Monday, July 25, 2011

@18:23, 07/25/11 8


  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 24, 2011
    To Reach Simple Life at Camp, Lining Up for Private Jets
    Even as the economy limps along, more of the nation’s wealthier families are cutting out the car ride and chartering planes to fly to summer camps.
    The councillors are all teachers or recent college students.  The pay is not much but it is away and it is social contact.  
    I have never understood 'camp' as a competitive sport. 
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 24, 2011
    Killings in Norway Spotlight Anti-Muslim Thought in U.S.
    The man accused of the killing spree in Norway was deeply influenced by anti-Muslim bloggers and right-wing activists in the U.S., lacing his 1,500-page manifesto with quotations from them.
    Our nuts and their nuts.   Paranoia is universal and not very useful.
    His actions are getting his manifesto read.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 24, 2011
    Messing With Medicare
    It’s actually good that the “Grand Bargain” is apparently dead, because what President Obama offered to the Republicans was a very bad deal for America.
    The "Grand Bargain" may be dead but the offer is still extant.  This situation is going to have to go all the way to failure to get an acceptable resolution.  The "new deal" was minimal. 
  • TimesPeople recommended an interactive graphic:
    Jul 24, 2011
    Portraits From the New York City Marriage Bureau
    Audio and photos of 20 same-sex couples who wed on Sunday, July 24, 2011, in Manhattan.
    The joy shows.  I am sorry the editor was so fond of Baudelaire.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 24, 2011
    Tax Soda, Subsidize Vegetables
    Taxing junk food and making healthy food more affordable would save millions of lives and billions of dollars in health care costs.
    Social engineering can work given the right tools.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 24, 2011
    Addictive Personality? You Might be a Leader
    What we seek in leaders is often the same risk-taking personality type that is found in addicts.
    Yes but . . .

  • TimesPeople recommended an editorial:
    Jul 24, 2011
    How the Deficit Got This Big
    A look at how the economy went from healthy surpluses at the end of the Clinton era to the current deficit.
    The Shrub never could think. 
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 24, 2011
    More Than Kin, and Less Than Kind
    The Murdoch hacking scandal, as explained by Shakespeare.
    "When your only tool is a hammer all problems look like nails."
    Stephan Marche may not be capable of writing tragedy.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 24, 2011
    Matching Travelers With Rooms, via the Web
    Airbnb, a San Francisco-based company that says it handles 10,000 guests a night, is at the center of a boom in start-ups that are creating a market for places to stay.
    There are good reasons not to run or use a rooming house.  The web does not cancel those reasons.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 24, 2011
    The Master’s as the New Bachelor’s
    Call it credentials inflation. A four-year degree may not cut it anymore.
    This is a report of just how bad our economy is.  There are no entry level positions to be had.


  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 24, 2011
    Apple Sales in China Zoom Ahead of Competitors
    Must-have gadgets are causing a stir, with stores packed and inventory sparse.
    There is more to this story.  I am uncertain what is being seen.  I do not think it is as reported. 
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 24, 2011
    After Long Wait, Same-Sex Couples Marry in New York
    Hundreds of couples began marrying on Sunday in a new milestone for gay rights.
    It is the public acknowledgement of the bond.  The similarity and the difference.
  • TimesPeople recommended a graphic:
    Jul 24, 2011

    It is very dramatic when displayed this way. Most of our present troubles can be laid to the shrub and his supporters. They will never admit that.

  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 24, 2011
    Oslo Suspect Cultivated Parallel Life to Disguise ‘Martyrdom Operation’
    When Anders Behring Breivik, the suspect, was not plotting mass murder, he was busy playing video games and blogging, listening to Euro pop and watching episodes of “True Blood.”
    The man is a very ordinary kind of crazy, written a bit more boldly than most examples.  Dan Brown exploits them by intention.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 24, 2011
    Start-Up Handles Social Media Background Checks
    A start-up helps companies dig into potential employees’ activity online, from Facebook posts to e-commerce usage.
    The business model here is not about hiring but about rejection.
    It finds every reason not to employ candidates.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 24, 2011
    Make Way for the Radical Center
    A third way is on the way for the 2012 presidential campaign. And its convention will be held on the Internet.Thomas Friedman just can't get things right.  There is no hope of a third party while a misunderstood 
    Primary election system controls the ballots.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 24, 2011
    Why Tyrants Love the Murdoch Scandal
    When those who pride themselves on their freedoms fail to live up to their ideals, there can be consequences in other places.
    It really is all about the New York Times.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 24, 2011
    Deep Below Park Avenue, a 200-Ton Drill at Rest
    A gargantuan cutter head that has been hollowing out tunnels for a train station under Grand Central Terminal will be buried, dormant and decayed, in Midtown Manhattan.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 24, 2011
    Republicans, Zealots and Our Security
    Forget about Iran. These days, the most dangerous threat to national security comes from our own elected officials.
    Yes, most of the problem stems from the attempt to feel safe.
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jul 24, 2011
    Scandal Splinters the Murdoch Family Business
    The phone hacking scandal could threaten Rupert Murdoch’s plans of succession and his family’s control over News Corporation.
    I expect the investigation to ruin the entire empire.

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