Wednesday, November 16, 2016

@12:30, 11/15/16


  1. Tech Distractions Blamed for Rise in Traffic Fatalities 

    People can give up driving or they can give up distractions.

    My bet is neither.
  2. Zika Infection in U.S. Is Still Rare So Far, Blood Donations Indicate

    Suspect "cherry picked" data.  
    Puerto Rico was not included. 

  3. Trilobites

    How a Mastodon’s Teeth Found in Michigan May Tell Us How It Died 

    Marks of butchery or tooth marks would be more convincing.   
    This could be ice drifting. 

  4. The Design Issue

    Inside the 21st-Century Craze for Redesigning Everything 

    Read and think.  

  5. Vast and Pristine, Russia’s Lake Baikal Is Invaded by Toxic Algae 

      Russia has not been interested in the natural. 

  6. Q&A

    A Cold and Flu Risk That’s a Real Eye-Opener 

    Get a flu shot.
  7. Letter

    Suicide Attempts in Prison 

    Escape attempts are punished. 
    Suicide is an escape.

  8. ‘Arrival’ Comes On Strong in a Generally Robust Box Office Weekend 

    I have not gone to the movies on my own for decades.
  9. White Collar Watch

    Martin Shkreli May Point the Finger at His Lawyers 

    "Lawyers are retained by companies to ensure compliance with the law, not as a means to take greater risks in the hope that the government cannot prove an intentional violation. That approach would turn good faith based on the advice of counsel into a free pass from fraud."

    Executives want a "Free Pass from Fraud".

  10. Ant Obstacle Course 

    Pheromone trails sensed by concentration.
    Follow the highest concentration of trails.
    There are probably at least two flavors of trail.
    Young and old trail would do.


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