Monday, August 27, 2018

@10:55, 8/27/18


New York

They’re Running for Office. That’s News to Them.

In Queens, Democratic bosses run candidates without their consent for a board that sets party policy, even as reformers get kicked off the ballot.

The Democratic machine in Queens is getting old.
High rent has been preventing recruitment.

New York

New York Today: A Leonard Bernstein Centennial

Friday: Remembering a music man and your favorite things about fall.

The season is changing again.


Trump Asks Pompeo to Cancel North Korea Trip, Acknowledging Diplomacy Has Stalled

President Trump said he did not think the country was making sufficient progress on denuclearization.

Donald Trump is not diplomatic.


The Metamorphosis of the Western Soul

Humans want to get along and get ahead. And they will become whoever they need to be in order to do so.

Will Storr is wrong.
"Drinking the Kool-Aid" is the wrong move.
This is the Republican party platform.
Conflating Liberalism and Socialism is a Conservative tactic.

The unemployed will always vote for jobs now.
The preference is for the jobs they had.


How and Why Silicon Valley Gets High

Everyone’s hoping a little LSD can lead them to the next billion-dollar idea.

The "low hanging fruit" has been harvested.
Study and think is the old rule for innovation.


E.P.A. Rule Change Could Let Dirtiest Coal Plants Keep Running (and Stay Dirty)

The proposal would let plants nearing retirement be refurbished and keep running for years without adding costly modern pollution controls.

The economics of steam power have changed.
The conversion to natural gas makes sense almost everywhere.

The proposed rule change is a bad idea.


Australia’s Political Brawl Has Another Winner: A Popcorn Seller in Texas

Peter Dutton, the Australian politician, did not become prime minister this week. But Peter Dutton of Austin, Tex., made a lot of new friends on Twitter.



Balderson Wins Special Election for Ohio House Seat

Weeks after voting ended, State Senator Troy Balderson, a Republican, edged out a victory in a traditionally red district. He will face his opponent again in November.

I am surprised at how long it took to "find" a few votes.


One Pound of Shrimp, a Meal for Four

Here, a little shrimp — chopped, spiced and tossed with rice noodles — goes a long way.

Just ask.


California Today: A Rare Look Inside Steve Jobs’s Family

Friday: Diving into Lisa Brennan-Jobs’s memoir about her famous father, Duncan Hunter pleads not guilty, and surfing the Wedge on an air mattress.

Steve Jobs may have been human.

Mr. Brown is proposing broad changes to California’s logging rules that would thin more forests and perhaps lessen the risk of wildfires. [The Mercury News]

Building roads is a bad idea.


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