Tuesday, October 9, 2018

@20:45, 10/8/18



Trump lies automatically.
He always attacks.


He has probably saved his physical life.
The additional vote would have had no effect.


"GILLIBRAND: The sad part about the last week was it was all about what does power look like. Who has it and who doesn’t. And it was really clear that Mitch McConnell had all the power, and he was able to set the rules, and set rules that weren’t fair.
McConnell called the opposition to Justice Kavanaugh a “great political gift” for Republicans.
GILLIBRAND: Oh, I disagree. I believe that women in America are on fire, and they are so motivated and so inspired to make sure their voices are heard. You’re seeing a transformation in the electorate about who’s turning out to vote, who’s mobilizing, who’s showing up at rallies and showing up at town halls. The energy that’s in the grass roots is real. It’s profound, it’s palpable."

I hope it is so.


A collapse of the Republican control of the New York State senate is much 
desired by me.


Mitch McConell would not know a fact if it bit him.


I know a high carbon  tax where it comes out of the ground is necessary.
I have known for decades.
Politicians playing with science are not brave.
Industries must pay their external costs.


The U.S. has a debt to the Jews of Europe and the Jews of the world.
When help was needed help was not provided.
If proven, actions like this one subtract from it.

As the debt is infinite; the debt is not reduced.

The poor of the world need help.
That help is not being provided.
The debt we have owed to the Jews has metastasized across much of the world.  
It is growing. 

The coin we can pay in is honest science.

The cost to the U.S. is spreading hard eyed practical wisdom.
There must be no gullible rubes to be taken by sharp trading. 

We can try to make the legal systems work.
We can try to make the police keep order.
We can try to make trade benefit all parties.
We can try to internalize external costs.

We can start with ourselves.


If you aren't terrified by the conspiracy theories of the party that controls our government, you aren't paying attention




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