Monday, June 6, 2011

@9:42, 06/05/11 --------- 2

  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Jun 4, 2011
    There is no plan

    • carriebrennan posted to Twitter an article:
      Feb 3, 2010

      Playing to Learn
      “Op-ed advocates for curriculum that 'raises children, rather than test scores.' Worth the read: Playing to Learn -” 
      "Simply put, what children need to do in elementary school is not to cram for high school or college, but to develop ways of thinking and behaving that will lead to valuable knowledge and skills later on."
      "They construct knowledge; they don’t swallow it."
      So, how is it going?
      If it is happening it is not reported in the Times.
      Politics of curricula . . .
      Not promising.

  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Jun 4, 2011

    • RICKYM51 posted to Twitter an article:
      Oct 10, 2010

      Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Chinese Dissident Liu Xiaobo
      “Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Chinese Dissident Liu Xiaobo -”
      As far as I can see he has two more years to go on his sentence.
      If he is not broken on release, they will return him to prison.

  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Jun 4, 2011

    • knsrex posted to Twitter an article:
      8:07 am

      Learning to Read on Zero Dollars a Day
      “Learning to Read on Zero Dollars a Day -”
      I believe in old equipment. 
      Running a library on a zero budget is a political statement and unsupportable. 

    • mriechers posted to Twitter a blog post:
      May 19, 2011
      Director's Nazi Comments Reverberate at Cannes
      “Lars Von Trier's Nazi Comments get him banned from Cannes -”
      The trouble is that some things are just too effective.
      There are more guilty French than Danes.

  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Jun 4, 2011
    Alan Bedenko

    • SteveWoolsey posted to Twitter an article:
      Nov 1, 2010

      How We Got Here
      “Douthat: How We Got Here - A rather vague title but an interesting if not dangerously general oped.”
      Fear uncertainty and dread are very powerful.  Most of the country Thinks things were better.  They were. They know we changed parties because things were getting bad and things have gotten steadily worse. 
      Changing the label does not change the policy.
      We are going to have to change the policy to get the reconstruction we need.   Congress as individuals is not interested in getting poorer.  There will be no change in policy with this or any congress elected under our present rules.  Corporate contributions are just too lucrative.

  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Jun 4, 2011

  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Jun 4, 2011

  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Jun 4, 2011

    • christiney35 posted to Twitter an article:
      2:51 am

      Instagram Rises as Social Web Embraces Photo Sharing
      “Instagram Rises as Social Web Embraces Photo Sharing -”
      I changed out the SD card in my camera and mislaid the used one.
      I have missed the spring bloom but will send on some of what I have.  Found the cards.

  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jun 4, 2011
    Our Fantasy Nation?
    If Republicans seek a country with low taxes, little regulation and traditional family values, I have the perfect place for them. Body armor suggested.
    The point is very well taken, Mr. Kristof.
    The analysis is far from good.  What I remember about this part of the world is that India Sought support from the U.S.S.R. in the process of their break from Britain.  The anticommunists in the U.S. could not stomach that and threw our support to Pakistan.  Pakistan has only the excuse of Islamic purity for its legitimacy.   The U.S. is now trying to modify Islam.  I find no surprise in the growing hostility of Pakistan.
    Out now is the only option I can see. 
    Let the diplomats work.

  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Jun 4, 2011

    • rdstapley posted to Twitter an article:
      10:27 pm

      Gluten-Free Bakeries and Cafes
      “Gluten-Free Bakeries and Cafes -”
      Starting a business is an obvious move in this economy.
      Gluten free has no attraction for me.  It is far too fashionable.
      I would like to go fructose free.  I did a web search and found a Chinese supplier.  There must be a domestic source. Looking is not that hard.  Making it is also easy but probably more capital intensive than I want to be.  I will look to Cargill and A.D.M. 

  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Jun 4, 2011

    • PRESENTspace posted to Twitter an article:
      Jun 4, 2011

      ‘Midnight in Paris,’ a Historical View
      “should be good, Kathy Bates as Gertrude Stein, Adrien Brody as Salvador DalĂ­ ‘Midnight in Paris,’ a Historical View -”
      These people did work that was visually exciting.  Second hand accounts have it that they were not very interesting outside of their work.  Woody Allen may be able to pull this off.  It will be a feat for him.  I will be happy to wait for Netflix.
      Try Connie Willis, To Say Nothing of the Dog.


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