can is best.

N.Y. / Region

The Coney Island Boardwalk as a Runway

The portrait series “Island” features images by Mark Hartman, who walks the same route along the beach nearly every day, snapping photos along the way.

A beach is a different bubble of anonymity.

Fashion & Style

I Was a Hotline Psychic for Miss Cleo

Lonely hearts hoped to talk with the woman famous from those late night TV commercials. They got me instead.

"True Confessions"


A Ranger, a Field of Wildflowers and the Retelling of Flight 93

The task of recounting what happened to the jetliner on Sept. 11, 2001, falls to Robert Franz at what is now a national park in Pennsylvania. The emotions are never far away.

No happy ending.

Four crashed aircraft.  
Seven crashed governments . . . no, twelve and counting.
Uncounted dead and wounded.
Crusading is reborn.


Suicide Prevention

The vigilance of others and gun ownership are crucial elements, readers say.

"“I used to think about ending my life,” she said. “But the more I learned, the more I realized that what happens in your mind at the point of death, that’s your last thought.”
Dr. Gould nodded, leaning closer. “I decided instead that I’d rather make more art, learn more, be a part of something,” V said. “And I realized that you’re in people’s lives for a reason. They want you there.”
“It’s important to stay.”"


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