Tuesday, June 7, 2011

@11:02, 06/06/11

  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Jun 5, 2011
    • pepfly posted to Twitter an article:
      Jun 5, 2011
      Grubwithus Organizes Dinners - Social, Minus Media
      “Grubwithus Organizes Dinners - Social, Minus Media - http://nyti.ms/lLSKr3” 
      We do keep looking for a solution to this situation.
      Churches, Temples and things like the Rotary and Masons have done this in the past.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Jun 5, 2011
    • Adenovir posted to Twitter an article:
      Jun 5, 2011
      When a Nobel Prize Isn’t Enough
      “When a Nobel Prize Isn’t Enough To Get Into the Fed http://nyti.ms/l2nlrn” 
      I understand Peter A. Diamond's tone.
      What we must understand is that he would try to fix the policy and that would be very bad for the Republican Party and its funders 
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Jun 5, 2011
    There is no plan
    • There is no plan posted to Twitter an article:
      12:29 am
      Steeper Pullout Is Raised as Option for Afghanistan
      “Steeper Pullout Is Raised as Option for Afghanistan - http://nyti.ms/kAFbTM || We killed OBL. Now let's get the F outta there!” 
      I can see no acceptable contribution we can make to their church fight. 
      "Sunni Islam is referred to as the orthodox version of the religion."
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Jun 5, 2011
    • risovic posted to Twitter an article:
      Jun 5, 2011
      Israeli Soldiers Clash With Protesters on Syrian Border
      “Israeli Soldiers Clash With Protesters on Syrian Border - http://nyti.ms/mhDFJ8” 
      To be continued . . .
      I do not expect Palestinian passive resistance to lead to a new nation.  It will change laws and we have seen it de-legitimize regimes from the inside.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Jun 5, 2011
    • bikeguy posted to Twitter a blog post:
      Jun 3, 2011
      California's Disappearing State Parks
      “California's Disappearing State Parks - http://nyti.ms/mpJh9i <-- this is so depressing - I am happy to pay taxes if we can keep these open” 

      "The harpies of the shore shall pluck the eagle of the sea."
      Where is the tip jar?
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Jun 5, 2011
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Jun 5, 2011
    • aaronbare posted to Twitter an article:
      12:55 am
      When a Nobel Prize Isn’t Enough
      “An interesting perspective from the other side: When a Nobel Prize Isn’t Enough - http://nyti.ms/l2nlrn @nytimes” 
      He would want to take action and might succeed.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Jun 5, 2011
    Gerry Visco
    • Gerry Visco posted to Twitter an article:
      Jun 5, 2011
      Middle Eastern Artists at the Venice Biennale
      “Rich bitch socialite arriviste artists via the NY TIMES. Middle Eastern Artists at the Venice Biennale - http://nyti.ms/iE4WWQ” 
      Diaghilev  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergei_Diaghilev) 
      Sometimes they are artists.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Jun 5, 2011
    • jfowks posted to Twitter an interactive graphic:
      2:23 am
      The Books We Read Outdoors
      “Otra manera de construir noticias en @nytimes: The Books We Read Outdoors - http://nyti.ms/lv0vzF”
      I like reading outdoors.  I have not been able to do it for years.
      The bugs find me and I itch or it is time for food or walk or row or sleep or something that cannot be delayed.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Jun 5, 2011
    • rlanebailey posted to Twitter an article:
      Jun 5, 2011
      Advice for China
      “Advice for China - http://nyti.ms/iKEhIU An interesting point of view on the Arab Spring and China. Dignity trumps GDP?” 
      Thomas Friedman Does not see the world around him.  His observations have nothing to do with reality.
      The Regime in Beijing must ride the tiger is truly the case.


  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jun 5, 2011
    When a Nobel Prize Isn’t Enough
    Skilled analytical thinking should not be drowned out by mistaken, ideologically driven views.
    He would want to take action and might succeed. (3)

  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Jun 5, 2011
    • takos123 posted to Twitter an article:
      11:42 pm
      The Thriving (Online) Shelter Magazine Industry
      “The Thriving (Online) Shelter Magazine Industry - http://nyti.ms/koElIJ” 
      http://matchbookmag.com/             This is worth the look. The others I don't know.
      I will have to look again.  
      These exist on fashion. I need to see and not follow.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Jun 5, 2011
    • lamontjohn posted to Twitter an article:
      7:52 am
      Uneven Growth for Participant Media and Its Social Message
      “Uneven Growth for Participant Media and Its Social Message - http://nyti.ms/iKVI0y” 
      Adding a great deal of money to a strong opinion must create controversy.   When a truth is discovered as a result it is a duty to push that truth if possible.
      By any means disturb the universe but help it to settle on its new shape.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Jun 5, 2011
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Jun 5, 2011
    Vouchercare Is Not Medicare
    Republicans are indeed seeking to dismantle Medicare as we know it, replacing it with a much worse program.
    I hope to learn something.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Jun 5, 2011
    Sasha Koren
    • TPP recommended a blog post:
      Sep 22, 2010
      Showing Gay Teens a Happy Future
      A new online video channel is reaching out to teenagers who are bullied at school for being gay. The message: life really does get better after high school.
      Sooner is better. -----------  As soon as you can is best.

      I see the "there is no plan" tag. 
      I must request relief time in July soon if I am to get it.  
      This would be a panic free extended visit with the expectation that I would return to duty at the end of it. 
      I would be spending a week in the Adirondacks mostly day hiking and floating.  Laptop and cell equipped,  at least half the nights in beds.  Making camp in the rain has no charms.  
      A fire in the open does have charms.   
      I am thinking of the Kora outlet and Lake Placid to whiteface.  Maybe Thendara past High Falls . . .
    • Joe Berger is following a user:
      May 3, 2011

  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Jun 5, 2011
    • hdanzige recommended an article:
      Oct 25, 2010
      The Awl Finds Some Level of Online Success
      The Awl confronts the tyranny of small numbers in an age when Web behemoths, like Gawker Media and The Huffington Post, get most of the attention.
      Still working and getting things wrong for reasons.

  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Jun 5, 2011
    • ChrisLaBossiere posted to Twitter an article:
      11:24 pm
      Power? Thanks, but I’d Rather Have Influence
      “Power? Thanks, but I’d Rather Have Influence - http://nyti.ms/mDAI0P” 
      This is a statement about power. 
      He hires them to run and expects them to run.
      He can tell them what direction but there is no goal.
      He and I would probably not get along on the same team.
      I would have a tough time with his interview questions.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Jun 5, 2011
    • meesposito posted to Twitter an interview:
      Jun 5, 2011
      The Bilingual Advantage
      “The Bilingual Advantage - http://nyti.ms/kOUhBp” 
      Exercise helps a great deal.  
      If your legs are gone, no matter how toned the rest of you is you are not going to run well.  Illiterate in six languages is still unlettered.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Jun 5, 2011
    • Jonas posted to Twitter an article:
      2:32 am
      Instagram Rises as Social Web Embraces Photo Sharing
      “Instagram Rises as Social Web Embraces Photo Sharing - http://nyti.ms/iITKNG” 

      Snapshots and photographs are different in kind.  I have done snapshots and record shots for the last few years.  
      I will have to put in the thought to make a presentable product.
      I am mostly just whinging but I do want to open things in Photoshop and do the adjustments.



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