Monday, March 18, 2013

@10:20, 3/17/13


Job Market

Never Turning Away

The executive director of the Hearing Health Foundation says she saw early in life how some people could be condescending to those with disabilities.
Executives and Management (Theory); Careers and Professions; Ears and Hearing; Deafness; Disabilities; 

Exhaustion speaks loudest.

Better Colleges Failing to Lure Talented Poor

Most low-income students who have top test scores and grades do not even apply to the nation’s best colleges, which contributes to widening economic inequality, economists say.
Colleges and Universities; Income Inequality; Tests and Examinations; Race and Ethnicity; Financial Aid (Education); 

All colleges specialize.  
This article misses that.
The colleges draw students from those interested in their specialty.
"Colleges Fail to Interest Talented Poor" 
Teach getting rich rather than being rich.


Slaughter of the African Elephants

Poachers in central Africa are pushing elephants to extinction.
Elephants; Poaching (Wildlife); Ivory; Endangered and Extinct Species; 

I heard you the last time.
We know how to stop it.
Forbid the market.


Unfair Punishments

Denying food stamps and welfare to former drug offenders encourages dangerous behavior like prostitution.
Welfare (US); Food Stamps; Drug Abuse and Traffic; Prostitution; Research; Crime and Criminals; 

I have no argument with the study.

I can make a few statements beyond this study.
The policy condition is political.
The GOP appears to believe government is a market.
In a fair market "You get what you pay for".
In a fair market no third party would pay for drug addiction.
In all markets "You pay for what you get".
The addicts must pay for their addiction.
I know that government is not a market.
Paying taxes is not optional.
The decisions on how my taxes are spent is not mine.
The decisions on how taxes are spent is not theirs.
We have a representative legislature.
A cooperating legislature seems to be beyond us at the moment.


Does Affirmative Action Do What It Should?

Some minority students who get into a top school with the help of affirmative action might be better served by attending a less elite institution.
Affirmative Action; Admissions Standards; Minorities; Discrimination; Education; 

A different view of "Better Colleges Failing to Lure Talented Poor"

All colleges specialize.  
The colleges draw students from those interested in their specialty.
"Colleges Fail to Interest Talented Poor" 
Teach getting rich rather than being rich.
 Affirmative Action is part of an effort to end racism and race priveledge.
A more effective but slower program is Early Childhood Education.
Early education would change cultures.  
Changing cultures is believed to be unacceptable.


My Cheating Friend

Thou shalt not commit judgment on her adultery.
Friendship; Adultery; Ethics (Personal); Ethicist, The (Times Column); 

Sooner is better.   As soon as you can is best.
Business Day

Coffee’s Economics, Rewritten by Farmers

Some coffee farmers are taking control of more of the supply chain, roasting and marketing their own beans for greater profit.
Coffee; Agriculture and Farming; Cooperatives; Prices (Fares, Fees and Rates); 

I do not feel constrained in my coffee purchases.
There is a feature this story ignores.
A futures market would allow the farmer to sell his future payment for present cash.  There will be more than one participant on the buy side of such a market so the farmers will get the best possible price for future income. There is no requirement to sell all the future income. the farmer can carry as much or as little after harvest risk as desired.

Your Money

Challenging Management (but Not the Market)

The investing style of Dimensional Fund Advisors, run by David Booth, is sometimes called passive, but the firm is often an extremely active shareholder in companies in its portfolio.
Mutual Funds; Stocks and Bonds; Shareholder Rights and Activism; 

Micro does not map into macro.
I have no real objection to either of these funds.
I think DFA is a big part of the problem with industry.
I suspect that Vanguard moves in and out of positions rather than try to influence corporate governance directly.
Both are terrible for the national economy but good for personal wealth.
Vanguard looks to be a bit better for personal wealth.
My game has been to bet on where hardware technology is going.  
I am concluding that it is going where it is told. 
I am thinking about that.

Real Estate

Saving on Title Insurance

A debate about whether title insurance premiums are too high and competition too constrained.
Insurance; Mortgages; Real Estate and Housing (Residential); 

I have no intention of having a mortgage.  
Title insurance is still a very good idea.
Lets not pay more than we must. 
Business Day

An Owner Rethinks How He Spends His Marketing Dollars

Jeff Chinman says he has three top priorities now: Update his Web site, create a blog and start using local online market ads.
Advertising and Marketing; E-Commerce; Online Advertising; Small Business; 

February 27, 2013, 12:17 pm

Is Answering Your Customers’ Questions the Best Marketing Strategy?

Why don’t more businesses do what worked for Marcus Sheridan?

Your Money

New Laws Take Guesswork Out of Investment Tax Liability

Investors will need to keep a sharp eye on their cost basis statements from brokers and banks, lest they invite an I.R.S. inquiry.
Personal Finances; Income Tax; Stocks and Bonds; Federal Taxes (US); Capital Gains Tax; 

The only action in my brokerage account has been the slow accumulation 
of dividends.  
The last big lump was the cash buyout of National Semiconductor by TXN.

