Monday, August 4, 2014

@14:20, 8/3/14



Video: Preserving the Church’s Past

Margaret Bendroth, the executive director at the Congregational Library in Boston, reflected on its mission to preserve centuries-old artifacts that come from churches in Massachusetts.
Churches (Buildings); Christians and Christianity 

A scanned copy is as useful to the central archive as the original document.

Let us know the past and not repeat it.



Newly Insured, Many Now Face Learning Curve

The refusal to extend Medicaid is a deliberate act of sabotage.


Opinion May Pose Obstacle for Same-Sex Unions

Judge Holmes  is allowed to agree wrong.
The Supreme Court has repeatedly demonstrated its ability to decide as it wishes.

Your Money

Fed’s Goldilocks Economy Just Right for Stock Investors

The not too hot, not too cold climate has supported the long bull market in stocks.
United States Economy; Stocks and Bonds

Bond rates will stay low until we get significant inflation.  
There is no prospect of that in the austerity environment.

Japan: Names Given to Disputed Islands

Japan on Friday gave names to five uninhabited islets in an island group at the center of a territorial dispute with China as part of efforts to reinforce its claim, drawing quick condemnation from Beijing.

No progress toward a resolution of the dispute.

I have nothing further to contribute on this topic.


All-Knowing Amazon

There is no requirement that a Kindle be used.


A Creole Solution for Haiti’s Woes

Children should learn in the language they speak at home, not French.
French Language; Language and Languages; Education (K-12); Poverty 

This is the same problem that Ebonics presents in the U.S.

Different instruction techniques would solve the problem. 
Learning the skills and the dialects simultaneously appeals to me.
I would like to see Haitians members of the world culture.  

Business Day

MetLife's Low Profile May Work to Its Advantage

It’s understandable if MetLife objects to being labeled a systemically important financial institution, an action that’s likely later this week. But public disputes with regulators are never advisable, Rob Cox writes for Reuters Breakingviews.
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (2010); Insurance; Regulation and Deregulation of Industry 

This has no significance to anyone but MetLife stockholders.


China Moves to Ease Home-Registration Rules in Urbanization Push

China issued proposals to break down barriers between rural and urban residents that have long been seen as reinforcing inequality and hampering economic growth.
Urban Areas; Rural Areas; Economic Conditions and Trends; Real Estate and Housing (Residential) 

Allowing the population to urbanize is a good idea.


Extremists Seize 3 More Towns in Iraq After Routing Kurdish Forces

Militants from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, who swept into the towns and forced thousands of locals to flee the fighting, were now within striking distance of the nation’s largest dam.
Terrorism; Levees and Dams; Kurds; Defense and Military Forces; Monuments and Memorials (Structures); Shiite Muslims; Sunni Muslims 

I have seen nothing on ISIS logistics.
Loot will not sustain them.

Business Day

De Villiers May Gain an American Audience, Posthumously

Vintage will release English translations of the spy thrillers by Gérard de Villiers, the French novelist who died of cancer last fall.
Books and Literature; Espionage and Intelligence Services; Book Trade and Publishing; Translation and Interpreters 

  1. Gérard de Villiers, the Spy Novelist Who Knows Too Much ...

    The espionage thrillers of Gérard de Villiers have more than the ring of truth to them.
I do not write for a living and have no desire to play "The Great Game".
I live in the world culture and want to comprehend my home.


America’s Hidden Credit Card Bill

"What Kotlikoff does is calculate the present discounted value of predicted funding gaps in federal programs, point out that they are really, really big numbers, and declare America bankrupt. As Dean says, this is silly, disingenuous, or both."
N.Y. / Region

Clashing Visions for Old Rail Bed (Just Don’t Call It the High Line of Queens)

For years, a ghost rail bed largely unknown outside of Ozone Park, Woodhaven and Rego Park has inspired very different ideas, including restored rail service and a public space.
Railroads; Parks and Other Recreation Areas 

Opportunity but not just yet.


Otherworldly Downpour Preceded Landslide in India

Severe weather hit South Asia in recent days, but the reason for the landslide, in which 158 people were feared dead, was unclear even four days later.
Landslides and Mudslides; Weather; Agriculture and Farming; Rescues 

I am not much interested in liability.  
The survivors are interested.
I am more interested in not repeating the event.
The civil engineering is known.
The politics are a problem.


Throw the Book at Him

N.Y. / Region

At Harlem Rally, Calls for Action in Chokehold Case

The family of Eric Garner, 43, who died last month after a confrontation with the police, called for the arrest of an officer after the death was ruled a homicide.
Police Brutality, Misconduct and Shootings; Demonstrations, Protests and Riots 

There is not much traction for Al Sharpton as yet.
I am watching for a pattern.

N.Y. / Region

Staten Island Man Died From Chokehold During Arrest, Autopsy Finds

The manner of death for Eric Garner, 43, who died last month during a confrontation with the police, was homicide, the New York City medical examiner said.

Let the prosecutors figure it out.

