Tuesday, April 2, 2013

@9:50, 4/2/13




Existential Animal News and the World’s Lightest Solid

It was an up-and-down week for animals. On the plus side, cows are driving trucks and termites are making sand art. But we start here with bees, which have seen better days.
Bees; Agriculture and Farming; Weight; Animals; Research; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; 

More money for research.

Outlawing Abortion Won't Help Children with Down Syndrome

Some parents are celebrating the news that North Dakota has become the first state to outlaw abortion for fetal conditions like Down syndrome. I’m not.
Abortion; Babies and Infants; Down Syndrome; Parenting; Pregnancy and Childbirth; Women and Girls; 

It is the mother's decision, always and at any stage.  
After birth we will call it adoption.

One Industry’s Hold on the Senate

Medical-device companies persuaded lawmakers, even liberal senators, to support repeal of a vitally needed tax.
Taxation; Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010); Medical Devices; Lobbying and Lobbyists; United States Politics and Government; 

"The best congress money can buy".


James Hansen is Leaving NASA to Intensify His Campaign for Carbon Cuts

At 72, a leading climate scientist leaves NASA to intensify his carbon-cutting campaign.
Carbon Dioxide; Federal Taxes (US); Global Warming; Greenhouse Gas Emissions; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Nuclear Energy; 

Now he can speak and be ignored.

Obama to Unveil Initiative to Map the Human Brain

President Obama on Tuesday will announce a research initiative, starting with $100 million in 2014, to invent and refine new technologies to understand the human brain.
Brain; Science and Technology; Research; Federal Aid (US); Human Genome 

"Attention must be paid".
The program we might be able to have.

On the Montana Range, Efforts to Restore Bison Meet Resistance

Free-roaming wild bison are back at the center of a new debate as they compete with cattle for space on Montana’s vast grasslands.
Bison; Cattle; Native Americans; Area Planning and Renewal; Livestock; State Legislatures; 

Next Philip Sheridan will be referred to as an authority.
Business Day

Ruling Sets Up Pension Battle in Bankrupt City

A judge’s ruling deferred a decision on whether bondholders could force retirees to share the pain of the bankruptcy of Stockton, Calif.
Bankruptcies; Pensions and Retirement Plans; Local Government; 

Passing the pain to the retired is called "Fraud"

Of Medical Giants, Accolades and Feet of Clay

A debate is raging around a prize named after Dr. Thomas Parran Jr., who has been linked to unethical experiments, including the Tuskegee syphilis study.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases; Medicine and Health; Awards, Decorations and Honors; Syphilis; 

He earned the honors.  His name should stay on the award.
This is "guilt by association".


Suspect’s Death Puts Reward in Question

The dwindling bounty in the case of a former police officer who killed himself while the subject of a frenzied manhunt looms as a potential embarrassment.
Murders and Attempted Murders; Suits and Litigation; Police; Attacks on Police; 

In less perceptive times this behavior would be called"indian giving".

Postcard from a Loggerhead Turtle Dying Ground

Small coastal fisheries are having an outsize impact on sea turtle populations, a new study finds.
Documentary Films and Programs; Endangered and Extinct Species; Fish and Other Marine Life; Fishing, Commercial; Oceans and Seas; Turtles and Tortoises; 

Turtle excluders are required in U.S. waters.  Talk to the Mexicans.

Longer Use Approved for Nicotine Replacements

The Food and Drug Administration said that smokers who are trying to quit can safely use over-the counter nicotine gum, patches and lozenges for longer than previously recommended.
Nicotine; Smoking and Tobacco; Labeling and Labels; 

Nicotine is a schedule one narcotic.  
The FDA should list it as such.
Maintenance is better than smoking.  
That is true for all drugs.
I quit in 1976.  I have not relapsed.
N.Y. / Region

Jamaicans Get Party to Come to Them, via DVD

Raucous parties in Jamaica are often filmed, and the footage is sold to Jamaicans abroad who are nostalgic for the sights, sounds and thumping bass lines of home.
Dancing; DVD (Digital Versatile Disc); Parties (Social); Reggae Music;

ASCAP will have a fit.

A New Endorsement for Fish

A 14-year study finds that people over 65 with the highest levels of omega-3 fatty acids live 2.2 years longer than those with the lowest levels.
Longevity; Omega-3 Fatty Acids; Salmon; Seafood; 

"The lead author, Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, an associate professor of medicine at Harvard, said that the most beneficial levels could be achieved by consuming an average of 400 milligrams of omega-3s a day — the equivalent of weekly consumption of about 3.5 ounces of farmed salmon, 5 ounces of anchovies or herring, or 15 to 18 ounces of cod or catfish."

Anchovies are good.  I like herring.  I like Salmon but not the price.
A can of sardines a week does it.  Add Nova lox.
Canola is my oil of choice.
Business Day

Papers Worldwide Embrace Web Subscriptions

Online advertising, once seen as the great hope for the future, has begun leveling off, which is accelerating the push for new Internet business models.
Newspapers; Computers and the Internet; Online Advertising; E-Commerce;

The business offices have invaded and captured the news rooms.
It is time to found another "newspaper".
Business Day

Keeping the Peace in Coach

Airlines agree that keeping children entertained and fed is crucial to maintaining calm in the cabin.
Business Travel; Travel and Vacations; Children and Childhood; Airlines and Airplanes; Flight Attendants; 

It appears that airlines are finding these hard times.

A Simple Way to Send Poor Kids to Top Colleges

Basic information can substantially increase the number of low-income students who apply to, attend and graduate from top colleges.
Colleges and Universities; Financial Aid (Education); Admissions Standards; Income; 

Guidance is inexcusably ignorant.  
The test is of culture.
Business Day

In Libor Ruling, a Big Win for the Banks

A judge’s dismissal of the bulk of the claims filed by private plaintiffs against banks involved in a rate-manipulation scandal is certainly a major victory, but the banks should not get too far ahead of themselves.
Antitrust Laws and Competition Issues; Banking and Financial Institutions; Decisions and Verdicts; Libor (London Interbank Offered Rate); Suits and Litigation; 

I don't know what the judge said.

LIBOR fixing happened in London.
My lay opinion is that these suits were filed in the wrong jurisdiction against the wrong parties to recover for the wrong tort and by parties  lacking standing.
Your Money

Still at a Trot, This Bull May Have Farther to Go

Bull markets typically do not die of old age, but from the side effects of a lengthy rebound.
Stocks and Bonds; United States Economy; Interest Rates; Inflation (Economics); 

These "pundits" are mistaken.  
This "bull market" is  driven by fear of inflation and by European capital flight.  
As long as the "liquidity trap" persists there will be no inflation.
We will have to destroy the Republican party to end the liquidity trap.
Ending the trap means putting the country to work on money borrowed by the Federal Government.

N.Y. / Region

When Fury Can Be a Force for Good Ends

The mayor’s anger at two state senators who blocked expansion of red-light cameras is understandable and laudable.
Cameras; Deaths (Fatalities); Speed Limits and Speeding; Walking; Roads and Traffic; Budgets and Budgeting;

We are going to have to push separation of church and state harder.
There are traffic police.

With Pakistani Schools Under Fire, Renewed Outrage and Action

A recent attack on a female teacher at a girls’ school in Pakistan has revived calls for better security for educators and students. The teacher, Shahnaz Nazli, 41, was shot dead on her way to the school where she worked in the volatile tribal belt on the Afghan border.
Murders and Attempted Murders; School Shootings; Terrorism; Women and Girls; 

Radical Islam probably envisions a crusade as a prelude to final victory.

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