Sunday, March 26, 2017

@11:30, 3/26/17


Business Day

Alex Jones Apologizes for Promoting ‘Pizzagate’ Hoax

Mr. Jones, a well-known conspiracy theorist, acknowledged that neither a Washington pizzeria nor its owner had been involved in human trafficking.

"But the theory lives on. A small group of protesters showed up outside the White House on Saturday, holding signs that asked why the news media was covering up child trafficking and demanding an investigation into Hillary Clinton, Mr. Alefantis and John Podesta, Mrs. Clinton’s campaign chairman, in connection with the hoax."


Nebraska May Stanch One Town’s Flow of Beer to Its Vulnerable Neighbors

Whiteclay, with its little liquor stores, attracts American Indians from the dry reservation just across the South Dakota line. But a move is afoot to change that.

"Sheriff Robbins echoed a common sentiment heard from both Nebraskans and Native Americans: If the stores lose their licenses and close down, people in search of beer will just drive farther to get it, endangering themselves and others on the roads. He favors containing the problem in Whiteclay, rather than allowing it to spread out over the county’s nearly 2,500 square miles."


Pumping Life Into the Equal Rights Amendment

Nevada’s endorsement of the E.R.A. gives supporters of the long-fought-over amendment an encouraging sign.

"Nevada’s first female United States senator, Catherine Cortez Masto, hailed the E.R.A. vote while pointing to the stop-and-start, “bittersweet progress” of gender equality that still leaves women well short of the goal. The glacial pace of progress was familiar to the women’s rights pioneer Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who died 18 years before women were allowed to vote. “Come, come, my conservative friend,” she patiently advised one opponent of the equality movement, “wipe the dew off your spectacles, and see that the world is moving.”"


Boris Epshteyn, White House Press Official, Is Let Go From His Job

Mr. Epshteyn, who had a contentious relationship with television producers, was once a frequent presence on TV himself.

Another Russian connection.


Health Bill’s Failure Leaves Supporters in a Political Jam Back Home

In running for re-election next year, some Republican lawmakers may have to defend their support for a politically explosive bill that many backed only reluctantly.

The opposition to Obamacare was split.
The DNCC may not recognize that split.

Crosswords & Games

Variety: Puns and Anagrams

In which we see Sam Ezersky’s handiwork two days in a row.

I find anagrams in all their variants impossible.
I read by graphic word recognition.  I do not spell.


Indonesians’ Taste for Dog Meat Is Growing, Even as Others Shun It

Rising income has led to reduced dog consumption in some countries, but in places like Indonesia, it has made the meat newly affordable — and popular.

Fifteen dollars will not raise a dog to maturity.
These are stolen pets.


Renegotiate Nafta? Mexicans Say Get on With It

Uncertainty over the trade deal is hitting the country hard, pinching off foreign investment and lowering growth expectations.

Trump does not negotiate.
He is an autocrat.


Trump vs. Congress: Now What?

After the president suffered his first defeat on Capitol Hill, can the White House still make good on its legislative promises?

Trump cannot.
The legislature will not take his orders.


What Would You Do With an Intruder at the Door?

Reaching for a weapon feels rational, even if it isn’t.

Daniel Levitin behaved correctly.
The police need alternatives to imprisonment.


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