Saturday, May 26, 2018

@11:35, 5/26/18


Fashion & Style

First Came the Résumé, Then the Text

The couple met in 2016, after her mother asked friends to find an eligible young man for her daughter.

Sooner is better.   As soon as you can is best.

Arrangements start with voice contact.  Use my clear cell.

Fashion & Style

Their Parents Had an Inkling It Would Work, Eventually

Their parents met and became friends in the 1980s, but it wasn’t until the end of 2009 that the bride and groom were introduced.

Sooner is better.  As soon as you can is best.


10 Recipes Readers Love

Creamy lemon pasta, chocolate mousse bars and more for the weekend.

Go to related coverage.


Woody Harrelson, Rogue Number One

Hollywood’s cosmic cowboy is working furiously — all while performing science experiments on his reality.

He is welcome to those adventures.

Fashion & Style

A Woman’s Rodeo, Designed by Dior

Amid an epic thunderstorm, the French brand took the reins of the resort season.

"Until recently, the charreada was confined to men but a women's precision equestrian event called the escaramuza is now the tenth and final event in a charreada. The event involves women's teams dressed in a style reminiscent of the nineteenth century, participating in precisely choreographed patterns for horses.[5] The immediate antecedent of the present Escaramuzas were the Adelitas, or "women of the revolution." Tradition holds that women on horseback were decoys during the Mexican revolution. The women would ride off to raise a cloud of dust so that the Federales were deceived into thinking an attack would come from that direction. The revolutionaries would then attack from the rear.[10]
The women in the escaramuza are mounted "a mujeriegas", that is, in an "albarda" or sidesaddle that is peculiar in style to the Charrería but the underlying design has also evolved over hundreds of years in both Europe and North Africa. The traditional albarda for the Escaramuza is a cut down charro saddle, with a leather seat and leg braces, U-shaped for the right leg and C-shaped for the left leg.[10]"

The gowns are socially acceptable.  There are no good pictures.



3 False Claims From Trump’s Naval Academy Speech

In a commencement speech on Friday, President Trump told Annapolis graduates that the military had received “no money” before him and that troops had just received their first pay raise in 10 years.

I suspect he lies whenever he talks.


Whitney Museum Honors Three Women

Benefits were held for the Whitney Museum, Solving Kids’ Cancer, the Breast Cancer Research Foundation and PEN America.

Honorary degrees.
Pay them well.


Trump’s Pardon of Jack Johnson, a ‘Con Job’

A reader sees two ulterior motives for the posthumous pardon.

Another empty gesture:

Morocco’s D.I.Y. Dance Crews

Break dancing has been a crucial outlet for young people throughout the country, where government funding for the arts is limited.

Islam sequesters women.


Lemony Chicken Wings, Soaring Above the Rest

Wings don’t have to be done Buffalo-style. This version takes inspiration from the Mediterranean.



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