Thursday, April 1, 2010

Reviews: Love It or Not? Looking at iPad From 2 Angles

Apple’s iPad (coming soon) seems to be hated by technical types and loved by everyone else. Here are separate reviews for the two audiences.

Reviews: Love It or Not? Looking at iPad From 2 Angles

As a media consumption device, the iPad sounds like it will be ideal for web surfing and watching videos. This is the tipping point that will do TV news / TV shows what the web did to newspapers: kill their business model. Why would someone spend $120 a month for cable+Internet when they can now get the best of TV free through the Web? The TV biz-- that "vast wasteland" -- is about to enter its end days. That can only be good for world civilization. Thank you, Apple!


I have nothing to add to Pogue's review. Newspapers are not dead just very changed. This is a television set. It is only somewhat reimagined.

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