Saturday, February 11, 2017

@18:50, 2/11/17


Crosswords & Games

A Little Variety

A place to discuss the A Little Variety suite of puzzles, including the Spelling Bee.



Video: Anatomy of a Scene | ‘The Lego Batman Movie’

Chris McKay narrates a sequence from his film.

Why is the Lego joker playing Trump?

N.Y. / Region

Pentagon Considers Leasing Space at Trump Tower

The suggestion raises questions about a potential conflict of interest because taxpayer dollars could be going directly to the president’s business interests.

Make Trump pay attention to running the federal executive.

Times Insider

Good, Bad and Mad: Andrew Rosenthal on the News

“We still have a court system.” The Opinion columnist Andrew Rosenthal on the Trump administration’s latest moves and other news.

We are being mooned by president Rump.


Chicago Officer Who Shot Teenager and Bystander Will Not Be Charged

The shooting occurred at the height of scrutiny over police conduct in Chicago, not long after the Justice Department announced it would investigate police practices there.

There will be more dead police in Chicago.

The Learning Network

Word + Quiz: viper

This word has appeared in 20 New York Times articles in the past year.

Viper comes up Trump.


In Neil Gorsuch’s Confirmations, Parsing the Meaning of ‘Yes’

Does opposition now contradict silence in the past? The parties warring over Judge Gorsuch’s Supreme Court nomination are framing the answer to their advantage.

Judge Gorsuch will probably be confirmed eventually.

N.Y. / Region

Conflicting Views on a Wider Police Use of DNA

At a public meeting, experts shared their views on whether investigators should be able to study the DNA of relatives of crime suspects.

The procedure seems close to "a fishing expedition".
The police should be required to get a search warrant.
The records of unsuccessful searches should not be retained for future use.


Trump Signs Orders to Combat Crime, With Little New in Them

Mr. Trump has repeatedly invoked fear of crime, sometimes with inaccurate exaggerations. Crime rates peaked in the early 1990s and then significantly declined.

Drama is not what we need from the executive branch.


Donald Trump, Middle-School President

Like a teenager who didn’t do the homework, he’s always eager to blame someone else.

"Trump was back on Twitter on Wednesday morning attacking the appellate court judges — an astonishing attempt by a president to interfere in the judicial process. “If the U.S. does not win this case as it so obviously should, we can never have the security and safety to which we are entitled,” Trump said.
The logic of that eludes me. If Trump loses this case, he’ll pick up his marbles and go home and not try anything else to keep America safe? He’ll hold his breath until he turns blue? Or will he just pass notes around to all the other eighth graders about how mean the teachers are?"

There is a staff in the White House.  A butler, maids, cook etc. 
The secret service knows how the hardware works.  
The political support staff can ask the maintenance staff how the lights work. 

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