Friday, July 15, 2011

@21:05, 07/14/11 4

@21:05, 07/14/11

CR reports a possible deal on debt limit.

"SC: Right. And remember the general idea on Wall Street right now is that there will be a deal because there’s always a deal. But Wall Street works off of expectations. So if the market realizes they got this wrong, the reaction could be larger than expected."

As long as the market expects a deal there will be no deal.

  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 13, 2011
    Google+ Gets a Leg Up on Facebook
    Google+, Google’s social network, has easy-to-use privacy controls and allows video chats with as many as 10 people.
    OK, but not good enough.  Would blog to blog communication please you?  All you would have to do is send me an URL. Put it on a post card and drop it in the mail.  No need for a return address.  Disable commenting if you wish.  I can answer here without quoting your text.
    Google allows closing a blog to search.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 13, 2011
    For Bastille Day, What America Owes France
    The ties that bind America and France are more important than most of us know.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 13, 2011
    The Opposing Party
    Confused about the position of Congressional Republicans on the economy? Good. You should be.
    They are keeping their word.  
    Default is considered by them a good thing.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 13, 2011
    The Start-Up of You
    This is not your parents’ job market. Workers need to be able to invent, adapt and reinvent their jobs every day.
    I will work like that for myself and my joy.  
    An employer must supply its part.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 13, 2011
    Clemens Judge Declares Mistrial
    After prosecutors used information Judge Reggie Walton had ruled inadmissible, he called a mistrial in the perjury trial of former pitcher Roger Clemens.
    A very good resolution to a bad prosecution.
  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Jul 13, 2011
    Europe's Cities: Where Would Hemingway Go in 2011? - Room for Debate
    In every era, one city is designated as a magnet of creativity and energy. Which city is the dynamic center in Europe now?
    Istanbul.  Still in Europe, still moderately cheap.  Very urban.  Very secular.  It is growing and learning and very exotic.  The climate is good.
    It is not in the Euro.  It is in NATO. 

  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 13, 2011
    China Urges U.S. to Take Responsible Action on Debt
    China said it hoped the United States would adopt “responsible policies,” highlighting concerns around the globe about the protracted budget talks.
    A U.S. default threatens them and most of the rest of the world.
    Treachery makes no friends.
    Yet another reason for the Republican party to favour default.  They are isolationist. 
  • TimesPeople recommended a review:
    Jul 13, 2011
    ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2’ - Review
    Childhood ends with tears and howls and swirls of smoke, the shock of mortality and bittersweet smiles in the grave, deeply satisfying final movie in the “Harry Potter” series.
    The Film does not read like the book I read.  Neither does the plot summery at Wikipedia.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 13, 2011
    Amazon Takes Sales Tax War to California
    Amazon has an ambitious and far-reaching new agenda: it wants to rewrite tax policy for the Internet era.
    Good Luck to them.  Sales taxes are very regressive.  They really do kill jobs and people.
  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Jul 13, 2011
    Why Netflix Raised Its Prices
    Sad, sad, sad. The world’s best deal in TV and movies has just gone away.
    Some public libraries have DVD collections.  A good reason to use them.
    It has been a very long time since I paid for a movie.

  • TimesPeople recommended an editorial:
    Jul 13, 2011
    The Courts Step In
    Recent rulings to block enforcement of measures that restrict abortion rights and essential health care are important victories for women’s rights.
    These laws should be struck down.  I fear that they will not be.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 13, 2011
    Bernanke Warns of ‘Calamity’ if Debt Deal Is Not Reached
    Across Washington, officials were weighed down with a sense that they were hurtling toward a crisis, and the pressure was particularly intense on Republican leaders.
    There has been no rapid response.   The senators are politicians.
    The House is out of its mind.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 13, 2011
    Pills Prevent H.I.V. Infection in 2 New Studies
    Trials conducted in Africa were the first to show protection in heterosexuals whose partners had H.I.V.
    Failing to provide the drugs is genocide.  Who volunteers to be guilty?
    The Catholic Church has a terrible problem.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 13, 2011
    U.S. Military Uses Biometrics to Identify People
    The American military and local authorities are recording identifying information of Iraqis and Afghans.
    We must not stay in South Asia as a military presence.  Islam will tear itself apart without our direct help.  
  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Jul 13, 2011
    A History of College Grade Inflation
    We’ve written before about some of the work of Stuart Rojstaczer and Christopher Healy, grade inflation chroniclers extraordinaire. They have put together a new, comprehensive study of college grading over the decades, and let me tell you, it is a...
    WOW!  I knew it was bad.  
    Financial aid has much to do with this.  A C or lower will place scholarships and grants in doubt or turn them off.  High tuition modified by financial aid has more than one resolution.
    Educational outcomes suffer.  Technical courses not so much.  There one knows it or does not know it.  There are always enough high achievers to peak the curve and the professor understands statistics as does the dean.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 13, 2011
    Spotify Music-Streaming Service Comes to U.S.
    Rather than selling individual tracks to be downloaded, Spotify, from Europe, sells subscriptions to vast catalogs of music.
    It is a streaming service.  This will not be a winner.  Shoutcast will beat it. Podcasts filed on disk will beat it.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 13, 2011
    Utility Shelves Ambitious Plan to Limit Carbon
    The abandonment of the United States’ most prominent plan to capture carbon dioxide from an existing coal-burning power plant hurts efforts to rein in emissions tied to global warming.
    The subsidy for the experiment did not materialize.  The attempt was uneconomic from its conception.
    Clean coal is a dirty joke.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 13, 2011
    Hackers Gained Access to Sensitive Military Files
    As the Pentagon announced a new cyberspace strategy on Thursday, it disclosed a serious digital attack in March.
    Cyber command wants more budget.  
    They should have it but not this way.  
    If they want public support they are going to have to ask the president and tell him and us why and what.  
    This feels like Wikileaks or other such.
    This is not a day that will live in infamy.  
    If it were the president should take it to the U.N. Security Council.
    The stability and neutrality of the net is of world concern.
    Slash dot is not concerned.   Nothing at the register.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 13, 2011
    Sporting-Goods Vendors to Ease Yankee Fan’s Debts
    Two executives in sporting goods and memorabilia announced donations to Christian Lopez, the fan who returned Derek Jeter’s 3,000th hit.
    It is the student loan debt.  The banks are merciless.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 13, 2011
    The Downtown Crowd Finds a Perch in Harlem
    Red Rooster, a new restaurant, and other spots are giving the meatpacking district a run for its money.

    Downtown is out of sight expensive.  I mostly know about driving across Harlem to the skirts of Columbia.  
    That establishment has been eaten by Columbia's building project.
    I expect I can activate something if I work at it.  I deal with the area but I am not comfortable there.

I have given you my unconditional yes.  You are in command.


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