Tuesday, August 9, 2011

@12:20, + @10:10, 08/08/11 2


  • TimesPeople recommended a blog post:
    Aug 7, 2011
    D.B. Cooper Had the Right Approach - Room for Debate
    All you really need is a supply of cash, a well-tested new identity, and the discipline to unplug, forget your family and never look back.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Aug 7, 2011
    Karen Garcia
    • Karen Garcia recommended an article:
      Mar 25, 2011
      No Mortgage Lenders in Jail, but a Borrower Lands There
      The government did send someone to prison for actions related to the subprime mess. But not who you’d expect.
      http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pandering_%28politics%29  not quite.
      The story:
      "The film, “Running the Sahara,” was released in the fall of 2008. Eventually, it caught the attention of Robert W. Nordlander, a special agent for the Internal Revenue Service."
      "how does a guy train for this(?)"
       "Mr. Engle’s tax records showed that while his actual income was substantial, his taxable income was quite small"
      The investigation should have ended here.
      "Still convinced that Mr. Engle must be hiding income, Mr. Nordlander did undercover surveillance and took “Dumpster dives” into Mr. Engle’s garbage. He mainly discovered that Mr. Engle lived modestly."
      "In March 2009, still unsatisfied, Mr. Nordlander persuaded his superiors to send an attractive female undercover agent, Ellen Burrows, to meet Mr. Engle and see if she could get him to say something incriminating. In the course of several flirtatious encounters, she asked him about his investments.
      After acknowledging that he had been speculating in real estate during the bubble to help support his running, he said, according to Mr. Nordlander’s grand jury testimony, “I had a couple of good liar loans out there, you know, which my mortgage broker didn’t mind writing down, you know, that I was making four hundred thousand grand a year when he knew I wasn’t.”"
      " No tax charges were ever brought, even though that was Mr. Nordlander’s original rationale. Money laundering, the suspicion of which was needed to justify the undercover sting, was a nonissue as well. As for that “confession” to Ms. Burrows, take a closer look. It really isn’t a confession at all. Mr. Engle is confessing to his mortgage broker’s sins, not his own."
      The rest is propaganda.

  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Aug 7, 2011
    When You've Got Those First-24-Hour Blues

    Far better to have them and learn
    than to have them later and be defeated.

  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Aug 7, 2011
    ‘My So-Called Adulthood’
    "Failure to thrive"
    Let's blame the kids.
  • TimesPeople recommended a user:
    Aug 7, 2011
  • TimesPeople recommended an article:
    Aug 7, 2011
    The Proper Way to Treat an Heirloom
    Eat them.
    the only error is to let them rot.



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