Friday, February 1, 2013

@12:01, 1/31/13


Business Day

Biotech Firms,Billions at Risk,Lobby States toLimit Generics

The industry’s lobbying effort could blunt new competition to its products and reduce the savings anticipated in the federal health care overhaul.
Drugs (Pharmaceuticals); Biotechnology; Law and Legislation; Generic Brands and Products; Inventions and Patents; Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010); States (US); Lobbying and Lobbyists; 

"We have the best legislatures money can buy"


A One-Stop Shop for Water Worries

A new mapping tool visualizes water stress and scarcity around the globe.
Conservation of Resources; Maps; Water;

I do not keep flash on this machine.
The atlas looks wonderful.  I will have to study on how to get the nature of the risks.
As I think about weather and water I am much less worried about drought.
The sea surface will evaporate more as it warms.  We may get more and bigger cyclones.
Cold air outbreaks from the polar regions may be less severe but the temperature difference need not be great to get an extra-tropical storm.
Fronts happen even in high summer.

Nuclear Test Could Open Window on North Korea

Though nations have urged the North not to conduct the test, American officials say such a blast could yield much-needed insights into the North’s nuclear program.
United States International Relations; Nuclear Weapons; Uranium; Nuclear Tests; Espionage and Intelligence Services; Nuclear Energy; 

I would really rather not learn the sophistication of the North Korean program this way.
N.Y. / Region

Bloomberg Seeks Spending Limits, but No Tax Increases

In his final budget proposal after 11 years in office, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said that New York schools could be hit the hardest.
Budgets and Budgeting; Finances; Organized Labor; Education (K-12); Hurricane Sandy (2012); Labor and Jobs; 

This is the Republican program.   I hoped he was sharper.  
This may be, like the Rockefeller Drug Laws,  an attempted step to higher office.

Business Day

In Energy Taxes, Tools to Help Tackle Climate Change

Americans may have grown more aware of the potential risks of climate change, but they are no more willing to bear the costs of trying to solve the problem.
Taxation; Global Warming; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Carbon Dioxide; 

We can pay now or pay more later or wait for the heat to kill us.
The cost of eliminating fossil carbon is not going down.
This man thinks there will be no consensus to reduce fossil carbon.
Ignoring the problem may still look cheaper as they wait to be elevated to heaven by their faith.

'Hurrah for Old Abe'

What Americans, North and South, thought of the Emancipation Proclamation.
Civil War (US) (1861-65); Emancipation Proclamation (1863); Slavery; 

The emancipation proclamation was as constitutional as Sherman's  march to the sea and for the same reasons.


Perry Changes Tack on Rainy Day Fund

In his State of the State address, Gov. Rick Perry of Texas urged lawmakers to draw $3.7 billion for infrastructure projects, 12 years after warning that the Rainy Day Fund should not be touched.
Speeches and Statements; Budgets and Budgeting; Infrastructure (Public Works); 

Just another politician following the money.

Teacher Evaluations in New York

Teachers, retired and working, respond to an editorial.
Tests and Examinations; Education (K-12); Performance Evaluations (Labor); Teachers and School Employees; 

The question here is why are the children not educated adults?
What other standard could one judge teachers on?
The simple fact is the students are children.  They are not educated. 
The children learn facts and relations between facts very early.
Think of language acquisition.
Our schools intentionally miss this early acquisitive stage demanding instead that students suffer as their instructors suffered.
The teachers are excellent at this task.

Law Schools’ Applications Fall as Costs Rise and Jobs Are Cut

Applications are headed for a 30-year low, reflecting increased concern over soaring tuition, crushing student debt and diminishing prospects of lucrative employment upon graduation.
Education; Law Schools; Legal Profession; Labor and Jobs; Colleges and Universities;

It would appear that law school aspirants can do arithmetic.
If the qualification will not yield an income to justify the expenditure other goals must be satisfied.
True vocations are rare.  Most people are not able.

Federal Rule Limits Aid to Families Who Can’t Afford Employers’ Health Coverage

In deciding whether an employer’s health plan is affordable, the Internal Revenue Service said it would look at the cost of coverage only for an individual, not for a family.
Health Insurance and Managed Care; Regulation and Deregulation of Industry; Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010); Income; Federal Aid (US); Children and Childhood;

Our nation must fix this mess.
That will mean a Democratic super-majority and a broken GOP.


Internet and Federal Act Ease Overseas U.S. Voting

The growing use of technology and a 2009 law reponding to complaints about a frustrating system seem to have helped streamline the process.
Americans Abroad; Absentee Voting; Voting and Voters; Computers and the Internet; Presidential Election of 2012; Presidential Election of 2008;

"The use of technology, however, has brought its own problems. Both voters and election officials sometimes received electronic files that would not open, arrived corrupted or refused to print."
There is no expectation of privacy for broadcast material.
Whether the net is private or not is in debate.
If homeland security can peak without a warrant the net is not private.

Harsh Abortion Curbs

The author of a book about abortion writes about desperate measures women will take to end an unwanted pregnancy.
Abortion; Birth Control and Family Planning; Roe v Wade (Supreme Court Decision); Pregnancy and Childbirth;

Abortion is a right.  Aborting is a legal choice. 
Interference with that choice is not part of U.S. or state law.


Medals and Memories

The more distant World War II becomes, the more Russians seem to commemorate it.
Awards, Decorations and Honors; Veterans; World War II (1939-45);

Russia paid a horrendous price for the both world wars.
They should be encouraged to remember all of it.


Afghans Bristle at U.S. Ban on Airline

Allegations of opium smuggling halted military contracts, and some American officials, too, have quietly questioned the response.
Drug Abuse and Traffic; United States International Relations; Afghanistan War (2001- ); Airlines and Airplanes; Smuggling;

This is why we have diplomats. 
This is for the State Department to deal with.

Lowland Gorillas, Protected in a Green Abyss

The Republic of Congo has set aside a new national park for some 15,000 gorillas.
Endangered and Extinct Species; Forests and Forestry; Monkeys and Apes; National Parks, Monuments and Seashores; Poaching (Wildlife);

A park means roads and people.  Not a happy addition.
The concept of a wilderness park is foreign to politicians.
Business Day

When Corruption Helps the Bottom Line

A recent study found that the most corrupt countries like Venezuela are actually better for investors than moderately corrupt countries like Morocco or Mexico.
Bribery and Kickbacks; Corruption (Institutional); Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (1977); Foreign Investments; Stocks and Bonds;

Good for finance.  Terrible for the population.

Hackers in China Attacked The Times for Last 4 Months

The timing of the attacks coincided with reporting for an investigation that found that the relatives of China’s prime minister had accumulated a fortune worth several billion dollars through business dealings.
Cyberattacks and Hackers; Computer Security; Computers and the Internet;

The Times should be able to defend itself.

Paying Doctors for Performance

New York City’s public hospital system is moving away from cost-of-living increases.
Doctors; Hospitals; Reform and Reorganization; Health Insurance and Managed Care; Wages and Salaries; Editorials;

The doctors do not set prices, administrators do.

Front Burner

This week, grain-based vegan hot dogs for your Super Bowl and staged excepts from famous authors who have expounded on food.
Crackers; Hot Dogs and Frankfurters; Parties (Social); Super Bowl; Veganism;
Vegans do not eat hotdogs.  That seems to be the point of veganism.

For Some Caregivers, the Trauma Lingers

Some caregivers struggle with intrusive thoughts and memories months and even years after a loved one has died.
Elderly; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; Psychology and Psychologists;

Call it battle fatigue if you wish.  I am not going to quibble.

Sleep calls.   @2:24


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