Thursday, May 3, 2012

@23:50, 5/1/12 art


Art:  Designed experience

The trick is to make it sell.

What is included surprised me.

"May 3, 2012, 12:15 pm

Big Government and the Crisis

Just a quick picture. On the right, it’s an item of faith that the crisis in Europe represents a failure of the welfare state. So what is the correlation between the size of government and recent economic performance?
None at all, as far as I can see."

"May 3, 2012, 12:09 pm

Down Argentina Way

Matt Yglesias, who just spent time in Argentina, writes about the lessons of that country’s recovery following its exit from the one-peso-one-dollar “convertibility law”. As he says, it’s a remarkable success story, one that arguably holds lessons for the euro zone.
I’d just add something else: press coverage of Argentina is another one of those examples of how conventional wisdom can apparently make it impossible to get basic facts right. We keep getting stories about Ireland’s recovery when there is, in fact, no recovery — but there should be, darn it, because they’ve done the “right” thing, so that’s what we’ll report.
And conversely, articles about Argentina are almost always very negative in tone — they’re irresponsible, they’re renationalizing some industries, they talk populist, so they must be going very badly. Never mind this:
Just to be clear, I think Brazil is going pretty well, and has had good leadership. But why exactly is Brazil an impressive “BRIC” while Argentina is always disparaged? Actually, we know why — but it doesn’t speak well for the state of economics reporting."

The link to slate:  line feed

Hat4uk is nuts.

Europe knows better.  There is something else going on.

"It is not what you don't know
but rather what you do know that just aint so."

A socialist favors state ownership of industry.
A fascist favors industrial ownership of the state.
Capitalism favors separation of industry and state.
A Marxist believes a socialist government behaves morally.
Oligarchy believes there are natural aristocrats who operate for the common good.
I believe in representative democracy and the regulation of industry.
Government and industry are interdependent.
Government regulates in the interest of the population as a whole.


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