N.Y. / Region

Worker Is Crushed by Garbage Truck Compactor in Brooklyn

Luis Camarillo, 18, was standing at the rear of a truck that had been loaded with recycled paper when he was struck by the compactor and killed, the police said.
Accidents and Safety; Trucks and Trucking; Deaths (Fatalities); 

The hydraulics are very loud.  
Either there was more than one compactor working or Luis Camarillo was very deaf.  
This was not an easy accident to have.
Not all of dumbo is gentrified.  
Pratt is Clinton Hill toward Bed-Stuy.


A Tough Road for Charter Proposal

Dan Patrick, the Texas Senate education chairman, has plans to expand the state’s charter school system, but they will have to pass a Legislature that defeated more modest proposals just two years ago.
Charter Schools; Law and Legislation; Education (K-12); Reform and Reorganization; 
I distrust The state of Texas.
Why would charter schools be preferred to other public schools?
What are the goals of these funding foundations?

The state of Texas is cutting school funding.
Charter schools select their locations and thus the areas served and the populations resident in those areas.
Racial segregation by school district?


Diverting Your Dollars From the Purpose They’re Meant to Serve

Texas legislators tell voters they are collecting taxes for specific programs like trauma care, but then use some of the money to balance the budget.
Budgets and Budgeting; Taxation; State Legislatures; Embezzlement; Frauds and Swindling; 

The usual whining. Nothing will come of this. 

The Gender Gap in Pain

There is a gender gap in the diagnosis and treatment of painful disorders.
Women and Girls; Gender; Pain; Doctors; Pain-Relieving Drugs; Autoimmune Diseases; Medicine and Health; Social Conditions and Trends; 

I can only know my pain.  
I must guess at others pain.
You must tell me when I hurt you so I can stop.
Home & Garden

In Your Pocket, a Lost-and-Found

There are plenty of gadgets to help you find what you have misplaced. But none do the job perfectly.
Mobile Applications; Smartphones; Wireless Communications; 

I am better than I was.  Much less wanders off.
Business Day

A Profession With an Egalitarian Core

Though accused of defending selfishness, economics has a long tradition of treating individuals equally. That could have surprising implications in the debate over immigration.
Immigration and Emigration; Economics (Theory and Philosophy); Economic Conditions and Trends; Discrimination; 

I distrust references to morality.
As has been said elsewhere: Figures don't lie but liars figure.

New Data to Consider in D.N.R. Decisions

A new study finds that elderly people who are resuscitated in a hospital by CPR have a significant chance of being alive one year later.
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR); Death and Dying; Defibrillators; Elderly; 
Her health care proxy is in place. We understand her wishes under the various possible circumstances.  There is a DNR.

The Distracted American Driver

Nearly 70 percent of Americans ages 18 to 64 said they had chatted on their phones while driving in the past 30 days, and about 30 percent said they had sent text messages while behind the wheel, far more than drivers in seven European countries.
Cellular Telephones; Drunken and Reckless Driving; Roads and Traffic; Text Messaging; 

I will answer the phone if I can.   I will pull off to chat or to initiate a call.
Business Day

Interior Dept. Warns Shell on Arctic Drilling

The government wants a detailed plan on how the company plans to address safety issues before allowing it to resume exploration.
Offshore Drilling and Exploration; Accidents and Safety; 

A necessary first step.  
Clean operation is more important than early operation.
Never operating would be best.




How Beer Gave Us Civilization

Humans may have found brew before they found bread. It’s a lucky thing.
Beer; DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid); Grain; 

Beer certainly has been part of life.
I do like it.  I like to stop at one.

Shame Is Not a Four-Letter Word

Shame is an essential ingredient of a healthy society, particularly a liberal one.
Teenage Pregnancy; Smoking and Tobacco; Emotions; 

Shame implies a moral code.
Beyond "Do as you would be done by" things get very relative.
N.Y. / Region

Black and White and Wallet-Size, Unfit for Faking

New York State will introduce a new driver’s license in July that is made of polycarbonate and has other features that officials say will make it virtually impossible to forge.
Drivers Licenses; Identification Devices; Counterfeit Merchandise; 

Not a problem.

Googling You

A 1986 federal law does not address new forms of privacy invasion, like Google’s mapping project, which also collected personal data.
Privacy; Computers and the Internet; Law and Legislation; Data-Mining and Database Marketing; United States Politics and Government; 

There is no expectation of privacy for radio communications.
Just get used to the idea.
If it goes over a radio link there is no way to prevent it being received.
Almost all encryption can be broken in time.
To be private, information must not be broadcast.


Smart Drones

Coming soon: weapons that have minds of their own.
Drones (Pilotless Planes); Defense and Military Forces; Targeted Killings; Human Rights and Human Rights Violations; Robots and Robotics; 

I am not that worried.  
I expect this will go much like other weapons of mass destruction.
No nuclear bomb has been used in anger since 1945.
Chemical weapons have not been used internationally since 1918.
Biological weapons have not been used since small pox was deployed against native Americans.
The drone wars will suddenly end when all sides have them.
One place I would trust them is hunting other drones.
The very limited endurance of such things will quickly bring them down.



Business Day

Keeping a Closer Eye on Student Loan Servicing Firms

A proposed rule would give the federal government authority to oversee student loan servicing companies.
Consumer Protection; Regulation and Deregulation of Industry; Student Loan
I have no loans outstanding. 
Effective regulation will make me feel a bit better.
Far better to have outright grants.

Time for me to get some sleep.


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