Thursday, July 6, 2017

@13:00, 7/6/17



Why Couldn’t the Young Boy Walk?

There was a red ring around each ankle. Could it be an allergy?

Trust built over years cannot easily be replaced.
Working on the problem.


Senator, Un(Interrupted): Kamala Harris’s Rise Among Democrats

Ms. Harris, California’s junior senator, has gained notice during her first year in office, in some cases for being cut off by Republican colleagues.

Kamala Harris is doing just fine.
She has not yet learned that there is no middle ground for the Republican party.
I expect she will quickly learn.

Women seem always smarter than the people they partner.


The Faces of Intermarriage, 50 Years After Loving v. Virginia

We asked you whether being in an interracial relationship united or divided your family. Here is a small sampling of responses.

Fair enough.


Memories of a Real ‘Witch Hunt’

My father was hounded to his death by anti-Communist zealots. The F.B.I.’s Russia investigation is nothing compared to what he endured.

"Both the House Un-American Activities Committee and Senator McCarthy’s committee were focused on hunting down as many “Reds” as they could, destroying reputations and careers along the way. Some of those people left the country. Others were able to work only under assumed names. And some, like my father, were hounded to death.
So I cringe when I hear President Trump claim to be the victim of a “witch hunt” because of the F.B.I.’s investigation into Russian interference in one of our most vital rights: free elections.
How ironic that Mr. Trump has adopted the phrase used to criticize the work of his friend and mentor, Roy Cohn. But this investigation is no witch hunt. It is an appropriate, responsible and intelligent response to a hostile act against the nation.
And remember this, Mr. President: You still have your job, your family, your money. And your life."

Donald Trump has only begun to be hunted by a mob.
The mob is the Republican party that remembers and honors
The House Unamerican Activities Committee.
This flawed wolf will be destroyed by his pack

I would welcome this purge except it will place Mike Pence on the seat of power.

Liberals have no leader.  
They do not know until they have thought.
It is herding cats.



Peter Sagan Disqualified From the Tour de France After a Crash

Sagan elbowed Mark Cavendish, who then crashed into safety barriers and had to be taken to a hospital.

Peter Sagan has accepted his disqualification.
I will see them race next year if they qualify.

N.Y. / Region

Lucky Break on a Rough Morning

A timely act of kindness by a New York cabby.

New Yorkers of some duration are like that.
Everyone has disasters.
It is good to ease them when one can.
The acts of charity are personal.

Times Insider

‘Let’s Do Something on All These Nooses’

Our national reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg describes her reporting on the rising number of race-baiting incidents involving nooses.

Public hangings might work.
It might change the iconography of the noose
Image result for the burghers of calais

Stereotypes on both sides  The baitters and baited.

Do not be a stereotype.   Do not allow stereotypes.
Gather power.  Only power enables action.
Start young.  Provide a legal essential service.
If the service ceases to be essential it is time to seek another.
People must know they depend on your service.

A marginalized group has few opportunities among a marginalizing group.
Originality is necessary.


Declaration of Disruption

Stability is easy to take for granted, but impossible to live without.

A statement that is untrue in general.
The world is not stable and yet we live.

A cabinet distributes immediate responsibility.
Members deal with their duties without close supervision.
The President is then free to deal with new problems.

"Only I can fix it" is a signal of incompetent management.

Trump has chosen incompetent help for their aid in destruction.


President Trump’s Golden Age of Trolling

If trolling gets you a thumbs-up from the president, more people will become trolls.



Heartburn Drugs May Increase Risk of Early Death

People who take proton pump inhibitors, or P.P.I.s, are at increased risk of dying early, a new study found.

P.P.I.s should probably require a prescription.
The problem would be that the price would rise as usage fell.
That could be handled by medical insurance.


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