Thursday, September 20, 2018

@15:31, 9/20/18



Evangelicals do not believe in democracy.
They never have.
They are not alone in that disbelief.
Church and state are separated for good reason.


Body counts.
Body counts discontinued.

"Doing so defies lessons from the Vietnam War, where the American military’s fixation on body counts and winning a war by “attrition” was ruled as an ineffective way to measure progress. Since 2001, commanders have debated the value of releasing body counts in Afghanistan and Iraq, where they have drawn inevitable and unfavorable comparisons to the quagmire in Vietnam."

"“The body count figures are troubling because it shows our utter lack of strategy,” said Jason Dempsey, an adjunct senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security. “It’s just showing activity for activity’s stake.”"

I opposed the war in Vietnam. 
I did not favor the Vietnamese governments.


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