Wednesday, January 7, 2015

@12:20, 1/6/15



Gov. Jerry Brown Begins Last Term With a Bold Energy Plan

The California governor issued a call to slash gas consumption by cars and trucks by as much as 50 percent as part of a campaign to battle global warming.
Global Warming; Energy Efficiency; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Fuel Efficiency 

Politically he can ask for his goals. He can get penalties when those goals are not achieved.  
He cannot easily change fashion in automobiles.
He cannot change the construction of existing buildings.


Scott Walker, Starting Second Term as Wisconsin Governor, Resists New Union Battle

The governor has indicated that he does not want to expand the fight with labor that defined his first term, but fellow Republicans seem determined to challenge the power of unions.
Organized Labor; Government Employees 

The Republicans have bought a really bad idea.
The sought changes in legislation will race to the bottom of wages.
Management would think it wonderful.  All who work for wages would starve.
Those who could would vote with their feet and leave the state.
They must be careful what they wish for.  They may get it.  


Hezbollah Appears to Acknowledge a Spy at the Top

Remarks were taken as confirmation of reports that a senior Hezbollah operative had been caught spying for Israel, disrupting several assassination plots abroad.
Espionage and Intelligence Services; Assassinations and Attempted Assassinations; Defense and Military Forces 

Israel is known to attempt to rescue their operatives when they are captured.
I read no sign of such action here.
That he is captive is known in Jerusalem.
I am lead to think Hezbollah has a loyal and effective man on trial for his life. 


Leo Tindemans, 92, Dies; Belgian Prime Minister and Voice for European Unity

Mr. Tindemans saw European integration and a single currency as a means of overcoming the virulent nationalism of the past.
Euro (Currency); Deaths (Obituaries) 

The scheme is not working as intended.
I am sorry he will not have the opportunity to try again.

Europe’s Trap

"There are many risks in the world economy right now — a possible Chinese hard landing (local governments depend heavily on land sales for revenue? Oh, boy), a financial crisis in Russia and other oil exporters, etc.. But one thing is not a risk, because it has already happened: the euro area has entered a Japan-style deflationary trap.
No, it’s not literally deflation at an EA-wide level, but that doesn’t matter — slightly positive and slightly negative inflation with interest rates already at the zero lower bound are essentially the same. Furthermore, southern Europe still needs substantial amounts of “internal devaluation” — that is, still needs to reduce costs and prices relative to Germany — so that a low overall euro area inflation rate means destructive deflation in much of the continent.
And if you look at the implied market forecast, it’s truly disastrous. Right now, German 5-year bonds offer a yield of zero — an implicit firm forecast that Europe will be in a liquidity trap for the foreseeable future, while 5-year index bonds are yielding about -0.35 percent. That’s telling you two things: investors see so little in the way of profitable investment opportunities that they’re willing to pay the German government to protect their wealth, and they expect something like 0.3 percent inflation over the next five years, which is catastrophically below target.
How is this supposed to end? I like and admire Mario Draghi, and believe that he’s doing his best. But it’s really hard to see how the ECB could gain enough traction here to solve the problem even if it didn’t face internal dissent from the hard-money types.
So don’t think of Europe as having a tough but workable economic strategy, endangered by Greek voters and such. Europe is at a dead end; if anything, Greece is doing the rest of Europe a favor by sounding a wake-up call."


In New Mexico Tent City, a Glimmer of Hope

Officials in Las Cruces, N.M., transformed an encampment in a dangerous part of the city into a hub of services for homeless people.
Homeless Persons 

This is a shelter in the desert.
When the residents are able they join the community as functioning members.

Business Day

The Economics (and Nostalgia) of Dead Malls

High-end shopping malls are thriving across the country, but as midtier retailers like Sears and J. C. Penney flounder, they are also dragging down their malls.
Shopping Centers and Malls; Real Estate (Commercial); Shopping and Retail 

There is little discussion of the economics here.
      There is a system of problems.
I can start with the wage earners who have not seen a raise in a generation or more.
Much of the population retired when the work they did disappeared. Those who were not able or willing to retire moved down the pay scale.
The customers are broke.  They have little if any disposable income.
Malls with customers with disposable income are doing well.

