Wednesday, June 22, 2011

@12:00, 06/21/11 - - -2

  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jun 20, 2011
    Upending Anonymity, These Days the Web Unmasks Everyone
    Pervasive social media services, cheap cellphone cameras, free photo and video Web hosts have made privacy all but a thing of the past.
    Anonymity can be had by constant effort.

  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jun 20, 2011
    Nokia Unveils a New Smartphone, but Not a Product of Its Microsoft Deal
    Nokia introduced on Tuesday the N9, a sleek, touch-screen smartphone that is designed for one-hand use.
    Stephen Elop left a top post at Microsoft last September to lead the turnaround effort at Nokia.
    Microsoft destroys another operating system.

  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jun 20, 2011
    As Secession Nears, Sudan Steps Up Drive to Stop Rebels
    Demanding political reform and autonomy, tens of thousands of rebel fighters in the Nuba Mountains have refused the Sudanese government’s threat to disarm.
    This does not look peaceful.  It does look like a good sink for Libyan MPADS.

  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jun 20, 2011
    A New Hurdle for Suits Brought on Behalf of Many
    With the dismissal of a lawsuit brought on behalf of 1.5 million women who worked at Wal-Mart, the Supreme Court tightened the rules for how a large group of individuals can join together to sue.
    Not much new here.  The court says it will be more friendly to business.

  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jun 20, 2011
    Roundworm Could Unlock Secrets of the Human Brain
    Studying the nervous system of the roundworm is a promising approach for understanding the human brain.

    We know more than we did. We also better know the daunting dimensions of the problem.
    "Not only does the worm’s connectome, as Dr. Bargmann calls it, have two separate wiring diagrams superimposed on each other, but there is a third system that keeps rewiring the wiring diagrams. This is based on neuropeptides, hormonelike chemicals that are released by neurons to affect other neurons." 
    "What would be required to say that the worm’s nervous system was fully understood? “You would want to understand a behavior all the way through, and then how the behavior can change,” Dr. Bargmann says.
    “That goal is not unattainable,” she adds."

  • TimesPeople recommended an editorial:
    Jun 20, 2011
    Wal-Mart Wins. Workers Lose.
    The Supreme Court makes it harder and more expensive to seek class-action remedies.
    What did you expect? It could have been much worse.
    Congressional action is really required and that will not happen in the next year.

  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jun 20, 2011
    The Great Greek Illusion
    Greece was never ready to join the euro zone. But Europe’s union required an Athenian imprimatur, so everyone turned a blind eye.
    The vote of confidence passed.  The slow bank-run will go on for a few more weeks.

  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jun 20, 2011
    Raise, Don’t Save, Social Security
    With certain adjustments, Social Security could provide up to half the average worker’s earnings.
    I have no objection to this.  It is not going to happen soon.

  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jun 20, 2011
    Brands Find That Flash Sales Online Are Useful as Marketing
    Many customers of sites like Gilt also visit the sites of the featured brands and later buy full-price merchandise.
    Brands mean mass marketing.  I have no intention of doing mass anything.

  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jun 20, 2011
    Supreme Court Blocks Bias Suit Against Wal-Mart
    The Supreme Court ruled for Wal-Mart in blocking a lawsuit that had sought to consolidate claims of up to 1.5 million women who worked there.
    This court is not going to destroy retail.


  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Jun 20, 2011
    Within Its Anonymous Pages Is the Sweep of the Early War, From Doomed Prisoners to an Ebullient Hitler
    Most people who photograph can work in more than one style.   Official work is not treated in the way as work done on leave.  the captions state that there is one woman who appears in the later half of the album.  What we have here is one man's work.  Work product and personal work.  I would have to see it better to say more than that.  A study of the records could cut the possibilities down to at most a few names.  There is probably just one that really fits.  A PK still photographer deployed on that tour, present at that meeting, sent on medical leave in Bavaria that fall.  There is almost certainly just the one name.  If he survived the war and emigrated to America we have a provenance. 

  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jun 20, 2011
    Microdrones, Some as Small as Bugs, Are Poised to Alter War
    From blimps to bugs, an explosion in aerial drones is transforming the way America fights and thinks about its wars.
    Neat gadgets.
    We have never been much in favour of killing our soldiers when we can send a gadget.  CBW has the same conceptual driver.

  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jun 20, 2011
    Tech Investors Feel an Aura of Hope, a Touch of Dread
    Some analysts are concerned that venture capitalists are blindly throwing money at start-ups that have not yet proved they can build something useful.
    Silly investors?  Silly analysts. It is a casino and the problem is to get a positive cash flow.  The investors are the house.  If you see one being silly do not give him money.  The analysts are supposed to know what is silly.

  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jun 20, 2011
    Protests Aside, Yemen’s Leader Has His Followers
    Bought.   By whom and for what purpose I don't know.

  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Jun 20, 2011
    A Death Blow to Class Action? - Room for Debate
    By siding with Wal-Mart, the Supreme Court has signaled that it wants job bias disputes handled in the workplace, not in the courts.

    Handled locally.  
    There is no mechanism in the work place without a union.

  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jun 20, 2011
    The Sun Is the Best Optometrist
    Too much time indoors can damage the eye’s development.
    “Welcome to Your Child’s Brain: How the Mind Grows from Conception to College.”  Sandra Aamodt, and Sam Wang
    This will be a book.  Please send me a review when it comes out.
    I hope it is more about the mind than the physical brain. 

  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Jun 20, 2011
    RAND, Cold Warriors and the Failure of 'Rational Choice Philosophy'
    Rational Choice Philosophy is a construct for the Defence Department.
    The Rand corporation has a lot at its door but this is really nasty. 
    It is also evil.  Ayne Rand conflated altruism and the public good to produce a philosophical straw man.  Destroying it with virtuous selfishness is the object of her tales.  We are living with the results. Altruism is not in general a good thing for the individual. 
    The public good is the object of government.  The public good can benefit from private good and from limiting the private good. A rational individual will choose to maximize the private good. A wise individual will maximize the good, both private and public. Government regulation attempts to set the proportionality between private good and public good.

  • TimesPeople recommended a review:
    Jun 20, 2011
    Keith Olbermann Is Back, and Still Mad as Hell — The TV Watch
    Keith Olbermann returned to cable television on Monday mad as hell and pointedly madder than other self-described liberal anchors on his former channel, MSNBC.
    I will attempt to figure out how to watch Olbermann at another time.

  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jun 20, 2011
    My Ex-Gay Friend
    As a young gay man, Michael Glatze seemed very happy with who he was. Then he changed his mind.
    Think of this as a love story.  Michael Glatze has several love interests and has to choose between them. I see where he wants to be but it has not worked for any so far.  How much damage should he do learning ?
    He is not a punk kid of a Jail house gay.
    All things are not possible.
    I know something of myself.  I can go on as I have for several more years.
    I would like to change my way of living.
    Sooner is better. - - - - As soon as you can is best.

  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Jun 20, 2011
    Man Turns to Crime for Prison Health Care
    You are not able to access parts of this website because it contains "active content" which we have removed.
    Desperate times.  It would be funny if it were not so sad.

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