N.Y. / Region

Payola Figure Is Charged in Gambino Betting Ring

Joseph Isgro, a convicted loan shark who has been a record promoter and a movie producer, was accused of helping to run a sports book ring.
Gambling; Organized Crime; Sentences (Criminal) 

He may go to jail again.
Prosecutors earn their salaries.


The C.I.A.’s Reckless Breach of Trust

The agency will have to go much further than apologies for breaking into the Senate’s computers. Its culture needs an overhaul, too.
Cyberattacks and Hackers; Editorials; Ethics and Official Misconduct; Espionage and Intelligence Services; United States Politics and Government 

The C.I.A. was clumsy from the start.
We should not forgive them.
We need an external intelligence operation.
The one we have needs housecleaning.
I am glad that the cleaning is not my job. 




Omar Khadr’s Untold Story

Reporters should be allowed to interview a Canadian man who was transferred from Guantánamo to Canada, where he is still incarcerated.
Detainees; Freedom of the Press; News and News Media; Military Tribunals; Torture; Human Rights and Human Rights Violations; Child Soldiers; Freedom of Speech and Expression 

If we can bury the madness of the Bush II administration we probably should.


The Battle by the Bay of Bengal

A diplomatic triumph awards dominion of the sea, but river water rights remain a source of contention with India.
Rivers; Water; Fish and Other Marine Life; International Relations 

Diplomacy is a real skill.


Video: Preserving the Church’s Past

My family was there.  One flavor or another.

Group Earns Oil Income Despite Pledge on Drilling

The Nature Conservancy is earning money from an oil well on land it controls in Texas, despite pledging a decade ago not to permit new oil and gas drilling on land supposedly set aside for conservation.
Oil (Petroleum) and Gasoline; Biodiversity; Endangered and Extinct Species 

"The Nature Conservancy — which says it helps protect about 20 million acres in the United States — argues that it has had no choice in the case of the well. Under the terms of a lease it signed years ago with an oil and gas company and later came to regret, the group says it had to permit the drilling of the well in 2007."

Business Day

European Central Bank Meeting and Bank of England Interest Rates

The European Central Bank is not expected to plan further economic stimulus, and the Bank of England may raise rates, which are at historic lows.
Securities and Commodities Violations 

Interest rates are not going up.


Newly Insured, Many Now Face Learning Curve



Neighbors Say Barn Weddings Raise a Rumpus

A boom in barn weddings is pitting owners who say they need the revenue against neighbors who worry about noisy intrusions on rural life.
Weddings and Engagements; Barns; Zoning; Rural Areas; Agriculture and Farming; Land Use Policies 

Invite the neighbors.


All-Knowing Amazon

A reader is disturbed by the idea that Amazon monitors what passages its Kindle customers highlight.
Amazon Kindle; E-Books and Readers; Privacy 

Don't use a Kindle.


A Buried Memory Is Preserved: The Unborn Victim of a Texas Sniper’s Shot in 1966

Survivors choice.
Business Day

De Villiers May Gain an American Audience, Posthumously

Do more.
N.Y. / Region

Clashing Visions for Old Rail Bed (Just Don’t Call It the High Line of Queens)

An opportunity only.

America’s Hidden Credit Card Bill


Video: How the E.U. Signed On to Sanctions

Why Europe had been so hesitant to act but is now set to dramatically escalate sanctions against Russia.
Embargoes and Sanctions

Pain that does not lead to war.

The Upshot

Why Crucial Vaccines Are Sometimes Unavailable

An outbreak of a rare meningitis strain at Princeton drew attention to the fact that a vaccine for it existed — one not sold in America.
Vaccination and Immunization; Meningitis 



The C.I.A.’s Reckless Breach of Trust



Checking In From Home Leaves Entry for Hackers

Hackers are exploiting the tools that help Americans work from home to break into retailers’ computer networks, says a Homeland Security report.
Cyberattacks and Hackers; Computers and the Internet; Shopping and Retail 

Weak code.
Spend some money.

Business Day

Tesla and Panasonic Agree to Build Factory in U.S.

The planned factory will produce batteries for Tesla’s all-electric vehicles, as well as modules designed for the stationary storage market, according to a news release from Tesla.
Automobiles; Factories and Manufacturing 


N.Y. / Region

At Harlem Rally, Calls for Action in Chokehold Case

The family of Eric Garner, 43, who died last month after a confrontation with the police, called for the arrest of an officer after the death was ruled a homicide.
Police Brutality, Misconduct and Shootings; Demonstrations, Protests and Riots 

There will be some action.


Tap Water Ban Continues for Toledo Residents

The mayor ordered residents of the Ohio city not to ingest tap water, which was found to contain a toxin that can cause vomiting and harm liver function.
Water Pollution; Algae; Water 

Toledo has a continuing problem.
They will have to find another water source.
Cleaning up the lake will take years. 

Business Day

F.D.A. Acts on Lab Tests Developed In-House

The Food and Drug Administration said it felt the need to act to ensure the safety of home-brew test systems that are being developed and marketed widely.
Tests (Medical); Laboratories and Scientific Equipment; Regulation and Deregulation of Industry

There is no right to profit.
The F.D.A. has safe and effective which is a different standard than properly executed,
The procedures must meet both sets of standards.


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