Malls are built with borrowed money. 
To support that debt they must charge a high rent.  
If a business cannot pay rent and staff and stock, it closes. 
If no mall based business can pay the rent, the mall closes.
A closed or bankrupt mall cannot support its debt.  The bank will take the property.
If the bank tries to operate the mall the rents it will charge are prohibitive.
This is mall death.

Retail is mauled by debt.


Moving Videos Between Mac and Android Gadgets

Plus, how to track system updates on a Windows tablet.
Android (Operating System); Tablet Computers; Mobile Applications 

From the shape of things you are dealing with an hand held device

The kindle of some variety is a good bet?

Kindle applications

Amazon released a "Kindle for PC" application in late 2009, available as a free download for Microsoft Windows 8, 7, Vista, and XP.[77] This application allows thousands of books to be read on a personal computer in color, with no Kindle unit required, for e-books purchased from Amazon's store.[78] Amazon later released a version for the Apple Macintosh, in early 2010.[79] In June 2010, Amazon released a "Kindle for Android" version. With the Google Android application release, versions for the Apple iPhone, the iPad, Windows and Mac computers, and BlackBerry cellphones are also available.[80] In January 2011, Amazon released Kindle for MS Windows Phone 7.[81] In July 2011, Kindle for HP TouchPad (running under webOS) was released in the US as a beta version.[82] In August 2011, Amazon released an HTML5 based webapp supporting the Chrome, Firefox and Safari browsers called Kindle Cloud Reader.[83] As of 2013, Amazon has expressed no interest in releasing a separate application for the GNU/Linux operating system; however, the Cloud Reader can be used in Linux using the browser.[84]
On April 17, 2014, Samsung announced it would discontinue its ebook store effective July 1, 2014 and would partner with Amazon for the Kindle for Samsung app, which would permit Samsung Galaxy users using Android 4.0 or higher to use Amazon’s catalog, and would add a free book service, Samsung Book Deals, that would allow users of the app to choose one free ebook monthly from a selection provided by Amazon.[85]

The Upshot

Illinois Introduces Automatic Retirement Savings Program, a First for the Nation

Starting in 2017, most state residents lacking a retirement plan at work will have money taken out of their paychecks and put toward an I.R.A.
Individual Retirement Accounts; Savings; Federal Taxes (US); Pensions and Retirement Plans; Law and Legislation 

Spending is needed to heal the economy.

Europe’s Trap

There are many risks in the world economy right now — a possible Chinese hard landing (local governments depend heavily on land sales for revenue? Oh, boy), a financial crisis in Russia and other oil exporters, etc.. But one thing is not a risk, because it has already happened: the euro area has entered a Japan-style deflationary trap.
No, it’s not literally deflation at an EA-wide level, but that doesn’t matter — slightly positive and slightly negative inflation with interest rates already at the zero lower bound are essentially the same. Furthermore, southern Europe still needs substantial amounts of “internal devaluation” — that is, still needs to reduce costs and prices relative to Germany — so that a low overall euro area inflation rate means destructive deflation in much of the continent.
And if you look at the implied market forecast, it’s truly disastrous. Right now, German 5-year bonds offer a yield of zero — an implicit firm forecast that Europe will be in a liquidity trap for the foreseeable future, while 5-year index bonds are yielding about -0.35 percent. That’s telling you two things: investors see so little in the way of profitable investment opportunities that they’re willing to pay the German government to protect their wealth, and they expect something like 0.3 percent inflation over the next five years, which is catastrophically below target.
How is this supposed to end? I like and admire Mario Draghi, and believe that he’s doing his best. But it’s really hard to see how the ECB could gain enough traction here to solve the problem even if it didn’t face internal dissent from the hard-money types.
So don’t think of Europe as having a tough but workable economic strategy, endangered by Greek voters and such. Europe is at a dead end; if anything, Greece is doing the rest of Europe a favor by sounding a wake-up call."

Fashion & Style

Seeking a Gentle Cleanser for a Harsh Winter

Cosmetics and Toiletries; Skin
Selecting a mild facial treatment without all the unnecessary extras.

Your choice.  I seem to manage.


Rams Owner Stan Kroenke Reveals Plan for Field in Los Angeles Area

Stan Kroenke announced plans to build an 80,000-seat stadium that would rise in proximity to a city that has been without an N.F.L. team for two decades.

I have almost no interest in football.

