Saturday, January 13, 2018

@17:40, 1/13/18


Crosswords & Games

Supreme Intelligence

Joel Fagliano puts roadblocks in our way.

16D: If you are “Closest to base” in a ballgame, you’re safe. But if you are “Closest to base?” with a question mark, you need to be thinking about a whole other kind of base. We have a few to choose from, but today we’re looking for the base that means evilest.


Victims of California Mudslides Were Swept Away Weeks After Surviving Fires

The mudslides in Montecito, Calif., wiped out entire blocks, pulling people from their homes and killing at least 18.


Is There Life After Liberalism?

Neither the populists nor the philosophers are ready with alternatives.

Conservatism has made the west stagnant.
"The end of history" is a classic Marxist concept.
Liberalism is pragmatic.
"Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality.[1][2][3] Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but generally they support ideas and programmes such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, free markets, civil rights, democratic societies, secular governments, gender equality and international cooperation."

Patrick Deneen is simply wrong
De Tocqueville was fearing Thomas Hobbes Leviathan.

Leveling is both up and down.


The Squid That Sink to the Ocean’s Floor When They Die

Some squid sink to the ocean floor when they die, researchers found, and they make take a lot of carbon down there with them.

The squid that drift to the bottom are eaten.
Energy in the benthic environment is valuable to other life.
Little remains at the bottom.


Guess Who’s Coming to ‘Peanuts’

The introduction, 50 years ago, of a black character into the Schulz comic strip was a major social statement.

Franklin is another kind of different.

Fashion & Style

Two Children, a Milestone and Then Marriage

A joyous celebration — after 25 years together — as an act of resistance.

Sooner is better.   As soon as you can is best.

Business Day

The Marriage Ended. The Company Thrived.

How Brad Black and Susan Griffin-Black built EO Products into an all-natural skin care juggernaut despite getting a divorce along the way.

Let us begin.


Chelsea Manning Files for Senate Run in Maryland

Ms. Manning, a former Army private convicted of disclosing classified information, would face Senator Benjamin L. Cardin, the top Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee, in the primary race.

I would vote for her.
I consider myself unusual.

Real Estate

Getting a Roommate in Your Golden Years

As the baby boomers age, some are choosing to stay in their homes and take in boarders to help pay the rent or lend a hand with household chores.



The Secret to a Happy Marriage Is Knowing How to Fight

Planning for conflict is more important than planning a wedding.

Sooner is better.   As soon as you can is best.

Thoughtful argument is best.    Pragmatism rules.

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