Sunday, July 29, 2018

@15:20, 7/29/18


Fashion & Style

Justine Kolata, Louis Schwizgebel

They met as roommates in London while she began her doctorate in philosophy at Cambridge, and he performed as a concert pianist.

Sooner is better.   As soon as you can is best.

Fashion & Style

Emily Steel, Daniel Hoevel

Their paths crossed at a Brooklyn bar while he was having a beer with a friend and she was at a farewell party.

Sooner is better.   As soon as you can is best.

Fashion & Style

Nadine Dukeson, Mat Morrison

The couple met in March 2015 while both were working as senior producers for the BBC’s “World News America” broadcast.

Sooner is better.   As soon as you can is best.


Seeking ‘a Good Afterlife,’ and Not Just for Humans

Thailand’s capital, with little green space and deadly reptiles, is not ideal for pets. But owners spoil their dogs and cats in life — and often cremate them in a Buddhist ceremony when they die.,+Thailand/@11.3007029,101.4295758,6z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x311d6032280d61f3:0x10100b25de24820!


The House That Homer Built: Remembering a Cooperstown Celebrity

When Jim Thome and others are inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame on Sunday, the longtime Cooperstown resident Homer Osterhoudt’s presence will be missed.

The institutions continue.

Real Estate

Homes That Sold for Around $600,000

Recent residential sales in New York City and the region.

Huntington is closest to a yes.

Fashion & Style

Vina Tran, Michael Stanish

The couple grew up three houses away from one another in South Park, Pa., but did not start dating until shortly before college in 2000.

Sooner is better.  As soon as you can is best.


On Spain’s Smartest Streets, a Property Boom Made in Venezuela

Madrid is attracting thousands of rich Venezuelans who have been fleeing their country’s political and economic turmoil.

These are refugees.
Most of them will not lead the necessary revolution.

Oil was discovered in the early 20th century and, today, Venezuela has the world's largest known oil reserves and has been one of the world's leading exporters of oil. Previously the country was an underdeveloped exporter of agricultural commodities such as coffee and cocoa, but oil quickly came to dominate exports and government revenues. The 1980s oil glut led to an external debt crisis and a long-running economic crisis. Inflation peaked at 100% in 1996 and poverty rates rose to 66% in 1995[13] as (by 1998) per capita GDP fell to the same level as 1963, down a third from its 1978 peak.[14] The recovery of oil prices in the early 2000s gave Venezuela oil funds not seen since the 1980s.[15] The Venezuelan government then established populist social welfare policies that initially boosted the Venezuelan economy and increased social spending, temporarily[16] reducing economic inequality and poverty.[20] However, such populist policies[21] later became inadequate, causing the nation's collapse as their excesses—including a uniquely extreme fossil fuel subsidy[22]—are widely blamed for destabilizing the nation's economy. The destabilized economy led to a crisis in Bolivarian Venezuela, resulting in hyperinflation, an economic depression,[23] shortages of basic goods[24] and drastic increases in unemployment,[25] poverty,[26] disease, child mortality, malnutrition and crime. By 2017, Venezuela was declared to be in default regarding debt payments by credit rating agencies.[27][28] In 2018, the country's crisis was exacerbated by extreme hyperinflation, with estimates suggesting an inflation rate of 1,000,000% by the end of the year.[29]"

Oil was discovered in the early 20th century and, today, Venezuela has the world's largest known oil reserves and has been one of the world's leading exporters of oil. Previously the country was an underdeveloped exporter of agricultural commodities such as coffee and cocoa, but oil quickly came to dominate exports and government revenues. The 1980s oil glut led to an external debt crisis and a long-running economic crisis. Inflation peaked at 100% in 1996 and poverty rates rose to 66% in 1995[13] as (by 1998) per capita GDP fell to the same level as 1963, down a third from its 1978 peak.[14] The recovery of oil prices in the early 2000s gave Venezuela oil funds not seen since the 1980s.[15] The Venezuelan government then established populist social welfare policies that initially boosted the Venezuelan economy and increased social spending, temporarily[16] reducing economic inequality and poverty.[20] However, such populist policies[21] later became inadequate, causing the nation's collapse as their excesses—including a uniquely extreme fossil fuel subsidy[22]—are widely blamed for destabilizing the nation's economy. The destabilized economy led to a crisis in Bolivarian Venezuela, resulting in hyperinflation, an economic depression,[23] shortages of basic goods[24] and drastic increases in unemployment,[25] poverty,[26] disease, child mortality, malnutrition and crime. By 2017, Venezuela was declared to be in default regarding debt payments by credit rating agencies.[27][28] In 2018, the country's crisis was exacerbated by extreme hyperinflation, with estimates suggesting an inflation rate of 1,000,000% by the end of the year.[29]

Crosswords & Games

Three in One

Will Nediger’s puzzle breaks it down for us, in a funny way.


Obscure Contest? Not When House Democrats Are This Divided

The fight for the post of House Democratic caucus chairman, now held by the defeated Representative Joseph Crowley, hints at a coming free-for-all.

This is the time for winning.
The Democrats will work out their differences while there is no work to be done.


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