NCAA Women's Scoreboard
Previous Day | Wed., January 07 | Next Day
7:00 PM ET

7:00 PM ET

7:00 PM ET

8:00 PM ET


Grand Juror in Ferguson Sues to End Silence Rule

The juror, bound to secrecy under Missouri law, says in a federal lawsuit that the public’s impression of the grand jury’s work in the Michael Brown case is “not entirely accurate.”
Police Brutality, Misconduct and Shootings; Jury System; Suits and Litigation (Civil); Murders, Attempted Murders and Homicides 

We will hear more of the matter.

N.Y. / Region

Plan to End Overnight PATH Service Irks Riders

Govs. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York and Chris Christie of New Jersey have proposed eliminating PATH train service between 1 and 5 a.m., a lifeline to many riders.
Transit Systems; Commuting 

Chris Cristie would like to further gentrify northern New Jersey.


Pick Me! Four American Cities Put Best Olympic Foot Forward

Reporters in Boston, Los Angeles, Washington and San Francisco describe the local mind-set as the U.S.O.C. decides which finalist to back as a potential host city. The Games will be awarded in 2017.
Olympic Games; Olympic Games (2024) 

I just don't care.


As Refugee Tide Swells, Lebanon Plans a Visa Requirement for Syrians

Some 1.1 million Syrians are said to have sought refuge in Lebanon, a nation of four million people.
Refugees and Displaced Persons; Visas; Immigration and Emigration

I will have to study out the present position.
Isis seems to have bogged down.
There is no enthusiasm for campaigning in the cold.  


Keeping Older Pedestrians Safe

Older adults account for a disproportionate number of pedestrian deaths, so they need to make sure they have enough time to cross a street.
Automobile Safety Features and Defects; Bicycles and Bicycling; Elderly; Traffic Accidents and Safety 

I agree safety is everyone's responsibility.
I have not killed anyone yet.


The Central Crisis in New York Education

The state, which regards itself as a bastion of liberalism, has the most racially and economically segregated schools in the nation.
Education (K-12); Editorials; Equal Educational Opportunities; Teachers and School Employees; Suits and Litigation (Civil) 

As long as schools are primarily funded by local property taxes the quality of education will be uneven.
The wealthy do not use the schools and see no reason to pay for them.
The poor also see no reason to pay for schools.

Business Day

Treasury Auctions for the Week of Jan. 5
. . . "The crucial point here is that German bonds are denominated in euros, while U.S. bonds are denominated in dollars. And what that means in turn is that higher U.S. rates don’t reflect fear of default; they reflect the expectation that the dollar will fall against the euro over the decade ahead.
But why should we expect a falling dollar vis-a-vis the euro? One big reason is that European inflation is very low and falling, while the U.S. seems to be holding near (although below) its 2 percent target. And other things equal, higher inflation should translate into a falling currency, just to keep competitiveness unchanged. If you look at the expected inflation implied by yields on inflation-protected bonds relative to ordinary bonds, they seem to imply roughly 1.8 percent inflation in the US over the next decade versus half that in the euro area, which means that the inflation differential explains about 60 percent of the interest rate differential." . . .

Read it all for full impact.


19 Years Later, Article by Kagan Echoes at the Supreme Court

As a law professor, Justice Elena Kagan wrote an article about the First Amendment that has become a touchstone in recent cases.
First Amendment (US Constitution); Freedom of Religion; Political Advertising

The message on the temporary signs cannot be regulated.
The size and aesthetics are regulated. 

In this case the political signs must be reduced in size and duration.

The control of video games is a parental responsibility.

I am second guessing the court.


Stop Subsidizing Big Pharma

Venture philanthropy risks benefiting companies, not patients.
Research; Philanthropy; Corporate Taxes; Science and Technology; Drugs (Pharmaceuticals); Tax Credits, Deductions and Exemptions; Copyrights and Copyright Violations; Biotechnology and Bioengineering 

Allow Medicare to bargain with the pharmaceutical houses.


China Arrests Activist Who Assisted in Daring 2012 Escape

Guo Yushan, who helped the prominent rights advocate Chen Guangcheng flee house arrest in 2012, has been arrested and charged with operating an illegal business.
Political Prisoners 

China is a sovereign nation.
The U.S. has no right to complain.
The free press is not the government.


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